
Katana Hiromi: A My Hero Academia Story

Katana Hiromi is at the USJ incident. She doesn’t remember what happened when she wakes up. Will she be able to gain the trust of everyone at UA Highschool

Onelastscout · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Second in command

The league had to change bases a lot after the Kamino ward incident. They had been looking for bases and couldn't stay in one place for too long. Tsui was able to find a nice abandoned mansion that she let the league stay in. When they all got there Tsui met them at the door.

"Hey! So I found these really sweet people who let me use their house. Find your own rooms and let's have fun together!"

"You're pretty chirpy for someone who just lost their dad and sister."

Tsui looked at Dabi with her smile never fading. She walked up to him and leaned in.

"I'm sorry if my cheerfulness bothers you. I just can't help myself."

Dabi scoffed and went up the stairs. Toga gave Tsui a big hug before following. Twice, Compress, Kurogiri, Magne, and Spinner went after her. Soon it was Shigaraki, Venom, and Tsui left. Shigaraki walked up to Tsui while Venom went looking around the room.

"So how'd you get this place?"

"I asked the owners very nicely!"

Venom scoffed after overhearing that statement.

"We both know that's a damn lie you dumbass."

"Why are you so mean to me Venom?"

Tsui faked pouted and Venom rolled her eyes. She went to find a room and left Shigaraki and Tsui alone. Shigaraki took the handoff on his face as Tsui waited for him to speak.

"What plan?"

"What do you mean?"

Shigaraki glared at Tsui and grabbed her neck with four fingers. Tsui kept smiling as she looked Shigaraki in the eyes.

"Before you went into the portal you told my master to follow your plan. Did you plan for him to get captured?"

"All the plans I make always come out how I plan. There was only one way that fight would've ended. Plus you forget he's my dad. I've known you since childhood Tomura. Stop acting like we're strangers."

Shigaraki took his hand off her neck. He was pissed but he couldn't stay mad at her. He walked past her and went upstairs. Tsui gave him a bigger smile when he looked back down. He had just threatened to kill her and she didn't resent him. How annoying. He went to find a room as Tsui went to the kitchen.

(A couple of weeks at the mansion)

Tsui was always gone. The rest of the league had nothing to do so they stayed at the house. Tsui, on the other hand, was always out. They never had to restock on groceries because the fridge was refilled every night but they never saw her. What could she be doing? One day for the first time in weeks Tsui was home. Twice, Compress, Magne, Toga, and Spinner were running an errand for Shigaraki. Dabi met Tsui in the kitchen. She was pouring herself juice and was making some eggs. She was wearing an old shirt and was out of her usual costume. Her bright pink curly hair in a tangled mess on her back.

"Oh hey Dabi! I made some extras! You can have the plate on the table."

Dabi didn't respond. He grabbed the milk carton and poured a glass. They sat at the table and ate in silence on opposite sides. Shigaraki walked in and grabbed a plate. He sat right in the middle of them. Dabi kept glaring at Tsui while she happily ate her eggs. He finally spoke up about it after it seemed like she wouldn't notice.

"Yo boss… why is she second in command? She's weaker than the lizard. "

Shigaraki looked up. He didn't say anything. Venom came into the room yawning. Her mask never came off. The league could only see her bright orange afro. It illuminated her darker skin and it was almost always tied up.

" Does she even have a quirk?"

Tsui finished her eggs and smiled at Dabi. She didn't say anything and her facial expression never changed but Dabi could feel her murderous intent. He couldn't tell if he was imagining it or not but something felt off when he was looking at her. He was about to use his quirk but was interrupted by Twice running into the room in a panic. Magne soon followed.

"TOGA WAS KIDNAPPED she's right here."

Compress came in and told the group about what happened. They were supposed to steal a shipment of money but the guys guarding it caught Toga. Spinner came in and leaned on the door frame. No one spoke while Shigaraki thought about what to do. Tsui beat him by speaking first though.

"Oh well, I'll just go get her. No biggy. Venom come on."'


Tsui stopped. She looked at Shigaraki with a confused face. She was still smiling though but her eyebrows furrowed.

"Venom is with me. I have stuff to do. Everyone else goes with Tsui. You might learn something."

Shigaraki got up and left while Venom followed. She looked over her head and saw a pissed-off Dabi. It was obvious he was annoyed but said nothing out of curiosity.

"Why make them all go with her? You know damn well I'm strong enough to help her. Or maybe she doesn't even need help."

"Dabi wouldn't stop pestering me about her being weak. Maybe she'll show why she's important. Get ready and let's go."

(Same day at nighttime.)

They got to where the men were holding Toga. Spinner, Magne Twice, Dabi, and Compress followed Tsui as she skipped to a blind spot. Yes, skipped. She reminded them of All Might because she never stopped freaking smiling. It was exhausting. When they got to the warehouse they peeked inside and saw Toga tied up on the floor. She looked mostly unharmed. They huddled up.

"So what now great leader?"

It was obvious Dabi was being sarcastic. Tsui beamed and said.

"You guys stay here and do not come in unless I signal you too. I'll ask them nicely to let her go."

They all did a double-take. Did she just say she'd ask nicely? There's no way that would work. Before they could stop her she walked into the warehouse and all the men stopped what they were doing. One of them grabbed Toga and put a knife to her neck and walked to the front of the group.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

"Hi! I'm here to ask for my friend back! She's one of the only people I can talk to in the league. Plus I owe her my blood."

The guys looked confused. She was so nice but they could feel she was dangerous. Or they've seen her before. She walked up to them very slowly. One of the guys recognized her and spoke.

"That's Vision! She's from the league of villains. I heard rumors she doesn't have a quirk and she's never killed, anyone! She's just Shigaraki's arm candy."

The guy holding Toga chuckled and put the knife closer to her neck. Toga tried to recoil but he held her in place. Compress was about to intervene.

"She said to wait for the signal. It felt more like a threat than a request. Don't interfere."

Spinner said, trying to stop him.

"If she doesn't have a quirk that's a death sentence."- Compress

"Then she dug her own grave. Let's see what happens."- Dabi

Compress stopped and they all continued watching. The man had a grin on his face. Tsui continued walking toward the man slowly.

"It's true. I've never actually killed anyone. That's funn-"

The man holding Toga laughed, interrupting Tsui.

"What a pathetic woman. Do we seem like the type to have a nice conversation with? Maybe if you beg me, we could have some fun and I'll let you-"

When Tsui finally reached the man she grabbed something in her shoe and pointed it at the man's head. It was a pistol. Before he could finish and process what was happening she grabbed Togas's wrist, pulled her behind her, and shot the man point-blank in the head. All this and she still looked happy.

"Why does no one ever let me finish? Just because I haven't killed anyone doesn't mean I was the cause for their death."

All the men were frozen in shock. As they did nothing Tsui pulled a second pistol from behind her back. The train on her suit covered it so no one saw it. She took both pistols and started firing off and killing each of the men in the warehouse. They screamed in agony but she kept going. Tsui looked behind her to check on Toga and shouted.


Toga just nodded her head and watched in amazement. By the time Tsui ran out of clips about 70% of the men in the warehouse were dead. She put her pistols back where they came from.


The men started charging, knives in hand, while Tsui just kept her smile. She looked up and all the men stopped in their tracks. They looked terrified. They ran away from nothing and started stabbing the air. Toga was confused and looked at Tsui. She saw Tsui with a murderous grin and that sent chills down her spine. Nothing shook the girl but that smile would haunt her nightmares. Even if they were on the same team. The men were screaming in fear but the league couldn't see anything.


The men kept screaming, running, and stabbing nothing. Soon enough they started taking their own lives. One by one. They took their knives and ended it all. There was one man left. The one that said Tsui was quirkless. He was covered in the blood of his deceased comrades. Tsui walked towards him, knelt to his level, and cupped his cheek. She gave a warm smile as she spoke.

" You were right. I never killed anyone. I just drove them to the point where they wanted to kill themselves with my quirk. Huh. Guess that doesn't count, does it? If it did then I'd have thousands of kills in my belt!"

She giggled at the thought. She giggled.

"Anyway… now you can tell everyone I'm not quirkless! I just hate misinformation!"

The man was still shaking. He slowly grabbed the knife behind him and tried to stab Tsui in the head. Tsui already noticed and grabbed his arm without flinching. She squeezed it hard enough that the knife dropped out his hands and she picked it up. The man yelped at her strange strength.

"Awh. I was hoping we might end up being friends. Oh well."

She thrust the knife into his neck as he bled out. She pulled out the knife and walked back over to Toga. She cut her free.

"Hey Toga! I hope they didn't hurt you."

"No, I'm fine."

Toga wasn't sure what to say to her. She was kind of scared. The rest of the league was speechless. They watched Tsui walk up to them with Toga behind her. She smiled at them. The blood splatter on her face made it terrifying.

"Thank you guys for joining me! Guess I didn't need your help after all!"

No one answered. Tsui looked confused. Then she had a look of realization on her face and started laughing.

"HAHAHA. Now I know why Shigaraki sent you guys here. I forgot I didn't tell you all my quirk. My quirks are deep mind and hallucinations

Deep mind allows me to see someone's biggest regret, greatest fear, greatest desire, and worst memory after looking into their eyes. Hallucinations allow me to create visions for people as long as I can remember their eye color. However, I can feel all of the emotions of the person experiencing the hallucination."

"WOAH. You're so strong!"

Toga was the first to respond. She seemed genuinely impressed by Tsui's quirk. She must have shaken off the fear from earlier.

"Wait does that mean you felt all the emotions of the people in there?"- Magne

"Yep! Every single one."

Tsui beamed at her. Magne didn't know how to take it. All those emotions. All that fear. To feel that and still smile. It was remarkable. Spinner drove them all back to the mansion and they met Shigaraki and Venom there. Venom was on the couch eating spicy shrimp. Tsui took off her thigh strap the held a couple of knives and threw it at Venom.


"Where's Shigaraki? What did you guys do?"


Tsui sighed and went upstairs. She went to her room and saw Shigaraki sleeping in her bed. She wanted to kick him out but it would've been too much work. That's when she thought.

"There's no way he'd sleep here willingly."

She searched his body and saw a wound on his stomach. It was a knife wound. There was a scratch wound on his neck also. She called for Venom but was ignored. She remembered Venom's eye color and made her see her worst fear. She heard Venom scream. It wasn't out of fear but sadness. She felt how sad the villain was in her heart. It was the feeling she would feel whenever she thought Shigaraki was hurt. Whenever she saw Kat hurt on TV. The feeling of your loved one slipping away from you. Tsui kept her original smile through it all and heard stomping on the stairs. Venom stood in the door frame, fists clenched. Even with the mask covering her eyes Tsui could tell she was glaring.

"Never use your fucking quirk on me again. Unless you want to feel fire through your blood."

"Venom! Darling, how did Tenko get stabbed? Is he ok?"

Venom rolled her eyes.

"Went to recruit people. He wasn't paying attention, got stabbed, the knife was poisoned and I healed him before it did too much damage. If it was anyone else with him he would've died. My poison is destroying the other one. He must have passed out because it's overwhelming. I didn't have time so I just knocked out the new recruits. Assholes."

Quirk: Poison. The user can create any type of poison which attaches to her DNA. When someone gets a piece of the poisoned DNA into their body, it spreads through all their systems, fully affecting them in under 30 seconds. The weight and body type may be a factor but usually isn't.

Tsui nodded. Venom walked away still highly annoyed. As she heard the stomps back stairs she sighed happily. She was just glad they were alive. It had been a while since she's had people die in front of her and she loved the rush. The only issue is that she knew Kat wouldn't be happy. That's why she tried to not hurt as many people lately. Oh well. She'll figure something out. She looked at Shigaraki. He seemed peaceful. Even though upon waking he would be in a lot of pain. He looked peaceful.

"How adorable."

She said to herself. She got up and covered him with blankets. She grabbed a couple of pillows and set up a small bed on the floor next to him. She got comfortable and started dreaming. Started dreaming of how they could've been a happy family with her and her two sisters playing together. She dreamt of what could've happened if she was taken with Kat. If she never gave in to her desires. She wished to go back. To change what happened. To fix what was broken. But one could only wish. Villains aren't supposed to be happy. Kat sighed and just kept her smile. Her smile stayed on her face even as she drifted off to sleep. Even as a tear rolled down her cheek.