
Kanova Adventure

Lisa Mayflower is a girl from a small town with a dream of competing in the Grand Festival and leaving behind her troubles and sleeping village. Unfortunately, Lisa learns she can't outrun her past, and her troubles will follow her wherever she goes.

FFW2000 · Video Games
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

"Hey mum I'm heading out for a while," I call out as I run down the stairs and nearly into the front door almost forgetting to pull instead of push. "I'll be back by dinner."

"Remember not to go too deep into the forest," Mum replies, sticking her head out of the kitchen door.

"I won't," I promise as I finally get the door open and step out quickly followed by my partner.

"Phanpy!" Phanpy lets out a cry as it runs out ahead of me, excited to be outside again.

I know how he feels after being grounded for a month for smashing dads car window it feels good to step outside again and feel the fresh warm breeze of the world. I still think it was dads fault for parking in the area I always train with Phanpy, but that argument only got my punishment extended from a week to a month. Adults are really unfair at times.

At least I'm finally free, and I see my cute little blue elephant is just as thrilled as I am already at the front gate trying to force the wooden obstacle out of his way. He worries me sometimes the way he's continually running wild, but I wouldn't change my partner for all the fame and money in the world. Phanpy is my best friend and partner, and nothing will ever change that. I smile as I quicken my pace to meet him at the gate.

I only have to wait a week or two at the most longer until my pokemon licence arrives, and I get to begin my journey. Phanpy is just as excited as I am for our journey, and we both can't wait to hit the road. It's not that I hate my family because I love them, but Springrun is an isolated village where nothing interesting ever happens. I really wish I lived in some big city where something new was happening every day.

But that's enough mopping around its ruining my first day of freedom in what feels forever. The sun is shining, and Phanpy is happily running circles around me, so lets no spoil the mood and enjoy the day. The weather is perfect, and I get to train with my partner until the sun sets so I'll will be ready for the day my licence arrives, I couldn't ask for a better day. Up above me, I can see a flock of Pidgey's flying overhead, and I can hear the sounds of Miltank's and Wooloo's in the farming fields of my village. Springrun my be the most boring place in the world buts its so full of life even if it's only the beginning of the day.

"Phanpy! Phanpy!"

I better get that gate open, or I will get yelled at when it's broken. I can see my partner is very impatient to be set free as he is headbutting the front gate and crying out for me to open it. Phanpy probably hated being locked up more then I did as he loves to be outside running around the fields and through the streets although the locals weren't too happy about the latter. But despite how many people complain about my partner's energetic nature, I don't want him to change in the slightest.

Okay, I'll let you out just don't break the gate," I tell him with a giggle as I unlock the gate. "We don't want to get grounded again, do we?"

"Phanpy!" I can't tell whether he heard me or not as the moment I open the gate he runs out into the street scaring my neighbours Meowth.

I really hope he doesn't get me into trouble. At least the streets are empty this time of day so he can't get into to much trouble as we walk through the dirt that counts as a road in Springrun. While I walk why my cute little partner runs up and down the streets, turning to me telling me in his own way to hurry up. I don't know where he gets his energy and can run like that this early in the morning.


Oh no…



"Milll! Milll!"

"Hey get your pokemon under control!"

Great… I only just finished my last punishment, and not even five minutes have passed before I am in more trouble. Phanpy is going to be the death of me, but as much as I know, I should stop him part of me wants to let him play. How could I put a stop to this when my partner looks like he's having so much fun chasing around a heard of Miltank herd. I smile, seeing his happy expression as he continues to run around playing with the other pokemon.

"Did you hear me, kid, I told you to get you unruly pokemon under control?!" I jump at the voice and quickly bow to the angry farmer as more farmers join him.

"I'm sorry," I apologise no longer hesitating to run into the field after my partner. "I'll get him right away."

I quickly catch up to Phanpy and pick up my partner. He may be faster than others of his kind, but he is no match for me. The Miltank's in the field shoot me a glare that has me backing away while the farmer still looks upset about what my partner has just down. I'm glad the Miltank's here are do tame as I apologise once again to the farmer before carrying my little trouble making into the forest that stretches out as far as the eye can see to the north of Springrun.

The pokemon inside are not that strong unless you go deeper inside, but I don't plan to wander that far away from the village only to a small clearing where Phanpy and I can train in peace. Probably the only threat we will encounter is an angry swarm of Beedrill but only if we disturb their next but as long as we are careful that isn't going to happen. But then again… I can't help but sigh and shake my head as I watch Phanpy run recklessly into the trees. If anyone is going to kick the hornets, nest it's going to be my partner.

The smell of the forest never changes and its always so full of life no matter what time of year it is. In the trees I can see bird type pokemon sitting on branches and lower down bug types are scurrying around. This place really has a lot to offer in its selection of pokemon and rumours say that ghost types appear at night in these woods but thanks to my parent's curfew I can't confirm that information for myself. That will change soon when my licence arrives, and I can travel to far and distant places, seeing sights and investigating roamers. I really can't wait until my licence arrives. Arr, enough of that I told myself not to think about that stuff and focus on training for my upcoming journey.

It doesn't take long before I reach the clearing I have used to train with my partner since I first dreamed of becoming a training. It's a nice place with a flat grassy area and a small stream I sometimes see wild pokemon drinking from. It's so peaceful and quiet here that I am surprised it isn't a popular spot for wild pokemon. I can't hear the sounds of the village, and even the wild pokemon are bearly audible from this clearing unless something spooks them. I love this place. I love spending time here with my partner and forgetting about my boring life in Springrun. Unfortunately today it doesn't appear that I am alone.

"Phanpy…" My partner jumps in front of me, ready to fight at the sight of her.

I clench my fists and try to stop my body from shaking as she gets up from where she was sitting. Was she waiting for me? Of course she was, what other reason would she have for being so far from the village and her minions? At least they aren't here with her. She keeps her distance from me, and the way she looks at me makes it's hard to think that we were friends up until two years ago when she suddenly started to make my life a living hell for no reason what so ever. I don't know what I could have done to make her treat me the way she has over the last two years.

"So your parents finally let you out again," She smirks that same arrogant smirk she always gives me whenever our paths cross. "You know Lisa I was hoping they would have kept you on lockdown for a few more months so I would have been long gone by the time you finally showed your face again."

Part of the reason why I was looking forward to getting my licence to train pokemon was that it meant I would be getting away from her. You can imagine my frustration when it found out she applied for her own licence the next day. I just don't get why she follows me around when she hates me. When I started working a different shift on our villages collective farm to get away from her, she switched to my shift within a week and while at first, I thought nothing of it seeing it as her trying to get away from me only for someone who didn't know what was happening between us to put us both together again but then it kept happening again and again. Soon it became to often for me to consider it just a coincidence anymore. She was following me wherever I went doing nothing but making my life miserable.

"What do you want, Laura?" I ask ignoring the urge to run from her, but I can't. I will be a pokemon trainer soon, so I can't run when things look tough.

"I was just taking a stroll through the forest and happened to stumble upon you is all," Laura says, lying clearly enough that even a blind man could see it.

Yeah right. She was waiting for me. I don't know what Laura has planned, but it can't be good. It never is good when it comes to her. I want to scream for help as she takes a step closer, but no one would hear me if I do so. I want to run when I take a step back to keep my distance, but I am too stubborn to flee. What kind of trainer would I be if I run away now? I have to face her, I have to stand my ground, but my body shakes feeling like it is about to collapse under the gaze of my former friend.

"You, on the other hand, seem to be out here for different reasons," Laura continues brushing a strain of her long blonde hair away from her face as her blue eyes continue to stare right through me. "How about I help you out?" She doesn't wait for a reply as I watch Laura quickly retrieve a Pokeball from her pocket. "Come on out Bulbasaur."

Time seems to slow down as I watch the Pokeball open and a white light shots out of the ball hitting the ground. Rapidly that light takes the shape of a Bulbasaur before dying down and leaving Laura's pokemon behind. A small blueish-green quadruped creature with a green plant bulb in its back stares down my partner with its red eyes. I used to love this little guy, but after Laura turned on me, he started becoming the thing of nightmares.

"How about we have ourselves a little battle?" Laura suggests turning her gaze towards my little Phanpy. "A battle will be much better for its growth then trainer."

"If that will get you to leave then so be it," I reply glancing down at my partner. "You up for this partner?"

"Phanpy!" Phanpy jumps up, making his desire to do battle clear.

My partner may be playful and gentle most of the time, but when push comes to shove, he is no pushover. Stomping his left front paw on the ground ready to charge Phanpy locks eyes with his opponent clearly ready to go and do battle. Opposite us, Laura's Bulbasaur looks just as up for the fight as my partner taking his stance ready to strike.

The air is tense and silent as both sides wait for their opponent to make the first move. This is my first battle against another trainer. I have battled with Phanpy against wild pokemon before but never against another person. I know Laura has battled her minions on a regular basis so I thought she would have already made be move, but I guess she's just waiting to see what I will do. This must be another way she has for mocking me.

"Bulbasaur use Vine Whip!" Laura finally orders bringing a start to our battle.

Laura's pokemon complies to her command without hesitation quickly summoning two green vines from either side of the bulb on its back. I watch for a second as the two vines shoot towards my partner before I remember Phanpy is waiting for me to order him. Stupid. I quickly recover, but my delay means my partner can't dodge to attack. This isn't good a grass type move like vine whip can be bad for my ground type partner.

"Use Defense Curl," I command hopefully not too late.

My partner follows my order to the letter curling himself into a ball that will hopefully take the blow from my opponent's assault. Defense Curl my not be able to absorb the blow but entirely but I am hoping it will lessen the damage to the point that we are still in the fight. My heart stops the moment those vines make contact with my partner's rolled-up body knocking him back but not breaking his defences.

"Don't let them recover tackle them now!" Laura quickly follows up the attack with another order, and her pokemon starts to rush towards mine.

"Hit them with a Rollout partner!" I respond.

I watch Laura's Bulbasaur rush towards my partner, kicking up dirt as she rapidly picks up speed rushing towards Phanpy. Meanwhile, the ball my partner has become starts to roll, shooting towards Laura's Bulbasaur and quickly surpassing its speed. You got this partner! I have faith in my cute little Phanpy and know that he is going to win this head-on clash of power.

"Show them how much stronger you are Bulbasaur!"

"Don't let them win partner!"

With both our cries are pokemon smash head-on into each other, making a small boom sound and sending dirt flying in every direction. Both my Phanpy and Laura's Bulbasaur come to a halt, and it looks like it will be a stalemate, but my partner is still rolling, and with on big push he sends my ex-friends Bulbasaur flying backwards.

"Come on! You can still do this!" Laura cries out as her pokemon manages to get back on its feet, looking worse for wear after that impact but till in the fight. "Hit them with a Vine Whip!"

"Don't let up, partner!" I call out as I watch Phanpy rolling at increasing speed towards his opponent.

The two vines shot towards my Phanpy bonce off of my rolling partner who sends his opponent flying backwards once again when he slams into Laura's Bulbasaur for the second time. I watch my partner turn around for another attack as his opponent slowly gets back up. I feel proud for my partner for overcoming the type advantage the Bulbasaur had over him, but I can't smile or feel happy about my soon to be victory as I watch the injured Bulbasaur get to its feet knowing I am about to hurt her some more.

"Use Sleep Powder!" My heart freezes as I see the green cloud form around Laura's Bulbasaur.

My partner is too close and moving to fast to avoid the cloud. I can only helplessly watch as he rolls into that cloud striking his opponent before collapsing in a hep. Laura's Bulbasaur my has taken another hard hit, but once again she gets to her feet, and I can see my ex-friend's expression darken as she stares down at my helpless partner. I can't let this happen. I fumble for my partners Pokeball, but I am too slow.

"Time for some payback Bulbasaur," She looks me in the eyes with a gaze of pure evil. "Use Vine Whip!"

I can only helplessly watch as my partner is hit hard in his defenceless stat and sent skidding across the battlefield. He is hit a second time than a third before I am finally able to find his ball and come to my partner's rescues. I manage to return Phanpy to his Pokeball right before he would have been hit for the fourth time. I feel tears roll down my cheeks as the pain I feel witnessing that hurts me beyond imagination. How can see so merciless attacking a defenceless pokemon like that? I don't know what has changed in her, but the Laura before me is nothing like the person I once called my friend.

"I guess I win," Laura darkly smiles as she recalls her Bulbasaur. "I'll be going now that I have had my fun."

"How?" I ask, feeling my body shaking. "How could you do that? My partner was defenceless, and you still ordered that assault! You could have just declared victory the moment you put him to sleep!"

"You're too soft," Laura tells me. "You know even those Pokémon Contest you want to compete in have a battle round too. Like it or not you have to fight with your pokemon or does the great Lisa Mayflower think she can avoid those rounds?"

"I know we are going to have to fight," I reply, taking a deep breath to calm myself. "I don't mind battling when it's a real battle, but what you were doing was torture, not battling."

"You need to toughen up if you want to win," Laura comments as she starts to walk away. "You will thank me for this one day."

"You think this was helping me?!" I yell, making her stop. "How is hurting my partner like that helpful?"

Because I want you too…" Laura stops herself mid-sentence and begins to walk off again. "You know what forget about it if you can't take your eyes off that Phanpy of yours long enough to notice it then I won't waste my breath on you."

I watch Laura walk off back towards the village, but I don't move even after she has long vanished into the woods. My hands tightly grip my partners ball afraid she will return to try and hurt him again. I know its stupid to get upset about these kinds of things but watching my partner get hurt is almost too painful for me. Laura does have a point. Like it or not, I will have to watch him hurt himself time and time again if I want to reach my goal of competing in the Grand Festival. I sigh, dropping my head and looking down at my partner's ball. Am I really cut out for this?