1 Episode 1

<p>(The episode opens with African American girl who has long hair, yellow eyes, wearing a blue shirt, jeans, and white shoes; she looks thirteen wakes up and stretches)<br/><br/>(The girl's name is Kanisha)<br/><br/>(Kanisha walks out of bed, heads to the window, opens the window)<br/><br/>Kanisha: What a beautiful day!<br/><br/>(Kanisha sees a long python tail with a hook end behind her and screams)<br/><br/>(Kanisha heads to her closet where a big mirror is and Kanisha sees her new yellow eyes and her tail)<br/><br/>Kanisha: What?<br/><br/>(Kanisha's tail turns into a sun scepter)<br/><br/>Kanisha (looks in awe): Cool, I wonder<br/><br/>(Kanisha's sun scepter causes fire that forms a dragon)<br/><br/>Kanisha (looks in awe): So, cool<br/><br/>(The flame dragon flies around Kanisha)<br/><br/>Kanisha (looks amazed): Awesome, I wonder what else I can do<br/><br/>(The screen switches to Kanisha flying in the air, turning into different animals, and lands by the park)<br/><br/>Kanisha (walking): I'm in the mood for some ice cream<br/><br/>(Ice cream cart appears)<br/><br/>Kanisha: A cart without anybody pulling it<br/><br/>The ice cream cart: Not exactly <br/><br/>(Kanisha jumps, lands on all fours and hisses)<br/><br/>(The ice cream cart changes into a boy who has green hair, white skin, wearing a blue robe)<br/><br/>The boy: Whoa! Fiesty<br/><br/>Kanisha (gets up) (angry): What gives!<br/><br/>The boy: I'm sorry <br/><br/>(The boy's name is Lucas)<br/><br/>A voice: Lucas, there you are and you found Kanisha<br/><br/>(The voice came from a woman who has long red hair in a ponytail, white skin, wearing a purple robe)<br/><br/>(The woman's name is Juana)<br/><br/>Kanisha: How do you know my name?<br/><br/>Lucas: We've been keeping an eye on you. Your tail is a sign of your unique abilities.<br/><br/>Kanisha: (looks disgusted) One, creepy. Two, (looks suspicious) why would shapeshifters keep an eye on me?<br/><br/>Juana: We'll explain, so follow us <br/><br/>(Episode ends with Kanisha following Lucas and Juana)<br/><br/><br/><br/></p>

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