
Kazuki, the thunder and lightning God

A 15-year-old boy named Kazuki was a normal average boy until he one day discovered he had powers. he goes to become a superhero and discovers other people with powers as well. his whole world changed when he discovered powers existed.

ShadowwolfX · Sci-fi
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8 Chs

Kazuki's base

When Kazuki woke up, he sat up and rubbed his eyes as he yawned. He then sat there for a moment, he then took his blanket off and stepped slowly out of bed. He changed his clothes. He then walked out of his room and downstairs to the kitchen to find his mom standing there cooking breakfast.

"Hey mom!" Kazuki said.

"Good Morning, Kazuki. Are you ready for breakfast?" Kazuki's mother asked.

"Yes!" Kazuki replied.

"Ok it'll be done in a few minutes." Kazuki's mother said.

"Ok! Thank you!" Kazuki said. A few minutes later Kazuki's mother brought a plate of breakfast to the dining table and placed it in front of Kazuki.

"Here you go, Kazuki." Kazuki's mother said.

"Thank you!" Kazuki said.

"You're welcome. Enjoy!" Kazuki's mother said. Kazuki ate his breakfast, and once he finished he stood up and brought his plate to the sink. His mother took his dishes and washed them for him. Kazuki walked to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. He walked to his front door then turned around to look at his mom.

"See ya later, mom!" Kazuki said out loud.

"See ya, honey!" Kazuki's mother replied. Kazuki opened the door and walked through it, shutting it behind him. He walked all the way to school, as usual. And once he entered the school building he looked around as he walked to find Kai, Kazuki's best friend. Kazuki saw Kai standing by his locker, Kazuki walked over to Kai and waved

"Hey!" Kazuki said.

"Hey! How's it going?" Kazuki said.

"Eh, it's going good. How are you?" Kazuki said.

"Ah, good. Well I'm doing fine." Kai said.

"So are you busy after school today?" Kazuki said.

"Nah, I'm free. What's up?" Kai said.

"You wanna go to our base later after school to talk about something?" Kazuki asked

"Um, yeah, sure." Kai replied.

"Ok meet you after school. See ya!" Kazuki said.

"Yeah, see ya!" Kai replied. They then walked to they're classes. After school they went to they're base which is an underground small base. They both enter the base and shut the door.

"Sooo, what did you wanna talk about, Kazuki?" Kai asks. Kazuki turns around.

"Well, I'm going to give it to you real quick and simple... I have lightning powers.." Kazuki said. Kai freezes and then laughs.

"Hahaha, I thought you were serious for a second. Hahaha." Kai said.

"I am serious..I can show you." Kazuki said.

"Um...Kazuki..You're serious..ok. show me." Kai said.

"Ok get ready." Kazuki said. Kazuki then puts his hand on his phone and closes his eyes and takes a couple deep breaths. Little sparks of lightning then come out of his phone. Kai freezes and looks shocked.

"S-so you're serious..." Kai says in shock.

"Yup" Kazuki says. He puts his phone away.

"So what are you gonna do with those powers?" Kai asks.

"Well, I'm going to be a superhero!" Kazuki says proudly. Kai, still remaining in shock, then says.

"Well, you'd sound crazy if I didn't see what I just saw." Kazuki sits down and looks at Kai dead in the eyes as he opens his mouth to speak.

"...you can't tell anyone." Kazuki says in a serious tone with a look on his face.

"I won't...I promise." Kai replied