

*They took their flight

Less than an hour and here they are, in Kashmir. It was all so sweet and cute until it turned dark. Their friend from Kashmir now lives in London has his house there. That's where they were living and using his car as well. His name was Umar. He said he would love to welcome them to his land but because of work he ain't getting any leave yet. That was something Aahana and Myra didn't saw as a problem as they wanted to go there all alone in the first place. His house was in Sri Nagar and that's where they were staying.





They were drifting his car through Sri Nagar to Gulmarg to get some scenic view.

Their surroundings didn't calm their nerves down, cocaine hits was what they needed. On their way back they were already high and it had turned dark. Well nothing could bother them, but they were committing quite a few crimes. Taking drugs and driving while being drunk and high are illegal and serious crimes.