
KAYTU-The Strange God

Although, she was a fearless lady, but the man in front of her was so terrifying! Marietta cowled up on the bed not knowing she was suppose to even pay her respect to him. "Have you come for your revenge?" Marietta asked timidly. "Not yet!" Kaytu replied expressionlessly. "You mean you're still gonna kill me later? Why don't you just do it now and let's get over with!" She retorted. "I like to take my time!" Kaytu's cold voice sounded calm, filled with terror. **** KAYTU is a god that rules over a prestigious clan (NADI) dominated by strange and powerful beings , he is known for the mysterious power he possess. KAYTU, mostly called "the strange god", married three goddesses betrothed to him by their fathers (TAHIRA, the first wife, PAISLEY, the second wife and LIMA, the third wife. And even though he never really understood love, Goddess paisley, his second wife, had grown to love him and accept his mysterious ways, not minding if Kaytu was just or not. Marrietta Jones was given a second chance in life and was assigned a mission to melt the cold heart of this mysterious God, which in turn poses a threat to her life and Kaytu's position. Kaytu was then left with either to save his Clan and position by killing the human who intruded their system or forgo the safety of his Clan and Save Marrieta, his beloved. **** Will Kaytu overcome all his troubles and chose love over his throne? Or he would rather fight for his position as king and kill his feelings? Find out in this intriguing Fantasy story as you read along.

Annabelle_Bukola · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: A Human in Nadi

Marrietta had just landed in Nadi, and right in the trade emporium proximate to the spot, Kaytu and Paisley both stood.

She couldn't recall what had transported her to where she was, but subconsciously she sensed that she had to be at such a place—yes! She must dwell in the royal premise!" She instantly harked back to that.

She peered around and spotted a charming man with a beautiful woman beside him. They appeared like super-beings. She didn't assume they could be real humans, as their appearance was more stunning. She spurted ahead to where they were standing and was even more amazed by the man's physical look, especially his face!

She halted right in front of him, gaping at him quizzically, and she abruptly made a bold move by raising her hand to feel his alluring face.

"Are you real? She questioned with a hazy gaze.

"My God!! You seem real! Wait! You got plastic surgery, didn't you?" Marrietta exclaimed, as all of her presumptions were that she was in the natural world, even though it was a different place.

When Marrietta discerned that the man's expression remained unperturbed and he made no riposte or movement, she spoke again as she glanced at the woman beside him, who was already boiling hot from rage.

"Is he a human robot? ... Actually, I was just mesmerised by its beauty. You have a very fascinating robot. I'm sorry I touched on it earlier. She said it simply, beaming innocently at the woman.

Noticing Paisley's glare, she repeated "Oh! You don't like people touching your robot? I'm sorry to be rude to you, but next time you should keep it at home lest other people think it's real. By the way, are you his sister? You actually look so beautiful and young. And Uhmm..."

"Samir! Lock her up! Marrietta suddenly heard the man speak, and she was astounded to hear his taciturn but soothing voice, which made her pause in her statement.

Samir,who had returned from the royal castle earlier, hastened up to Marrietta and chained her with the other five waterkinds that were previously left behind.

The Waterkinds' punishment was slavery in the royal residence due to their act of rebellion, and Kaytu, being apprehensive of the fact that they were threatened by Miguel,chose not to kill them.

He drained out their powers, and they could only be transported with a spell to the royal camp. This helped prevent Marrietta from being exposed to being a human at the moment, as no one knew if she could walk or run any faster like the Nadians, and she doesn't need to do any of that now; she would be transported with the waterkinds with a spell of Samir.

Marrietta, realising that she had been arrested, howled clamorously. She felt she had done nothing to warrant an arrest.

"So you could speak?! Were you pretending? … Damn!" She growled, not being aware of the actual identity of the man.

While bawling, Samir transported her and the others together with himself.

Kaytu already knew she was human, right after feeling her touch, which left him motionless in astonishment at coming into contact with a human that wasn't meant to occur. But he felt a strangeness in him; he couldn't fathom it yet. He wanted to gain knowledge of it before he would end her, which is why he had instructed her to be locked up. He vanished afterwards, leaving Paisley behind.

Paisley felt it was moronic of her not to have prevented such a lower class from laying her hand on Kaytu earlier—this lower class called her "his sister? Is this lady a Nadian? Paisley rummaged through her thoughts, but she soon brushed them off, as Marrietta didn't look too distinguished from them, especially with her dress and eyes. Riel could be awarded for that.

If anyone else is trying to contend for Kaytu with her, it won't be in this lifetime. She mused in her heart and vanished.


Kaytu just got back from the emporium and threaded in an uncurving direction to the prison area to check for the presence of the human lady who had roughly touched him earlier.

He gazed around and eventually found her in one of the prison sections with the waterkinds, whom he had ordered to be locked up.

Marrietta involuntarily glanced up and beheld Kaytu standing outside the prison ward in a placid manner but with a frosty expression on his endearing face.

"You're satisfied, aren't you? That's how you have to treat someone you see for the first time? Show your strength, right?" Marrietta quizzed in a pissed manner, giving Kaytu a hateful look.

Kaytu remained poised and said nothing to her; he ogled at her for a few seconds and then left, but he made sure not to vanish in an enigmatic way; he had his reasons.

"Damn it!" Marrietta swore in a low-pitched tone. The other waterkinds that witnessed the scene in horror felt pitiful for Marrietta. She just dug herself a deadly hole.

"Young goddess, haveyou never met His Majesty?" One of the waterkinds probed out of pity.

"What do you mean? Marietta responded with a question in a demented manner.

"It's our king you just spoke to!" The water spilled.

"The king?!" Marietta exclaimed in bafflement.

—I have just disregarded a king? She grilled inwardly. Though she didn't know how she got to the strange land, what the place was, or why everyone appeared a bit different, she knew the importance of a king in her former world and the power such an identity possesses.

—But how did she get here? All she knew was that she was supposed to be at that place; she was still a counselling student as of the day before, but now she'd become a prisoner in a foreign land! And she couldn't even comprehend why these people looked different from real humans. Are they Aliens? Could she have been transported to another planet? And why would they address her as a young goddess? Marrietta posed strings of questions in her head but couldn't find an answer to any of them.

The waterkind that had spoken to her earlier saw the confusion in her eyes and felt more sorry for her.

"Young goddess! I understand that not many people in the Nadi clan have seen His Majesty with their own eyes, especially the lower classes. Some only know him by his name. All the more reason you think he was just a godlord." The waterkind carefully elucidated, assuming he was indeed spot on.

—Godlord? Is she in the land of the gods? Are they demons? or witches?' Marietta kept on mulling over what she was being told without letting out a word.

"When the chief guard comes, it's best you plead with him to help put in a word to his majesty. If he can at least pardon you from being a slave just like us and at most seize your powers, that's better than you being killed!". The waterkind advised; seeing that she was not responding, probably out of fear, he assumed

—Gosh! She was so lame-brained to have felt that man was a robot earlier; her impatience would really end her this time! Marrietta scolded herself inwardly.

She lay down in an alcove and coiled herself up like a baby. she was exhausted from the previous struggle in the unfamiliar market. She shut her eyes to see if she could take a nap—even if she were to be slain, she needed to rest, she deduced.

"Work on royalgrounds!"

"But don't be reckless!"

"I willbe with you in spirit!"

The voice kept booming in her head—why don't I remember the second warning? She scolded herself again, shutting her eyes.

She still doesn't quite figure it out; the voice is clear and mellow in her head. She wondered if she'd been enchanted. After a while, she fell into a slumberous state, leaving the other waterkind to wonder what kind of goddess she was exactly! She seemed fearless!


"Your majesty! You called for me," said the invisible being.

"Mm! I need you to prepare a special cell for a prisoner who has just been brought in. Leave her at ease!" Kaytu ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty! But I have ordered Samir to share the rest of the male prisoner's uniform with the other prisoners before he left for the market today, and we are about making new ones." The voice explained.

"It's a she!" Kaytu replied firmly.

"A she?" The voice sounded bewildered.

"Mm! Is that a problem for you?" Kaytu's voice sounded menacing yet calm.

"No! no! no! Your Majesty! I will follow your orders."

—A female prisoner? It's really rare that this happens. What could this 'she' possibly have done to His Majesty, and why did he use the word 'it' when she was a creature? The invisible being pondered

"Why are you procrastinating on your mission?" Kaytu asked reclusively, knowing the invisible being was still present.

But the mysterious being didn't respond any longer, as he'd already left out of fright, understanding the warning behind Kaytu's question.
