
Karma/Ultimate Template: The Chain of Kismet

A journey of a fool who became wise The journey of the lost, A journey that contradicts the basic elements. The journey of the new Alpha A Journey of Omega, I welcome you all to this journey! Details: Immerse yourself in an enthralling webnovel guaranteed to captivate and entertain you from start to finish. Embark on a spellbinding KARMA adventure filled with: - Vast and intricate world-building - Compelling character development - Witty humor to make you chuckle - Raw emotions that pull at your heartstrings - Awe-inspiring fantasy realms - Thrilling action sequences - Heartwarming romance - Enchanting magic systems Dive headfirst into a reading journey full of surprises and twists designed to keep you on the edge of your seat. I dare not spoil your adventure, but rest assured that I am confident most readers will quickly become enamored with this mesmerizing tale. The beginning might feel a bit slow paced, But I assure you It was intentional for world building, After some chapters, the Novel will go with a more faster pace. I invite and welcome any suggestions, error corrections, or just a few words of encouragement. Don't hesitate to share your thoughts in the comments and make sure to leave a review. Your voice matters, and I appreciate your valuable input. Now, let the KARMA adventure commence!

Pitiful_Soul · Urban
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3 Chs

Crimson Droplets


"God dammit! Why won't this knife cut through, even though I've tried it many times?"

The boy who seemed to be in his late teens shouted, his sadness and despair tangible like blood flowing from a pierced heart.

"I swore to end my anguish and escape the pain that I'd been trapped in. With every beat of my heart, I'll take on the breath of my last performance and bid farewell to this world that could no longer soothe my sorrow."

With a dramatic flourish, the young boy spoke these words, and as if on cue, he bit his lips with such fervor that a few crimson droplets tumbled forth, imbuing the moment with an aura of raw intensity.

The young boy was determined, yet he struggled to follow through with his plan. His heart yearned for completion but his body wouldn't cooperate, as trembling fingers refused to let the blade touch his wrist.

"Am I truly this much of a coward? Why does it seem impossible to bring an end to my own life when it feels most needed? If there is a divine being watching over me, they must know the anguish I've experienced throughout my lifetime. Despite feeling overlooked, I hope that this time, they'll lend me the strength to put an end to my suffering and find peace." The boy uttered with much sadness.

Despite the heart-wrenching sobs and anguished cries echoing through the air, it was as if the world had turned a blind eye. The desolate boy, shrouded in sorrow, longed for the tender embrace of empathy, even if it came from a stranger's arms. Such a compassionate gesture could perhaps, even if just slightly, It would make him feel better.

With a resounding 'Shiink,' the young boy expertly flung the gleaming knife which he had been clutching. Breathing deeply, he then nimbly scaled the weathered parapet of the rooftop, and barely stood at the edge, it was evident that he was between the brink of life and the abyss of despair.

The brisk evening air enveloped the boy as he stood upon the rooftop. A whisper of thought lingered in his mind that perhaps things could be better. That maybe, just maybe, there was still something out there that could give him hope.

A slow realization dawned upon him as he stood there, bathed in the warm light of the setting sun. All this while, he had been looking at life through the eyes of pain and suffering. But with just a shift in perspective, he could see new beginnings.

As the captivating sun descended on the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow, the desire to embrace life once more surged through his veins. But alas, fate seemed to have a cruel twist in store. Hurtling towards the ground, surrendering to gravity's pull, an eerie sense of tranquility washed over him. It seemed as if the end was near, a swift, inevitable demise.

"Soon I shall wither away, after gathering the courage to live once more, but I'm really unlucky to fall from such a height." his thoughts echoed as he plummeted from the towering skyscraper.

Still, the saying proved accurate: reality is more bizarre than imagination. Suddenly, in an unbelievable instant, it seemed as if time stopped. Hovering in the air, the amazed boy unexpectedly and wondrously came to a halt.

"What's going on? Am I dreaming at the moment, and why am I suspended in midair? This must truly be a dream. Wake up!" …"THWACK"...the boy slapped himself with great force.

"Ouch! That really hurt. This isn't a dream; it's reality! But I don't understand why. What's happening?"

In that very moment of melancholic surrender, the world around the boy began to tremble and inexplicably started to transform. The familiar surroundings blurred beyond recognition, gradually being replaced by the colossal, ominous structure of a mysterious Castle. The walls of the castle loomed high, adorned with menacing gargoyles that seemed to stare right into the boy's soul.

The castle's entrance conjures the image of an open maw, a leering, jagged grin that signals the end of hope for any who dare cross its threshold. Drawing closer, the grand gates, made of twisted metal and razored wire, emit an unearthly scream that dissuages even the most foolhardy adventurers.

Strange, twisted creatures carved from dark stone adorn the walls in grotesque semblance of life, as if the artists imbued their creations with their own terror.

As if commanded by an otherworldly force, the gates of the castle swung open, revealing the overwhelming darkness within. From the shadows, a figure as ancient as the castle itself slowly emerged - A fierce yet beautiful demon, shrouded in an aura of malevolence. In the citadel, the demon was sitting on an ominous throne which emitted a dark aura.

The citadel is an abomination, adorned with shadows that possess a malicious will of their own. Imprisoned souls share their torment within the very walls, their screams a testament to the castle's horrifying purpose. At the heart of the room lies the obsidian throne, The Demon's menacing perch. Heavy with moss and twisted roots, this monstrosity serves as a seat of power as much as it is an object of fear and dread.

"Fuck... This must be hell!" the boy muttered to himself with disbelief.

A chill wind swept through the air, making the boy's suspended body sway to and fro. The Demon's piercing eyes locked onto the young human, the corner of his lips curling into an enigmatic smile while his unnerving presence filled the air. The scent of dark magic hung heavily around them.

"Name : Lian ching

Age : 66 lunar eclipses

Species : Human

Place of birth : Hong kong

Place of death : null"

The sinister demon perched upon the throne, adorned with fiery gems and bones, read the proclamation aloud. Shivers pierced the air, and a sense of dread blanketed the realm.

"Welcome to the Underworld," the demon greeted, its melancholic eyes revealing a twisted sense of delight.

Lian stuttered, "My intuition was right - I'm truly in Hell!" Gathering his composure, he continued, "I haven't done anything good in life, so I must have came here to receive my sentence."

A sinister laugh erupted from the cunning demon as it bared its menacing fangs. "Indeed," it smirked, "It was I who handpicked you for your rightfully deserved punishment." With these chilling words, the demon's eyes gleamed with anticipation.

"However, I will give you a chance, mere human, I will reincarnate you and send you back to your world, in return I will bestow some tasks upon you to compl--" The demon found himself interrupted as Lian protested,

"No, no! Please, any corner of hell will do! Just don't send me back to that dreaded human world. I'll scrub your throne until it shines, I could even whip up a batch of hong kong special pork noodles for your enjoyment! Just name it, and I'm your humble servant!"

"Aaa-" The demon found himself at a loss for words, utterly bewildered. He couldn't help but wonder, 'What kind of bizarre human have I summoned? I must definitely review those infernal database files once more!'

The demon quizzically glanced at his hand, and as if by magic, a screen materialized before him. He couldn't help but shoot a side-eye at the boy standing nearby, not once, but twice, as if measuring him up.

The demon thought carefully 'Luck: negative 69,000 points. How bizarre! It's almost as if this kid's life is a practical joke, and he's the punchline. Every last detail in the database lines up for this peculiar fellow.'

"If I'm dead, then why haven't I felt the pain of death? as the world says no one will escape from the pain of death." Lian remarked, with a hefty serving of suspicion.

The demon chortled, revealing the many layers of irony in its laughter, and retorted, "You are right, you haven't died yet, If you won't obey me then i will kill you know"

Splendidly rolling his eyes, Lian replied, "Oh, mighty demon of the 'XYZ' order – oops, sorry, I meant the terrifying demon lord – would you mind doing the honors of snuffing me out already? I've been holding my breath in anticipation of this precious moment!"

The demon dramatically facepalmed and couldn't help but wonder, "In all my eternal existence, just when did things get this absurd? Who is this bizarre fool, and just why is he so eager to play butcher with his own neck?"

The demon, now feeling a bit desperate, wondered 'I must make this human somehow obey me or all of my plans will fail, I don't think that I would be able to find a mortal with such negative luck once more in at least 1 Million lunar eclipses'

You know why I named this chapter as "Crimson droplets"?

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