
Karma: Infinite Shegama

The world of Arkadia was once a thriving paradise, filled with lush forests, sparkling oceans, and majestic mountains. But everything changed when the immortals invaded The world was ravaged by this immortal invaders, these immortal alien beings brought destruction and chaos, threatening to wipe out all life on Earth. In a desperate bid to protect what was left, of their world, the people of Arkadia banded together and made the ultimate sacrifice. They used their combined power to create the Omnislayer bloodline A warriors that could defeat the immortals and save world. Through countless battles and sacrifices, the Omnislayers succeeded in defeating the Invaders and restoring peace to Arkadia. But their victory came at a cost. the Omnislayers sacrificed alot to defeat the Enemy and restore peace. But now, stirring within a young man is that threat reborn after many years past, granting him unimaginable power and a dangerous destiny. As he grapples with his newfound abilities and the looming threat of darkness, he must choose whether to save the world or succumb to the beast within. The fate of Arkadia hangs in the balance as he faces epic battles, ancient mysteries, and the ultimate choice between salvation He must learn to control his powers, to harness his powers for good. But as the forces of darkness gather against him, he must also confront the ultimate truth – that within him lies the power to either save the world or destroy it. And only by embracing his destiny as the Thirteenth Bearer can he hope to survive the coming storm.

umukoro_prosper · Fantasy
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9 Chs


Josh appeared in another room, quite similar to the one back at the hotel, just this one had interiors in it. To be more precise, it was like his figure was reconstructed from a glowing light that descended from one of the circles in the ceiling, glowing brightly.

Immediately his figure reemerged from the light particles, he saw Kael standing in front of him with his back against them.

He was about to scold and rant his anger when he noticed something odd, especially when it's the so much carefree Kael doing it.

Hardly would anyone see Kael take a serious expression, but right now he is, and his hands are on his shotgun ready to pull it up if need be.

"Eh, guys," he called with his eyes still focused on what was before him, his silhouette obstructing the view of those behind as they had no clear sight of what was before him.

Prepping his head sideways, Josh's eyes widened as he too took a serious expression while drawing his sword, "Lilith," he muttered under his breath.

"How rude," a feminine voice replied with so much pride one can see it in the air.

Kael whirled around to face Josh and the others, his expression grim. "It's the Queen of Demons herself," he said, his voice low and tense, but you could feel the subtle mockery in it. "Lilith, the mother of all demons," he added with an unserious chuckle.

The air in the room seemed to grow heavy and still, as if the very atmosphere was holding its breath in anticipation.

The ground trembled ever so slightly, as if in response to the presence of the ancient demon queen.

Slowly, a tall, dark figure stepped into view, her features obscured by shadows. She was clad in a flowing black gown, her hair a mass of long dark hair that flowed like a waterfall down her back.

She has pale skin and her eyes are a deep blue, flecked with golden flecks that seem to sparkle and dance in the light.

Her features are delicate, with high cheekbones and full lips. She is of average height, but her slim build and flowing movements give her a sense of grace and elegance.

As she walked over, she seemed to float rather than walk.

"I've been waiting patiently for you all in my good girl character and you dare draw weapons before me," her voice soft and melodic, as if carried by the wind but her gaze and temperament show otherwise.

Josh took a deep breath and tried to steady his nerves. He knew this figure who isn't older than him in appearance is.

Her personality bought her the nickname demon queen; even at that, he is a slayer and can't bow his head even if the opponent is stronger than him or in a higher class.

"How quaint," she let out a soft, mocking laugh. "Tell me, how do you wish to be punished?"

While the group was having their own little trouble with the newcomer, a serious meeting was ongoing in the temporal council hall.

"You are certain he isn't by any chance related to the Pronatie in any way?" one of the twenty-two prominent figures sited in the hall with two others standing behind each of them asked.

The middle-aged man from earlier went through all the details Tim had gathered about Adrian and queried them before the council.

The man took a deep breath before he answered. "You may have run a thorough background check on him and saw there is no evidence that he is related to the Pronatie in any way. Especially since he does not share any of their known abilities or traits. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that he may have hidden links that we are not aware of."

The council members exchanged glances, their expressions grave. "This is a serious matter," one of them said. "If he is indeed related to the Pronatie, then it would be a grave threat to our world."

Another council member spoke up, "his appearance as a mere coincidence to the attack on the council can't be taken lightly. There might be some unseen dots we haven't been able to identify."

Many nodded along with this, just then Chloe, who's sited amongst the twenty spoke up.

"I happen to see the kid on my way here just like you all did, and I scanned him to check for traces. He is clean and his intent also is clean. Just like the report said, he is cut up in a web we knew nothing about."

The council members turned their attention to Chloe, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern. "You scanned him, you say?" one of them asked. "What did you find?"

Chloe took a deep breath, her expression grave. "I found nothing of concern. His aura is untainted, and his intentions are pure. I am sure of it."

The council members exchanged glances, their brows furrowed In thought, "That is indeed troubling," one of them said. "If he is not related to the Pronatie, and yet is somehow caught up in their web, it raises the only other option..."

"I'll come in at this point," another of the council members known as Alfred, who hadn't said a word all through, finally interjected before the last speaker could complete his statement.

"What do you want to say now, Alfred? This concerns the safety of the world. We cannot allow such a misfortune to befall a world that had just slowly stood back on its feet," one of the council members refuted Alfred, his appearance more like a male counterpart of the lady Josh had called Lilith, only he is way older.

Alfred met the man's gaze, his expression grim. "I agree that the safety of the world is of the utmost importance. However, I believe that the best way to protect the world is to think through properly and diplomatically before we take any drastic actions. I understand your concern, but I believe that it would be unwise to rush into a situation we know so little about. We must gather more information before we make any decisions."

"I think Alfred is right," Chloe said, speaking up again. "We need to be careful, and we need to be cautious. It would be too easy to jump to conclusions but difficult to shoulder the recoil if we made the wrong choices."

"Are you supporting him now over us, Chloe?" the man berated.

"I'm only speaking the truth. Don't you forget too, he is one of us now."

The man scoffed but held his peace. Arguing wouldn't benefit him even if he hated this man's guts.

Seeing the other held his peace, Chloe continued. "What do you propose, Alfred? Mind you, we can't afford to make mistakes that would allow a threat that would endanger the state of this world."

Alfred took a deep breath before answering. "I think we should focus on gathering more information about the Pronatie and their plans. We should also look into the mysterious web that has entangled the boy. Once we have more information, we can make a plan of action. In the meantime, we should keep a close eye on the situation and be ready to act if necessary. To make it simple, I'm requesting what Damon here requested for in the past that was granted to him."

The other council members exchanged glances, considering his words. Some of them seemed skeptical, but others were beginning to see the wisdom in his plan.

Chloe, in particular, seemed to be thinking hard about it.

"Never," the man from earlier, now addressed as Damon, spouted out in retort. "We cannot allow a karma bearer to live and grow strong. We all know what that would entail if that is ever to happen. He must be taken out while he is still a sapling. Once he gains root, that abomination would be born and the world isn't in a state to face another Apocalypse."

Many nodded in agreement to his claim; allowing a karma bearer to live is deciding the fate of the world for doom.

"But your daughter lived," Alfred, who isn't affected or moved by his claim, asked.

Damon's eyes flashed with anger, his hands clenched into fists. "My daughter is different," he hissed. "She is special, she is the chosen one. She was born a noble, one that could fight the darkness, she had strong will and from a powerful bloodline. She is nothing like him."

Chloe raised an eyebrow. "And how do you know that? Have you seen into the future? Are you certain that your daughter is really the chosen one?"

Damon hesitated, his face flushing. "I-I just know," he stammered. "I have faith in her. She won't fail."

"So because he isn't from a royal bloodline, he isn't fit to be given a chance," Alfred cut in, increasing Damon's anger.

"Or is it because he is a human, a human karma bearer, right? Last I recall, there hadn't ever been a human karma bearer before now. But I recall a certain someone's son who became a karma bearer and wrecked havoc before I put him down. To be honest, I don't regret taking your son down one bit. I'd have taken your daughter down too if not for the plea of your bloodline."

Damon's face flushed crimson with rage. "You dare threaten my daughter?" he growled. "You know nothing about her. She is not like my son. She is better than him, stronger and more capable."

"You all are nothing but heartless, unfeeling killing machines. You cannot understand what it is to be human, to have feelings and emotions. You cannot understand the pain and suffering of others," Alfred fired back

The atmosphere firing up, the two behind Damon were agitated to make a move, but the duo behind Alfred gave them a warning sign by tapping on their sword hint.

"You have no right to judge her or me. You are nothing but a cold, unfeeling killer," Chloe stepped in to mediate between the two before things spiral out of hands.

But just when she was to make a move that would knock these two hotheads back to their senses.

They all felt a vibration run through the hall, the lights flicking for a moment.

The shaking grew stronger, the walls began to tremble, and dust fell from above, with a deep rumbling sound coming from far below.

Chloe and the others looked at each other in alarm. "What's going on?" Chloe demanded.

Damon's face contorted when he saw the expression of one of the figures wearing a hood standing behind him. "We have to get to the confinement room now," he spat out with gritted teeth, his expression ugly.

And with that, Chloe waved her hands, blinding light appeared under everyone's feet as their figures disappeared.

Leaving the council hall empty, obviously they are heading to the confinement room.