
Karna:The new journey

This is a story about a teenager from present time named saurya, a hardworking and typical normal Indian ,getting died and got reincarnated in time of era of kuru dynasty of hastinapur and replaced an anti-hero Karna. His new life was filling but a incident turned his life and forced him to show the evilness of present time. Let' s see what a boy from present time does, what will happen to him and will he take original path of karna or what path he will take ? IF SOMEONE FIND FAULT ABOUT BASIC SETTINGS OF MAHABHARATA OR SOMEONE KNOWS ANY SHORT STORIES ABOUT MAHABHARATA THEN PLEASE COMMENT IT (The writer's English is not very good so please point out mistakes in literature if possible) (This story is only for entertainment purposes so, will be very much different,so don't get offended.) (If someone gets offended by this story then, I am not sorry for offending you.)

Indian_Dark_Lord · Book&Literature
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11 Chs

The last hope

Winds howled along with the passing breeze. At the time of midnight, in the glitter of lights from building along with streetlight ;city life kept running as usual.

Amidst the cacophony of city life, with its bustling streets and shimmering lights, a solitary figure lay motionless on the rain-soaked pavement. His once vibrant eyes, now clouded with despair, gazed up at the luminous moon, as if seeking solace in its ethereal glow.

Man,why I am dying before enjoying the life whi....which I have achieved through this hardwork?When everything was going in right way for me,why that bastard truck driver has hitted me?Why am I am getting the short end of the stick? It's as if the world itself is trying to tell me that I really don't matter at all."

Reminiscing about his childhood,Saurya remembered the young him when he was in class 6. He was a good kid with a great talent for learning and quickly adapting to knowledge. The teachers would also always praise him.

But he little too introvert ,this made his fellow students dislike him at the same time.

Some more bright students started bullying him as the days went on and even when Saurya asked for help from his teachers, no one helped him. Some said it was just a small quarrel between children while some intentionally tried to smother the incidents.

When he told his parents about how the kids at the school were bullying him . Then, they said that they will go school .Saurya believed them and decided to wait for tomorrow.

But the next day, nothing happened. He still got beat up again, his parents had no time to listen to him.

So, he decided to tell about bullying to his uncle ,which is father like figure to him,as they live in joint family.

Next day his uncle came at school talked to principal and matter of bullying was finally solved.

As year passed ,he goes class 7 , as class 7 is meager . At summer his grand father was passed away.Some students from different sections came to his section. And bullying started again as he has no friends and was easy target.but this time ,he started to fight out through violence.

he even make a trip to the principal office at the end of session.

As year passed, he came at class 8, started to activily participate in class dispute and make some friends which share some common interest like Pokemon. he also joined a group of bright students who were literally hostiles towards his bully group.And,soon both groups started a class war .His life was going good and easy.

As life has something to plan, and COVID pandemic was started and all study goes from offline to online in his class 9. And unexpected things happen a discovered that he has gift of photographic memory.

He also discoveredculture of Anime which was reaching a new horizon of popularity throughout the world. He would spend most time of his day watching them and soon he has to stop as he watched more than 100 animes in less than 1½ years and then start to enter the world of manga then manhwa and manhua also.his all time favorite were akame ga kill!, solo leveling, death note ,Me! The heavenly destined villain, reverend insanity,soul land and battle through the heavens .but he thinks that Chinese protagonist were mostly stupid and arrogant,some he wander why they were make this ways ? Is it related to Chinese culture?

And after 1½ year of pandemic was gone, and vaccination started and life slowly started to go on track. He has completed his class 10 board. At summer his mother has passed in road accident. He shocked and depressed and he cried a whole day. At that time his family has supported him to stand again .

At class 11, almost every his friend and bully has left the school and only few acquaintance were remain . He was again all alone.After few months he sat with a handicapped classmates and they started to talk little.

And soon they found some each other interesting as there were natural tactics understanding between them. They were started to sit with each other every day and quickly become best friends. Also in this year,he entered the world of Novels . And like there are no exceptions... He got entangled in the web of addictive Cultivation stories, Korean hunter Manhwas, RPG & Virtual Reality game stories, and the ones where a good-for-nothing Otaku gets hit by Truck-kun and gets reincarnated or transmigrated into another world.

As they passed class 11 and 12 board ,he has successfully passed class 12 board with

Above 90 % thanks to his photographic memory. And select a good college at near distance. This life fullfing and was going in a right ways.

But On the 1 St day of his college after returning from his friend home after dinner and truck driver hitted him from behind and he was thrown out of his cycle and his head was knocked to the cement pipe and was cracked open, he was panicked but latter he understood that there is very low chance to survive but he wants to survive,he has not lost the hope to survive but he was also remembering momment of his life. But a regret also came to him as remember a face which he has not seen and talked more than 2 years. And was never able to see any more.

And his eyes become heavy due to blood loss and his body getting numb every second.

and Saurya finally closes his eyes as a drop of tear flown out of his eyes. And his life closes leaves his body.