
Katana Hiromi: A My Hero Academia Story

Katana Hiromi is at the USJ incident. She doesn’t remember what happened when she wakes up. Will she be able to gain the trust of everyone at UA Highschool

Onelastscout · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

To the training camp

Kat was really tired. She stayed up late training because she wanted to be prepared for the trip. She was barely functioning. When they got on the bus she was sitting next to Bakugo who was sitting next to the aisle. Kat accidentally fell asleep and didn't realize she was asleep till she woke up. She snapped back to reality and realized her head was resting on Bakugos shoulder. He pretended like he didn't notice and she gave a small smile to herself as she went back to sleep. When she woke up again they were at a stop. She got down and stretched a little. The wild wild pussycats came in a car and there was a kid. Kat could tell the kid looked upset at them but she didn't think much of it.

"The camp is over there… if you hurry you might arrive before noon."

What? Oh no. Kat was too tired for this. Her classmates rushed to get back onto the bus but she knew there was no point. She activated her shield as the floor below all of them gave way. When they got to the ground she felt the floor rumble. She realized there were most likely obstacles and she didn't want to deal with those. She turned to her classmates and said

"You guys have fun. I'm going straight to camp."


Denki and Mineta screamed before she left through a kind of wind portal. Ironically she had accidentally copied a teleportation quirk that morning. The only side effect was she would be even more tired then she was. She got to the camp and basically passed out. When she woke up she was surrounded by mud monsters and it was sun down. She sighed and got up from the floor. She knew where her classmates probably were so she started running towards there to get the monsters to chase her. Once she saw them she yelled out.

"Hey guys!"

Her classmates looked at the monsters in alarm and she kept running. If her plan was going to work she would need a favor.

"Todoroki make a semi circle for me with your ice! Make sure it's taller then these things!"

Todoroki nodded and did as she said. Kat then used Iidas quirk for the first time, growing the same engines he had and ran around the semi circle till she was in the air. Boy, was she happy she was wearing shorts. She pushed her wrists together and activated both Todoroki and Bakugo's quirk, instantly destroying the monsters. Once she landed she deactivated Iidas quirk causing the engines she grew to go back to wherever they came from. The teachers saw this happen and the women who made the monsters looked excited.

"Ooouuu that was so cool! I already know I want to mentor you five."

She pointed to Kat, Todoroki, Iida, Bakugo, and Midoriya. Kat saw the boy again and wondered what he was doing there. Midoriya went up to the boy and got punched somewhere that wouldn't be a pleasant place to get punched in. Bakugo smiled and Todoroki mentioned how they were similar. Kat didn't really care. She just knew she was hungry. When they all got to the lunchroom there was a bunch of food. Kat ate two bowls of food and chatted with Kirishima. She heard Momo mention how her quirk used body lipids to make stuff and Kat guessed as much. She grabbed her phone and wrote it down. Everytime she learns something about her classmates' quirks she tries her best to remember. It could be useful in the future. Kat finished her bath before the rest of the girls and one of the pussycats asked her if she could go on the wall to make sure nothing bad happened. How annoying. She just wanted to sleep.


Kat recognized the voice as Minetas. She was next to Koda and he was already leaning over the top as Mineta reached it.

"Before you become a hero, try to become a better person first."

As Mineta fell Kats first thought was that it was a long fall. Kat looked over the edge to make sure he was alright and didn't really think where she was looking. She saw all the guys. Naked. The boys saw her and Denki said

"Thanks for bringing Mineta back to us Kat!"

Kats entire face became hot and she got a nosebleed. She fell forward at the same time Kota did. She passed out and woke up with tissues in her nose. She got up and saw Bakugo and Todoroki wearing their towels. Kat immediately felt hot gain.

"Hey eyepatch, you awake? Your dumbass passed out and fell off the wall."

"Bakugo and I were able to catch you in time. The nurse said it was because of sleep deprivation."

Kat was trying not to make eye contact with either of the boys in front of her.

"Yea makes sense. I was up late training and didn't get much sleep. Thank you for catching me."

Bakugo scoffed and walked out. Todoroki watched him leave and turned back to Kat. Kat hadn't really talked to him since the sports festival. She noticed he had gotten close to Midoriya.

"Todoroki… I wanted to apologize again for breaking your arm at the festival."

"It's fine."

Wow this was awkward. Kat didn't know what to say. The way she found out about his past was terrible and she felt bad. After the festival when she told Color Wheel about her tactics she was scolded.


"KAT. That's probably the worst way you could've gone about that."

"How else would I have gotten him to open up to me? "

"You could've tried to be his friend and slowly gotten him to open up. UGH, you probably scarred the poor boy. I asked you to try and make him your friend since you both are closed off. NOT FORCE HIM TO TELL HIS PAST."

"Oh… I'm sorry."

"No no. It's my fault. I should've helped you out more. Just… whenever you get the chance please apologize and try to be his friend. Ok?"


(Flashback over.)

Remembering the conversation, Kat wasn't sure how to be his friend. Luckily, Todoroki spoke before Kat could.

"At the RBJ. You were able to use both sides at the same time with my my quirk. I can't do that yet. Can you… teach me sometime?"

Kat's face started to heat up for the third time that night. She was happy. It didn't seem Todoroki held a grudge against her. She smiled at Todoroki and held up a thumbs up.

"Yes of course. I guess that would make us friends... right, Todoroki?"

"I guess so Kat."

Todoroki showed a small smile and gave a little nod. He walked out and Kat fell back into the couch. She figured she would have to get to the bedroom quarters soon. She thought for a second on how she was able to gain a friend.

"Kiara… are you proud of me?"

(On top of the cliff)

Tsui sat on the edge. The plan was supposed to take place in two days. She liked the view though. It was pretty. Tsui usually would think ahead and make sure she had backups to everything that could go wrong. But in that moment she could just feel herself let go of her thoughts. She was just someone who enjoyed the view. Someone who liked the view. Someone who just admired the stars.