
season 2 episode 5

(The episode opens with Nerea making a roof)

(A phone rings)

Nerea: Phone answer

Yuliana: Nerea, finally, we haven't been able to get in touch with you

Nerea (measuring the roof): Sorry, I have been working day after day

Sergio: I thought yesterday you were off

Nerea: Actually I was partying and I was hungover

Yuliana: I hope you weren't doing that everyday, I hope

Nerea: Of course, I wasn't, Sundance would never let that happen

Yuliana: Good you were with somebody responsible

Nerea: Of course, I have a job, so I can't get too drunk

Sergio: That's our girl, I guess

Nerea: Hey, I am very responsible

A man: Is the roof finished?

Nerea: Yeah

(Nerea climbs down the ladder)

The man (gives money to Nerea): Thank you

Nerea: You are quite welcome (whistles)

(Nerea's phone lands on her head)

Yuliana: Can you meet us at the new smoothie shop?

Nerea: Sure, I have plenty of time

(The screen switches to Nerea, Yuliana, and Sergio meeting)

Nerea: Hi

Yuliana: I'm glad that we finally got to see you

Nerea: Come on, we saw each other on my birthday

Sergio: Because it was your birthday

Yuliana: I mean if you are just partying it couldn't kill you to visit, I mean you have a phone

Nerea: I know, how about this, I'll put it on a schedule so the teleportation app will take me to your location

(Yuliana and Sergio look at each other, while whispering to each other)

Yuliana: Alright, we agree

Sergio: Give is your schedule, then we'll link it to our schedule

Nerea (types on her phone): Fine (a ding is heard) there

(Yuliana and Sergio look at their phones, then smile)

Nerea: So, how has business been?

Sergio: It's been smooth sailing especially thanks for your friend Silas, that helmet is really selling

Yuliana: I decorated plenty of outfits for many great people, thanks to your friend Amiyah

Nerea: Oh, that's great

Yuliana: Speaking of your friends, it seems that they are getting matched, why aren't you?

Nerea: I told you mom, I'm Aromantic which means I'm not interested in dating

Sergio: I never got that, how can you not be a little interested

Nerea: I just prefer being with my friends, partying and working, and also being with family

Yuliana and Sergio: Save it

Nerea: Fine, I'm not the only one, there are plenty of people that are aromatic

Sergio: Okay (gets out his phone) Amitron so the statistics of aromantic people

(The phone reveals a map showing people)

The phone (robotic voice): Very year, 6% of the aromantic community is growing

(Sergio and Yuliana looks surprised)

(Nerea smiles)

Sergio: Well, that's surprising

Yuliana: I guess we can back up a bit

Nerea: Good

(Explosion is heard)

Nerea: That can't be good

(A giant sign heads toward Yuliana and Sergio)

(Nerea throws a huge blast of power that destroys the sign)

(Kanisha appears)

Kanisha: Good job, and is everybody okay?

Yuliana: Yes

Sergio: Yeah, thanks to our brilliant daughter

Kanisha: Great

(A giant hand grabs Kanisha)

Yuliana (scared): Oh my

Kanisha: It's okay, enjoy your smoothies

(The hand that takes Kanisha away)

Nerea: Now, I want to tell you about a secret project of mine

Yuliana: Secret?

Sergio: Okay, show us

Nerea: Fine.

(Nerea taps her phone, then her, Yuliana, and Sergio disappear)

(The screen shows a shop with the sign 'Nerea's Sweet Shop', the shop is empty)

(Yuliana and Sergio has their eyes closed)

Nerea: You can open your eyes

(Yuliana and Sergio open their eyes)

Yuliana and Sergio: Nerea's Sweet Shop (smiles)

Nerea (smiles): Well?

Sergio: But, how, aren't you busy with construction work?

Nerea: I'm working part time so I can fix this place up and don't you dare tell Kanisha yet

Yuliana: We swear

Sergio: Yeah, we thought you gave up on your sweet dreams

Nerea: Never

(Yuliana and Sergio hugs Nerea)

Nerea (hugs her parents): I'm glad you are happy

Sergio: Of course, you are trying to achieve your true dream

Yuliana: And we are so proud of you

Nerea: I love you guys

Yuliana and Sergio: We love you too

Nerea: You know what would make this better.

Yuliana: What?

(Nerea whistles)

(A blue takes Nerea, Yuliana, and Sergio)

(The screen switches to Nerea, Yuliana, Sergio, and Kanisha at a bar full of mortals and supernatural creatures)

Kanisha: Welcome to your dreams

Sergio: I don't know

Nerea: Come on, there is a buffet

Sergio: Let me at it (runs)

Yuliana: So, what are we going to do?

Nerea: Something unladylike

(The camera shows Kanisha chugging beer)

A crowd: Chug! Chug! Chug!

Nerea (holding her phone): Recording Kanisha drinking, while enjoying wine (drinks some wine)

Yuliana (shrugs her shoulder): I don't mind that (drinks mine)

(The boss appears)

The boss (holding a tray full of chugs of beer): Kanisha, my favorite customer (puts the beer down)

Kanisha: You know it.

The boss (smiles) (while holding the tray): Enjoy

(Kanisha continues drinking)

(Sergio is enjoying the buffet)

(Yuliana and Nerea are laughing)

(Episode ends)