
Kazuki, the thunder and lightning God

A 15-year-old boy named Kazuki was a normal average boy until he one day discovered he had powers. he goes to become a superhero and discovers other people with powers as well. his whole world changed when he discovered powers existed.

ShadowwolfX · Sci-fi
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8 Chs

Kazuki witnesses his father's ability

"Oh, ok, cool! So, what's the superhero code? And when do we start the training?" Kazuki asked impatiently.

"Well, it's an oath you have to take in order for me to train you...well without being considered a villain. it will also make you considered as a superhero. so are you ready to take it?" Kazuki's father replied while totally ignoring the other question Kazuki had asked.

"Yeah, I'm ready, dad!" Kazuki said with excitement and curiosity and a little bit of fear. "ok, good, now repeat after me... : I will not use my powers for evil."said Kazuki's father.

Kazuki repeated his father. "I will not use my powers unless it is necessary."

Said Kazuki's father. Kazuki repeated his father. "I will not tell anyone about my powers.

" Said Kazuki's father. "I will not te-.... wait, what?" Kazuki asked.

"What?" Kazuki's father replied. "Well, you said I can't tell anyone well. What about Kai?" Kazuki asked confusingly.

"Well, try not to tell him. for your sake and his. if someone figures out who you are or who you're close to, they might hurt them or you when you're not expecting it. so just try not to tell him. ok?" Kazuki's father said seriously and in a concerning tone.

"Ok, dad." Kazuki sighed. "Ok, good. now shall we get back to the oath?" Kazuki's father asked.

"Yes." Kazuki replied. "ok. now repeat after me again.... : I will not tell anyone about my powers unless necessary." Kazuki's father said.

Kazuki repeated to his father, "...and if I ever use my powers, I will hide my identity." Kazuki's father said.

Kazuki repeated his father. "Ok, good. and that's the superhero code." said Kazuki's father.

"Ok, cool." Kazuki replied. "So now, just simply follow those rules, and you'll be a superhero, Kazuki!" said Kazuki's father.

"Ok!" Kazuki replied. "Now what?" Kazuki asked.

"Oh, right! Now it's time for a little training. and then you shall go to bed for the night. because you have had quite a long and interesting day. after all, you do have school in the morning." Kazuki's father replied.

"Ok. What's first for the training?" Kazuki asked. "First up is a lightning technique. called 'lightning sword', it's a very useful technique. it can stab right through someone or even something like its butter. it's one of my favorite close-range techniques. It's amazing in battle. so, any questions?" Kazuki's father replied.

"Ok!" Kazuki replied in excitement. Suddenly, lightning starts forming around Kazuki's father. and it appears as if it is coming out of him.

"This is the lightning I absorbed from your lightning armor earlier, Kazuki. I'm controlling the lightning and turning it into a shape of my choosing. I'm gonna choose the shape of a sword, obviously since I'm doing a technique called lightning sword." said Kazuki's father. The lightning around Kazuki's father formed into the shape of a sword. and Kazuki's father was now standing in front of Kazuki's, holding a sword made completely of lightning. the lightning sword was sparking off lightning. because the lightning was clashing into each other.

"Uhhh, no. The only question I have is, how do you do it?" Kazuki replied. "hahaha! yeah ok smart ass. ok, now it's time to teach you how to do your first lightning style technique. 'lightning sword'." Kazuki's father replied and laughed.