
Episode 3

(The episode opens with Kanisha sleeping like a bat and wakes up)

(A bunch of darts are heading for Kanisha's face)

(Kanisha's eyes glow and the darts burn up)

(Arrows are shot at Kanisha)

(Kanisha releases a sonic scream)

(The arrows break into pieces)

(Bullets are shot at Kanisha)

(Kanisha gets her claws out and the bullets split into pieces)

Penelope (as a ninja): Impressive

Kanisha (glowing): Thank you, may I ask why a surprise attack

Penelope (as a ninja): I wondered what it was like to see you to sleep and if you can attack half sleep

Kanisha: Interesting, you are adorable indeed

Penelope (backs up) (as a ninja): Adorable

Kanisha: You remind me of an actual ninja I met, she didn't trust my personality either and tested me restlessly

Penelope (as a ninja): Did you have a crush on her?

Kanisha (shakes her head): She had a crush on me

Penelope (as a ninja): But, you are in a 13-year-old body

Kanisha: Yeah, but I acted so adult, and she remembered I'm over a thousand years old

Penelope (as a ninja): Over a thousand, wow! Your body hasn't aged at all

Kanisha: I know, isn't it amazing

Penelope (as a ninja): But, you must have a complicated love life

Kanisha: True, but that hasn't stopped me

Penelope (as a ninja): Do you have standards?

Kanisha: If you are homophobic, transphobic, biphobic, a horrible parent, etc I think you get it

Penelope (as a ninja): Fair enough

Kanisha: Any other questions

Penelope (as a ninja): How do you decide to kill?

Kanisha: Easy, I think, so I want it quick or painful, do I want to spread lots of blood or less

Penelope (as a ninja): Have you killed people in all those kinds of ways?

Kanisha (red eyes): I did

Penelope (as a ninja): Cool

Kanisha (red eyes): So, what else do you want to know?

Penelope (as a ninja): Nope

Kanisha (red eyes): Alright (eyes back to normal)

Penelope (as a ninja): You eat candy, but not all day

Kanisha: Of course, I would get cavities and I hate those

Penelope (as a ninja): Favorite food?

Kanisha: Ramen straight from Japan

Penelope (as a ninja): Favorite drink?

Kanisha: Strawberry lemonade

Penelope (as a ninja): Favorite movie?

Kanisha: The SpongeBob SquarePants movie (blows a kiss) masterpiece

Penelope (as a ninja): Favorite musical?

Kanisha: Grease

Penelope (as a ninja): Animal?

Kanisha: Wolves

Penelope (as a ninja): Dance move?

Kanisha: Tap dancing

Penelope (as a ninja): Instrument?

Kanisha: Piano

Penelope (as a ninja): Singer?

Kanisha: Michael Jackson

Penelope (as a ninja): Impressive, okay sundae?

Kanisha: Hot fudge

Penelope (as a ninja): Ice cream flavor?

Kanisha: Chocolate

Penelope (as a ninja): I never thought

Kanisha: I told you, I'm just as human as you are

Penelope (as a ninja): It appear so, which song of mj's?

Kanisha (stars in her eyes): I love all of them, since I got to see his concerts

Penelope (eyes widened): Time travel?

Kanisha (as a ninja): Bingo, I wasn't born around that time

Penelope (as a ninja): When?

Kanisha: 2001

Penelope (as a ninja): But, it's only 2060

Kanisha: Time travel messes with my age

Penelope (as a ninja): You stayed in different timelines longer than you were supposed to

Kanisha: Bingo

Penelope (as a ninja): First love?

Kanisha: A young girl that I knew when I first became a mutant and accidentally time travel six years from my timeline

Penelope (as a ninja): Wow! And you really were

Kanisha: 13 back then, yeah

Penelope (as a ninja): Okay, siblings?

Kanisha: Nope

Penelope (as a ninja): Parents?

Kanisha: Don't remember them, but my aunt took care of me

Penelope (as a ninja): Marry?

Kanisha: Long time ago

Penelope (as a ninja): Then, children are out

Kanisha: Definitely

(Episode ends with Penelope and Kanisha talking)