
problems of gender

I am boycott by family .Hi I am samira and I am bisexual .I feel proud what is I am but my family didn't accept me due to my gender .

genuinely I don't know about Lgbt after knowing that I analysed my self and I found me as a bisexual . I feel for man and woman .currently I am in a relationship with same gender and she is lesbian she only feel for girls.

Our society and family doesn't accept us because of our sex and personality . being from undeveloped country we face lots of problems .only my sister supports me every moment .

First I went to my home and I told them that I am a bisexual and I am in relationship with same gender and we wanna do marry .But my father and mother started to hate me and saying 'you are not my daughter '.I stared carrying but they say me to leave this house we don't have kind of relation .After that I feel like I am cursed by god and wanna die .my loving parents start to hate me .Each and every people of society they see me as shits .

After 2 days my sister Yangila call me and she convince me ,she makes me proud what is I am ,she support me every time and especially she support my heart with full of love. In this moment I feel blessed cause when ever I meet or see my sister we started to fight in little things but now I feel her love for me .

One day my sister told me that,'you are not only one who is boycott by family society 'I think you need to fight for your rights ,you must be the voice of every lgbt .'in this time I feel yes I have to fight for third gender .I publicly announced that I am a bisexual and I am in a relationship with Mina .after that some people supports us and many of them do negative comments .I think its ok they don't have knowledge about this topic I gonna teach them .

day by day people used to message me that they are gay ,bisexual ,lesbian etc.each of them have same problem about the society and family thoughts .I told them ' don't worry take a deep breath and told them what you are and you feel relief '.day by day people started to share their gender and expanding the knowledge about us and many of youth and old age people started to supports us and giving respect to us .

I have only one request is that to respect all genders and love each others cause we are humans and the sex is formed by our parents gene .so keep loving and keep supporting us thank you ..