
Katana Hiromi: A My Hero Academia Story

Katana Hiromi is at the USJ incident. She doesn’t remember what happened when she wakes up. Will she be able to gain the trust of everyone at UA Highschool

Onelastscout · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Final exams part 2

The first hero's Kat had to get by were Cementos, Thirteen, Snipe, and Ectoplasm. Kat put her plan into motion and walked toward the group.

"Giving up already? Not really hero material."

As Ectoplasm said that all the pro heroes attacked Kat. As their attacks hit Kat melted away and the heroes looked surprised. She appeared behind Thirteen first and before Thirteen could fully turn around Kat knocked her out. Ectoplasm activated his quirk and a bunch of clones went to attack her. Kat smirked and then there was a cloud of air. It was as if she planned out their every movement. The clones were getting taken out on by one but they couldn't see where she was. When the fog cleared Ectoplasm and Cementos were on the ground. Kat's position was revealed and Snipe was able to shoot her in the thigh. Kat couldn't dodge that and it obviously wasn't in her plan. She activated the fog again and knocked out snipe. She tied them all up as she stopped the bleeding in her leg.

"Damn. I didn't realize the fog was fading. I'm going to be much slower now."

Kat said to herself. In the observation room, Midoriya and Bakugo watched. They still couldn't tell what her quirk was. Recovery girl spoke up since they were both dead silent.

"Kat is a special case. Have you been able to tell her quirk? Has she told you?"

"No… she hasn't. She barely even uses it in a fight. When she does it's still unclear. I think it might be an illusion quirk of some type."

Recovery girl chuckled at Midoriya's analysis.

"Well if she hasn't told you yet she will eventually. Just pay close attention to this fight. You might be able to learn something."

Midoriya looks at Bakugo who is looking at the screen. He had an interested look on his face and was watching very closely. Kat was making her way to the next part of her plan. She was thinking of who would be at the next place. She thought it would be Midnight, Aizawa and Present Mic. When she arrived it turned out she was right. She figured it out by the way they worked well together. Midnight wouldn't use her quirk unless it was a last ditch option and with Aizawa there she might have to fight without her quirk. That would be a major pain in the ass.

"Come out kid. We won't bite."

Kat activated the fog once again and since Aizawa couldn't tell where she was he couldn't stop it. Before Kat revealed her location she put in air muffs. She then took out Aizawa as the fog faded away. When Present Mic found her location he used his quirk. Thanks to the air muffs it wasn't as loud. She activated the fog and took out Midnight right before sneaking behind Present Mic and knocking him out. Since she did a lot of swift movements she started bleeding through the cloth she used.

"The teachers are way stronger than I thought. If this keeps up at this pace I might pass out from blood loss."

Midoriya and Bakugo looked surprised. Kat had taken out 6 pro heroes and made it seem like easy work. The last area where Kat was supposed to go was guarded by one last teacher. All Might. She would have the most trouble getting past him to pass. She only had 10 more minutes of her test.

"There's no way she can beat All Might that easily. He's the number one hero. She's going to have a lot of trouble plus she's injured."

"Well you might be underestimating her. There is a reason Kat has to fight all these heroes and it's to challenge her a little bit."

"Just how strong is she?"

Recovering girl looks over at Midoriya and smiles but doesn't say anything. Bakugo speaks up for the first time in the entirety that they were watching.

"No matter how strong she is, I won't let eyepatch beat me. The same goes for you, you damn deku."

Midoriya changes his gaze from Bakugo to the screens. He wanted to watch closely and see if he could tell what Kat's quirk is. Kat was hiding behind a building trying to think of a way to end the fight quickly. If she didn't she would surely pass out and fail the exam. She got an idea. It might be a bad one but it was an idea. She walked out to face All Might and everyone wasn't expecting it. All Might hesitated.

"Facing me head on? Might not be the brightest idea."

"Well my other choice was to turn tail and that wouldn't work. You'd just catch up to me. So this was the better idea."

All Might rushed her and aimed for Kats neck. Kat knew he would so she used his recklessness to her advantage. When All Might was close enough she hit him in the spot of his stomach where he had his injury from the AFO fight. She hit him with all her might and he coughed up blood. He hadn't fully recovered from his fight with Bakugo and Midoriya. Kat could tell. All Might backed up and was holding his stomach in pain. He looked and Kat and she had an evil look on her face. A sadistic smile and that look gave Bakugo, Midoriya, All Might and even recovery girl chills. She walked toward All Might who could barely raise his fist.

"I've gotten stronger."

She said as she walked by. She made it to the exit and the voice on the speaker announced

"Katana Hiromi has passed her exam!"

As soon as those words were said Kat passed out. Her eyepatch fell off right before she hit the ground. No one saw what was behind it though.

"Oh no. That girl. Always going too far. You two should head home. I will take care of all the injured."

Bakugo scoffed and walked away while Midoriya stayed and looked worried. Recovery girl assured him it would be alright and he went home. All Might was struggling to keep his strong form. Once everything was cleaned up, all the heroes had to get a little treatment. Kat was passed out from blood loss and All Might was coughing up blood. The heroes were discussing some matters. Someone brought up Kats exam and the room went silent.

"She truly was impressive. She beat us so easily. Even when her plan didn't go her way she was able to adjust accordingly."

Aizawa spoke out. As he said it he helped recovery girl carry some heavy materials

"I know. I feel like we looked really weak out there."

Present mic said as he sat down.

"She even got All Might by pinpointing his weakness and using it to her advantage. It's remarkable."

The teacher praises her as Kat is passed out.

(The next day)

When Kat woke up she saw Aizawa by her bedside.

"Did I go overboard again?"

"Yes. But it's fine. You passed. Do you think you can make it to class?"

"Yea I'm fine. I don't want my classmates to worry about me."

Kat got up and followed Aizawa to class. She heard the others complaining about not being able to go to the summer camp but she didn't really care either way. She sat in her seat and fell asleep as Aizawa started talking. The exam took more out of her then she expected. She just needed… a little… rest.