
Kanisha meets yugioh

Kanisha_kimi · Sci-fi
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9 Chs

episode 3

(The episode opens with the summoned skull flying above Yugi, Joey, Triston, while Aunt Cilia is with me who is still unconscious)

Summoned skull (looks at Yugi): I must speak to the Pharaoh.

(The millennium puzzle glows)

The Pharaoh: What is happening?

Summoned skull: It seems a dark power summoned us, and all of the other duel monsters have been brought to life as well

Triston: There's a note

Me: What kind of note?

(Triston looks behind him to see me)

Tea: Kanisha, should you be up so soon?

Me: I'm fine (turns to Aunt Cilia who is resting)

Summoning skull: Sorry, I sensed a strong energy around you

Me: I understand (looks at Triston) Triston, what's the note saying?

Triston (looks at the card): "use these cards to locate every last mega duplicate and destroy them before it is worse." 

Joey: What does that mean?

Me: It means we make to destroy all those fairy cards, before they cause more havoc.

Yugi: Makes sense, but where do we search?

Me (walks to the cards) (look at it) (thought): This is

Tea: What's wrong?

Me (looking  at everybody) Gather the cards and put them on the floor.

Joey: What's going on?

Me: Just put the cards on the ground 

(Me, Joey, Tea, and Triston gather the cards and put them on the floor)

Summoning skull (thought) (looks at me): So, this is supposed to be the girl that will be the threat of Akito.

(After we gathered all the card around the floor, then my eyes glowed, making us all levitate)

(All of their eyes widened) 

Me: It's just as I thought.

Summoning skull: It's the location of the copy duel monsters.

Yugi: Copy?

Me: Seems you forgot to explain something.

Summoning skull: The duel monsters aren't all the original duel monsters, some of them are copies, and the copies are being used by an evil force.

Me: Should've known (puts my head down) That's how I altered the timeline.

Yugi: Kanisha, do you know how this card was created?

Me (shakes my head): No.

(Somebody tapped my shoulder)

Me: (looks at Tea) Huh?

(Tea points to the map blinking)

Me: One of the duplicates is being taken away.

Triston: How can you tell, it's just blinking?

Me: I can feel it

Summoning skull: Me as well.

Me: Then, we must stop the vigilante

Summoning skull: Hold it, you must be cautious because this person wants your power.

Me: I know (my eyes glowed) and I'm ready.

Aunt Cilia: So, where are we going first?

Me (eyes widened): Peru.

Tea: Peru!

Triston: How do we get there?

Me: With my watch, it can help us teleport anywhere.

Aunt Cilia: Okay, let's go and don't you dare say it's too dangerous.

Me: (kisses Aunt Cilia on the cheek)Just when any duel monsters come, stay away.

Aunt Cilia: I promise.

(I look at the cards that formed the map, my eyes glowed, the cards spin around, fuses the card to make one big map, folds it, and put it into my hand)

Me: Now, let's go.

(A white aura spreads around me in form of rings, I put the rings around Tea, Triston,Joey, Yugi, the summoned skull, and Aunt Cilia, then we get teleported away)

(The screen switches to us free falling)

Aunt Cilia: Kanisha!

Me: Sorry, my watch doesn't always send us to the exact location.

(The millennium puzzle glows)

(The Pharaoh grabs curse of dragon and it comes to life and it catches him and Tea)

(I grew gargoyle wings and grabs Aunt Cilia)

(Joey summons red eyes black dragon and gets Triston)

Summoning skull: Does that always happen?

Me: No, just sometimes. 

(We fly into the jungle)

Tea (looking around): There doesn't seem to be any duel monsters around.

Summoning skull: Don't be fooled.

Me: I sense danger. 

(The Pharaoh notices something flying by)

Joey: Kanisha! Look out!

(The screen shows a claw and I hit a tree and falls)

(Aunt Cilia gets caught, and sees Dark magician)

Aunt Cilia: Kanisha! Are you okay?

Me (slowly getting up): I'm okay.

A voice: You won't be for long.

Triston: Who said that?

(The screen shows me being attacked by Chimera the flying mythical beast)

A voice: Flower Heart

(I got stuck in a bubble with electricity)

The Pharaoh: Kanisha!

Me: Pharaoh!

A voice: I wouldn't bother freeing her.

(The screen shows Chimera, and the magician of black chaos)

Joey: No way!

Tea: It must be one of the copies.

Summoning skull: I'll destroy it.

(Magician of black chaos summons a powerful blast, which destroys the summoning skull)

Triston: Oh no!

Me (thought) (looks around): Where's Aunt Cilia?

(Aunt Cilia is nowhere to be found)

Me: Where's my aunt, what have you done with her?

Magician of black chaos (shows a card with a picture of Aunt Cilia): You mean her? (Laughs) master, thought you would stay obedient if we have your aunt

Me (with red eyes): Let her go

(The bubble disappears, I land on my feet, and my body glows)

(My hair is flowing, I grew claws, fangs, wearing a white dress and comes charging at Magician of black chaos, but Chimera takes the attack)

(The magician of black chaos makes the card that has my aunt in it disappears)

Me: (stops) Aunt Cilia, no (feels sting in my heart, puts my hand on my chest and my eyes are twitching)

Tea: Kanisha! 

Magician  of black chaos (smiles evilly): Seems your transformation is taking a your energy (laughs) This will be easier than I thought

(The screen shows a blast hits magician of black chaos and it disappears)

The Pharaoh: Kanisha, are you okay?

Me (cries): My aunt! It's all my fault, I brought her here.

Joey (puts his hands on my shoulder): We'll get her back.

Me (eyes widened) (pushes Joey out of the way): Look out! (An electric blast hits me again)

Tea: Kanisha! 

Me: i'm okay (gets up)

The Pharaoh: Are you sure?

Me (with my hands on knees): Yes, I just can't use my powers or really move

(A hand is shown)

(I look up and see the dark magician)

The dark magician: I'll help you.

Me: Dark magician (takes his hand)

(The screen switches to us seeing some more duel monsters)

Me: Oh great.

Joey: How do we get past them?

(I looked at my watch and smiled)

Me: Pharaoh (throws my watch)

(Pharaoh catches it)

Pharaoh: Kanisha, are you sure?

Me (bangs under my eyes): Yeah, you have more energy than me, put it on.

(Pharaoh puts my watch on)

(The watches glows spreading a white aura around the jungle and wipes out all of the duel monsters)

Joey: Whoa!

Triston: That's some power.

Me: Good job, Pharaoh, the watch made your energy into power, just as it did for me.

Dark magician: You need to rest

(Watch glows)

Pharaoh: There's a town not far from here.

Me (thought): The watch is working for him perfectly 

Pharaoh (thought): This watch can connect to my powers 

(Pharaoh turns around to see the woman from the watch turning to dusk)

Pharaoh: What is this?

The woman (looks at Pharaoh): You must be the Pharaoh, you must protect Kanisha, I thought she could handle this, but this might be too much for her.

Pharaoh: Do you know anything about the enemy?

The woman: It's just as you heard except he doesn't just want her power, he wants her soul.

Pharaoh: What?!

The woman: If her soul stays, her power can be taken back, but if she's gone the power will obey the person who is the most powerful, you must help, please Pharaoh.

Pharaoh: Of course, Kanisha is my friend and I will protect her.

The woman: You are a kind soul Pharaoh and the other self: Yugi.

Pharaoh: We will try to save you as well.

The woman: It's too late for me, tell Kanisha, she'll always be an idiot to me (disappears)

Pharaoh: Wait!

(The screen switches to Pharaoh opening his eyes and sees Kanisha and Mokuba)

Pharaoh: Kanisha, are you feeling better (looks at Mokuba) Mokuba, when did you get here?

Me: I'm fine.

Mokuba: I just got here.

Pharaoh: Where's Kaiba? 

Mokuba: Over there

(The screen shows Kaiba looking at the new card that had a fairy)

(Pharaoh walks to Kaiba)

Kaiba: Well, looks at who's awake.

Me: Pharaoh, what did she say?

Pharaoh: She's gone.

Me: She always called me an idiot, but you couldn't pass that message to me (hugs Pharaoh) Thanks for telling me.

Pharaoh: You must've had a strong bond with her.

Me: It's kinda flimsy, but mostly yeah.

Pharaoh: I'm sorry (takes the watch off) here.

Me (with bags still under my eyes): Pharaoh, I think I should (passes out and Pharaoh catches me)

Pharaoh: She must be exhausted 

Joey: I'll take care of her.

(Pharaoh puts on the watch and white aura flows over his body, while holding me)

Pharaoh: There she should be at almost full strength.

Kaiba: What kind of trick was that?

Pharaoh: It was my energy, I passed it onto Kanisha, so she could relax.

(The screen shows Joey putting me on a couch)

Mokuba: Will she be okay?

Pharaoh: She'll be fine.

(I turned over, while on the couch, and showing my sleeping face)

Tea (whispers): We should let her rest.

(They walk out of the room)

(Millennium puzzle glows)

Yugi: I hope everything goes well 

Pharaoh: it well

Yugi: Of course, besides we have to worry about this great evil that are taking copy of duel monsters and using them for evil, the question remains how are the copies.

Mokuba: Oh that I can explain.

(The screen shows Seto holding a card)

Mokuba: Seto tried to make a new card for duel monsters 

Kaiba: But I got distracted at Pegasus and left it there, then he sent my cards all over.

Joey (looking at Kaiba): So, what I'm hearing is where in this dilemma because of you.

Yugi (looking at my watch): Then, maybe it wasn't  Kanisha's watch

Pharaoh: Remember, yugi, the magic of the watch warped reality, but not everything changed because of it.

Yugi: Right, that's what Kanisha was trying to say before.

Pharaoh: Exactly.

(The episode ends with showing Yugi and the Pharaoh looking at each out with certainty)