
Katakuri of Fairy Tail

Our MC Katakuri is born in Rosemary village (Erza's village) as an orphan, he eventually finds himself in Fairy Tail

Cainmiddy ¡ Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Leaving the Village

Walking out towards the ruined village, various corpses littered the floor.

The few villagers that could be seen were searching for survivors and stared at Katakuri's blood-soaked figure in horror causing Erza to pout angrily.

"Brother Katakuri, you helped save them, why are they so ungrateful!"

"Erza, let's help search for survivors," Katakuri said solemnly ignoring her outburst as his eyes flashed crimson searching for fluctuations nearby.

Katakuri looked at the village, his home that had been ruined with vague anger hung on his face as he walked towards a collapsed building to search for a survivor.

Erza trotted behind him slowly, still holding onto his hand as if it was the most important thing in the world.

Katakuri's eyes gleamed as he slowly let go of Erza's hand, petting her head reassuringly as he began to dig through the rubble.

*Cough* *cough*

Under the last of the rocks, two small figures appeared, Simon and Kagura, two of Erza's friends. Alongside them was a black-robed man whose lower body was crushed leaving only the upper body.

Lifting them out of the rubble Katakuri stared solemnly at the corpse on the ground.

"Are you alright?" He exhaled with faint relief towards the two survivors.

"Th-thank you" Kagura responded kindly as Simon stared at Katakuri vigilantly causing him to sigh.

"Kagura!" Erza ran up and hugged the purple-haired girl with joy as Kagura sank into the hug with a relieved smile on her face.

"Brother Katakuri isn't a bad guy!" Erza pouted towards Simon who still looked at Katakuri with an unrelenting guard.

"There are enemies!" Katakuri suddenly shouted, startling the trio.

As he said that, 15 black-cloaked figures walked down the street staring at them with malicious yet guarded grins.

"I'll deal with this, you three hide." Katakuri calmly commanded as he approached the hoard of dark magicians with a grim expression.

Erza, Simon, and Kagura stepped back hiding under some of the rubble of the collapsed building with frightened expressions as they poked their heads out.

Suddenly, 15 magical arrays of various elements appeared in front of the Magicians and blasted towards Katakuri whose eyes shone a thick crimson luster.

Running madly towards them like a barbarian, Katakuri ducked under a fireball aimed towards his head as he continued to approach.

"Kill him!"

A burly figure said as he shot out a fireball which Katakuri narrowly avoided.

Now only 10 feet away from the perpetrators Katakuri began to fire jellybeans rapidly out towards several of the figures who had already begun to recharge their magic ready for another volley.


Blood splattered all over the floor as he hit his mark causing 4 of the figures to fall.

"Bastard!" The burly figure cursed as he fired an earth spike towards Katakuri who leaped to the side causing it to just barely scrape his scarf scattering white fluff into the air.

Getting his bearings, he fired off another 4 jellybeans, two of which were narrowly avoided by the mages in the back, the other two however hit their mark piercing the heads of two others.

Katakuri continued to run forward like a bulldozer.

3 feet left, he stretched out his arms as the Black-robed magicians took out weapons as their magic would be too slow and dangerous to use at close range due to their poor control of it.

9 figures, 9 swords rushed towards a blood-stained figure with a red scarf.

"DIE!" Almost hysterical the burly figure swung his sword towards Katakuri's head which tilted to the side to narrowly avoid the blade as his fist followed soon after bashing the burly figure's skull in.

Using his feet Katakuri kicked sliding backward to avoid the remaining strikes firing two jellybeans with each hand to eliminate two more.

Katakuri rushed forwards as the black-robed figures were off-balanced due to their original strike and threw a punch at the nearest figure's chest who tried to dodge back.

Due to his disorientation, however, he barely managed to retreat before his chest was caved in with a furious blow from Katakuri.

Now with their bearings, a figure tried to slash from his blind-spot however, Katakuri as if he had eyes on the back of his head easily ducked under the sword and swung his hips throwing his entire body into another devastating punch blasting a hole in the man's chest.

"Monster!" One of the last four figures screeched as he ran away, dropping his weapon and causing his companions to look at each other in brief confusion.

Two more jellybeans pierced through the air in the confusion taking out two who were distracted due to their companion's fleeing.

When the remaining figure turned around Katakuri's fist was already in front of his eyes which widened in fear before it all went black.

Katakuri's eyes flashed a deep crimson as he picked up another jellybean before flicking it causing a large boom as it split apart the air.

Panting slightly the remaining figure looked back as his every instinct was screaming danger. Turning around all he saw was Katakuri's fierce face before the jellybean pierced his forehead causing him to slump down awkwardly on his legs.

"Hm, scum," Katakuri said indifferently looking at the folded corpses in front of him.

Erza peeking her head over the rubble looked at Katakuri with a bright smile and ran forward to hug him.

"Brother Katakuri are you hurt?" She said with great worry as her smile wore down.

"Not my blood," Katakuri said with a slight smile as he ruffled through her hair.

Erza rubbed into his hand seemingly uncaring about the blood on it and smiled again.

Simon and Kagura soon came out with pale faces staring at the carnage in the street, blood, entrails, and various pieces of flesh scattered about.

"Uhm, thank you," Simon said nervously towards Katakuri who glanced towards him giving him a reassuring smile that couldn't be seen under his scarf.

"Erza, let's go," Katakuri said as he stared at the adorable, oversized kitten that was rubbing into his hand.

Erza nodded slightly as Katakuri took her hand and led her towards the exit of the village, both of them knew there was nothing for them here anymore.

"When I see you again I'll be the strongest!" Simon shouted behind at Katakuri as he felt his own powerlessness in this incident.

Katakuri upturned his mouth a little and gave a slight wave behind his head to Simon and continued to walk out of the village.