
Kaynes manwha adventures

A battle maniac dies and reincarnates into a high school fighting manwha with wishes

FnaticOtaku · Book&Literature
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

Please read author notes on the end of chapter.


As the vehicle left the car park, I'm followed by two others, one in front and one behind, 4 body guards in both of those cars and two in the one in currently in.

It appears I really am in Korea, what with all of the Korean street signs. Nevertheless it only makes me realize how real this whole thing is.

I could treat this new life like a game something for me to play around with but I shouldn't. The choices I make could result in life or death.

As I contemplate on my situation the night life in this city is beautiful, even tho the sun is almost out of the horizon even more so with the building sand skyscrapers blocking it. The street is full of life.

I should mention that every thing here looks as if it were a manwha, so yeah it's really trippy but I've got time to get used to it.

I feel my stomach grumble, indicating my hunger. I call out to the man responsible for my safety, my head body guard, an ex-special forces. Not much is known about what unit he is in but from the memories I got from my wished background, he was recruited by my father as a sort of butler/Guardian/bodyguard.

I guess I've got my own Korean Alfred if I decide to become Batman here….. which isn't a bad idea considering the plot of fuckery this world probably has.

I mean I've already got the background, now just some training and experience and I'm good to go.

But I'll shelf that idea for some other time.

"Excuse me, Sung Jinwoo (🤠)".

He looks back at me, and he really does look like him. "Yes Master Leon".

'Damn if I was a fan girl rn I would be wet… but enough about that, I'm not gay'.

'No brain stop second guessing your sexuality you're gonna psych me out'.

"Could you maybe take me somewhere I could eat?" I asked him.

He smiles at me, "of course Master Leon, Shaun take us to one of of the young masters restaurant's".

'Huh, I mean should I even be surprised I own a restaurant'.

"Yes sir" Shaun the driver says, while Sung radios in the change of plans.

"It's a bit sudden Master Leon but the restaurant will make a table for you at their earliest convenient"

"It's alright Sung, and call me kayne, I've got too many honorific's I'm losing count".

He chuckles "Yes Master kayne".


With that we went on our way towards one of my establishments.

Upon arriving at the place I realized it was some place high profile.

What gave it away was the fact that there were paparazzis at the place well outside, taking pictures of the people inside the building.

I let out a groan which Sung quickly took note of.

"Would you like to change locations Master Kayne?"

"No it's alright we're here anyways, just lead the way, and do you have a mask I could use? Being recognized by being the son of Leon enterprises will definitely make those paparazzi cream themselves".

Sung and Shaun laugh at my little joke as he gives me a black disposable mask.

Putting it on I wait for him to open the door, common courtesy of being rich I guess, which I don't really mind, mc's who go out of their way to be too nice are just cucks anyways.

Getting out of the vehicle, the attention was drawn on me, but because they couldn't properly see my face they quickly lost interest but a few took a couple snap shots of me.

Entering the building a waiter was waiting for us.

Sung talked to him and he lead us to a secluded table in the VIP area.

Throughout the way there I could feel many gazes on me. Most of them are from influential people, those who are in the government, entertainment and some business CEO's.

Ignoring their stares I sat down on my table, the VIP area has some people in it but no one I found interesting enough to take note of.

I sat down and waited for my course to be given to me.


Suzie Yeonwa POV

Image here.

(I need help coming up with names, most of the time I feel racist, help).

'I can't believe my parents are making me go out on a date with no say if I wanted to go or not'.

'I just turned 17 and since I've never had any interest in boys my age or above my family has decided to set me up with some rich companies Chairman's Son'.

'I would have been fine with it, doubting that I would even take interest in the guy which I had no intention of doing'.

'But if only it were that simple, right now he is going out of his way to show off, flaunting his families wealth, disrespecting waiters and his lustful gaze on me'.

'Never have I felt more disgusted than I have now, I mean sure I'm a girl but not every girl wasn't the same thing, most of the time I'm not sure what I want but not this'.

I sat there in silence eating my dinner hoping for time to pass quickly while the idiot in front of me keeps going on to tell me about how he beat up some "loser" for bumping into him at school.

Oh yeah what makes matters worse is that this peanut brained idiot goes to the same school as me.

While I ate my food a sudden silence over took the restaurant. Which was odd, Hell's Kitchen (🤠I'm definitely gonna get copyrighted). Was always busy and loud, it's popular with high society because of the famous chef Rordon Gamsey (very original I know, big brain time).

But soon everything returned to normal, and I could hear most of the guest talk about a person entering the restaurant, something about his eyes, and that he's got a full team of security guards.

And then I saw him.

Tall, pale and black hair, nothing about him interested me except for his eyes, he hasn't seen me yet or made eye contact, but his eyes.

If looks could kill his eyes would, I shuddered in my seat.

"Uh, Suzie? Did you hear the part of where I said "you are courting death?" To that commoner trash".

Peanut brain said, snapping my attention back to him.

"What?" I ask him which only seems to make him frown as he looks in the direction of where I was looking at before.

'Uh oh' I thought as his gaze wanders around until it lands onto the stranger sitting in a booth across the room from us, his expression darkens.


Peanut brain's POV

I am the young master of peng leng pharmaceuticals.

On top of being the riches and most attractive bachelor in all of Korea.

Don't believe me? Just ask all the girls I've slept with if they called me back, but what can you expect from them, they don't have better phone service than me so no wonder their calls can't reach me, even when I do call them it goes to voicemail.

(I'm shitting on this guy a lot mostly for my amusement and also yours, will definitely update this chapter a lot once I find more ways to make this character a joke)

Anyways enough about that, right now I'm on a date with Suzie Yeonwa the goddess of our high school, not only is she smart and beautiful, she's also got the nicest rack and plump ass I've ever seen. Except for mothers, she always shows them to me. (Alabama)

I'm pretty sure she wants me, I can see it in her eyes, she barely looks at me because of how shy and engrossed she is with me.

Hehe, I'm gonna bag her and bang her.

While I was telling her my recent exploits on flexing on the commoner scrubs, her attention changes from being shy with me to staring at something behind me.

I snap her out of it, cause she's missing the pest part of my go to line.

But she seems distracted, so I decide to see what she's looking at, maybe she's seeing my amazing aura. But when I looked behind me I saw a tall young man, pale skin surrounded by body guards, he seems fit not as fit as me though.

But what set me off was that he was in the VIP lounge especially for the platinum card VIP booth, that no one I mean no one has ever sat it, I begged father to get it for me but he said no, and mother said she would "talk" with the restaurant manager but she came home a mess, her clothes ripped and lipstick smudged, she gave me a kiss on my lips of course I accepted cause she's mother. But her lips were sticky and slippery and tasted weird. (I hated writing this, ugh I feel disgusting, but hey cucked an incested young master, ultimate ntr in my opinion).

'Who was this low trash that could think he could sit where I should be sitting, I get up but Suzie tries to stop me.

My heart flutters, she's worried about me but fear not, I'll show the guy who owns this place.

As I begin to walk over to his table his body guards stop me.

"What's the meaning of this?!!" I yell, don't touch me you ingrate, do you know who I am??!!, and you" I pointed to the guy who isn't even paying attention to me.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you commoner, I can over here to switch tables with me, this is the VIP platinum booth, which should be mine and you have it so get out and give it to me now" I said making an angry face, oh yeah if this doesn't scare you my daddy's lawyers will.


Kayne POV

'I don't know whether to laugh, cry or both when the most blatant and poor excuse of a early plot antagonist came up to my table and demanded that I give it to him'.

Having my appetite ruined and by bloodlust rising, and itching for a fight I calmly reply to him.

"Suck a dick, choke, and die on it then I'll I've it to you". I replied.

From the look on his messed up face I could tell he was pissed.

'If their this easy to piss of I might have to watch my language, but where's the fun in that?'.

"What do you just say?!!!, you fool do you not know who I am? Who my father is? Apologize and grovel at my feet right now because you are counting death!!!"

That's when I lost it, I began to chuckle, then cackle.

My laugh creeped him out even my 4 body guards and sung, the people around me grew nervous.

After a solid minute of laughing I turn to him finally looking him in the eye with my creepy dead gaze.

He gasps and takes a few steps back.

I smile at him as I stand up, my body guards have been trained well, they know he doesn't pose a threat so they haven't immediately knocked his teeth out.

I stand up to face him, me being tall was even more intimidating l, as I towered over him.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you the first time, I thought I heard a little bitch throwing a tantrum but turns out it was a man child that haven't got their diaper changed" I say to him getting closer to him. "Can you repeat that?"

He gulps and tries to say something.

But the battle maniac I am, despite knowing he won't put up much of a fight still decided on fucking up this guys day.

As he was just about to say his first syllable I slap him across his face, his right cheek already red and marked with my hand print.

He stares at me in shock and awe.

And so did everyone in the room.

"I'm gonna say it again… care to repeat what you said?"


Chapter 3 and wrote this just after chapter 2 kinda longer than the last two.

And if you're curious about the references I've made please note that this is a manwha fan fiction so I'll be putting in cameos and mentions of other manwhas in here.

Again power stones please so more people find this and I get more motivated to write chapters or not this is for free anyways and will just update it here and there.

And I know kinda forced with the arrogant young master but I decided this was gonna be fast paced. But still room for character development.

and lemon scenes??? I could give it a try and will probably have one by chapter 10 give or take a chapter.