
Kazuki, the thunder and lightning God

A 15-year-old boy named Kazuki was a normal average boy until he one day discovered he had powers. he goes to become a superhero and discovers other people with powers as well. his whole world changed when he discovered powers existed.

ShadowwolfX · Sci-fi
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8 Chs

Kazuya part 2

"Uhhh...ok.... so your name is Kazuya, and you're here to help me with my lightning powers?" Kazuki asked.

"That is correct!" Kazuya replied.

"Ok. well, what do you mean exactly by "journey?"Kazuki asked.

"Well, your journey to become a hero, I heard. Well, my true goal is to make you a God, but I guess a God does cross the path of a hero. As long as you're a humble, kind, and non-evil God. Any more questions?" Kazuya replied.

"Um, ok. Well, I thought my dad was gonna teach me, " Kazuki replied.

"Oh, ha, I see. Well, I'm going to teach you how to use your powers. And your father will teach you about being a superhero. Both of us will teach you how to control and use your emotions. Get it?" Kazuya replied.

"Oh, ok. But I have one last question. What do you mean by "use your emotions" ?" Kazuki asked.

"Oh, well, that is a very great question!....but unfortunately I can't answer that without teaching you it. And I'm not gonna teach it to you just yet. It's very dangerous. Anyway, shall we get to training?" Kazuya replied.

"Um, no, that's all. we can start the training now," said Kazuki.

"Ok, so, you know how your powers work, right?" Kazuya asked. "Um, I know that when I breathe, electrons go in my body and flow through it. And apparently, I can control them, too. And somehow shape lightning itself. but that's all I know." Kazuki replied.

"Well, that is a good start, Kazuki. So I shall start off by teaching you how to just simply focus. I can watch you through your eyes, so I'm going to have you go play video games and NOT get distracted. how about you play Fortnite? it's very hard not to get distracted while playing that game. so, go on now, wake up." Kazuya said. Kazuki woke up to see his father standing there.

"Kazuki, did you feel the lightning?" Kazuki's father said.

"Um, kinda. I ran into a lightning spirit called "Kazuya." Do you know him?" Kazuki replied.

"Oh, right, Kazuya. yeah, he was my teacher. He taught me everything I know about lightning powers." Kazuki's father replied.

"Oh! ok. So he said he was gonna teach me how to use my lightning powers, too. He also said he was gonna teach me how to use my emotions, too. whatever that means." Kazuki said.

"Oh, ok, good, so how about you go to bed now and tomorrow after school we can practice more, huh?"Kazuki's father replied.

"Oh, ok, sure." Kazuki replied. Kazuki started walking away.

"Oh, wait, Kazuki!" Kazuki's father said. Kazuki stopped walking and turned around.

"Yes?" Kazuki asked.

"Just remember... don't tell anyone about your powers..." Kazuki's father replied.

"Yeah, I got it. Thanks, dad. goodnight." Kazuki replied.

"Goodnight, Kazuki." Kazuki's father said. Kazuki walked upstairs and said goodnight to his mother as well. He then went to his room and laid in his bed thinking about how hectic the day was, and then calmed dawn after. He then thought about how lucky he was to have powers and if there were anyone else with powers out there. He was starting to get really tired and started fantasizing about the girl he has a crush on and started to fall asleep.