
1. Home

I woke up, to the pots and pans clanging downstairs.

I groan, and roll over, almost out of bed. It's my birthday, and I'll be attending Moonsilver Academy, the third from the top Academy for Settlers my Age.

This small town has had 4 successful Settlers, Humans, that were given an ability, so that they may protect their homes. Thing is, all species on earth, got abilities. A random cat on the side of the road might be God. Or just another cat.

I don't know what mine is. It'll probably activate at the academy.

My family, has been one of few families in this town, to have a successful child, so the pressure was on. My older brother, Seruk, got an ability that let him turn invisible. Since, he's become some sort of a ninja, and he's almost always silent.

He has to manage his little town though. Settlers are expected to go out, and aid the growth of new settlements. The strong clans marry, as genetics does kinda play a power role, and luckily, we are descendants of such a clan.

The invisibility ability, according to my brother, is all too handy when people get jealous.

I'll have to plan hard, depending on what kind, let alone what, ability I gain.

But for now, I need to get dressed, a moment, please?

After about fifteen minutes of prettiness and self care, I come out of my room, wearing baggy casual clothes. I mean, it's ONE size larger, but I look kinda fat in these. That's... Huh.

Anyway, I get a bowl of cereal, dry, and get a cup of milk. Something about the texture of wet cereal makes me feel... Off.

Anyway, I finish eating, and my Brother comes into the room.

He nods to me, and gets cracking on his plate. He has to head out in about a week, for his check in with his town. He doesn't live there, as apparently it's too stressful.

I greet him, and I get up to my room, and get into exercise clothes, putting my barely worn sweatshirt and sweatpants on my bed, I start to move.

It's a good thing I'm in shape. How am I supposed to start a new town, if I'm not ready? Energy and Strength, is highly needed for the labor I'll probably be doing. All I know is 15 other kids will go, 7 other guys, and luckily, 8 other girls.

All of us will have an ability of some kind. I'm honestly hoping my isn't a combat one.

Sure, while having a combat effect or some Kinisis, or magic, would be awesome, to have an amazing utility skill. There's 7 other guys, and 8 girls to try to impress. I mean, if a couple of the guys were lucky, they might flock to the guys... Whatever, the point of the 1:1 group is so that we meet, greet, flirt, and get down in the dirt. We need to build a TOWN. If a girl there doesn't like me, There are other places to go.

And besides, I could make the jobs easier on everyone. I guess it doesn't matter, it's not going to be too good of anything anyway, knowing my luck.

I mean, maybe I'll be weak. I pause, thinking.

I should stop being a pessimistic ass. I can't have the people around me frowning, they need to be happy. I want to keep people safe. There are asses out there, but there's also good ass people. Just wait, and maybe one will stumble into you, one day.

In anycase, The academy is before we go to settle, so I should get some practice with my ability. Learn about myself. Possibly try to find a nice girl there. One who's nice, and not going to slap me with her words. Or her hand. Preferably both.

I look at my right hand, wondering what ability it'll be. Just about then, my hand started to burn, like I stuck it in an oven, but almost immediately, sharp stabbing cold, and I feel a symbol digging into it.

"Seruk! Oi! A Hand in here, please?" I shout out, in immense pain. It's kinda like when a limb falls asleep and gets all tingly.

He opens the door, to see me on my bed holding my hand like it's a goddamn cellphone, nuzzling it, try to make it feel better. I look at the back of my hand. There's my ability insignia. I have a lesser ability in my palm, as well, but importantantly, my ability has a crest like look to it, like it's a royal trinket. It's hard to describe, it looks like some high tech patterning on the inner part, and it was a shield crest. Combat based.

"Nice, a High Tier Combat?" Seruk asks, prodding at it, and he stares at my palm.

"A high tier, and a secondary? Lucky..." He adds, jealousy ringing out, but I can hear his pride, as well.

"I should have known the second I considered a utility, this would fucking happen..." I swear out, a little pissed at the sudden awakening.

I know it has these weird line patterns in it, but that could be a clue. Could also be a unconscious manifesting, and entirely cosmetic, and it could be a weak, anything, really.

I focus on my back insignia, and it flows a bit, and I think it's a slight purple hue. Huh. My insignia releases an ultra violet light. I guess it's across the spectrum.

When Seruk sees this, he grins, and drags my ass downstairs.

"Guys, we might have a ranker." He says, holding my hand up like a trophy.

Dad scrambles from the other room, and studies my crest ability.

"It's the birth of a founding father. This one is a new Clan, starting with your brother." He says to Seruk, and I look at it more. Dad turns my hand over, and grins when he sees the second mark.

"Your secondary looks like your gramps's primary, so it could be a pass me down." He says, smiling.

"What was Gramps's primary?" Seruk asks.

"It was to sharpen his physical abilities. It's a simple enhancement, but it's a strong one. That one is, guaranteed, an enhancement. What, I don't know." Dad responds, sighing.

"Got it. In anycase, I hope you guys have luck, see you guys in the summer, we have to get me to school. Thanks Dad!" I call, as Seruk and I try to escape. Mom, who was waiting, gives us both a hug, before heading into another room, crying.

"Love you guys!" I call, as we exit, and I feel... Happy. Like something fun is about to happen.

New book, hope you'll all let me know if you like it

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