
episode 6

(The episode opens with Aunt Stella and Shamar are signing papers on separate screens)

A woman: I'm sorry that you have to go

The man: The ladies are going to miss your calendars for a minute

Aunt Stella and Shamar: I will be back, you'll survive

(The separate screen shows Aunt Stella and Shamar walk out their buildings)

(The screen shows Aunt Stella getting an ultrasound with Shamar, Melanie, Kanisha, Ren, and Tania)

The doctor: It's twins

(Aunt Stella and Shamar smiles)

(Kanisha's eyes widened)

(Ren and Tania pull Kanisha closer to Shamar and Aunt Stella)

Aunt Stella (signaling Kanisha): Come see

(Kanisha moves closer and sees the twins on the monitor, her eyes glitter up)

Ren: Look at that

Kanisha: Awww

(Aunt Stella kisses Kanisha on the forehead)

Melanie: So, you are going to have new cousins

Kanisha: I am and I will make sure they are safe, when they come

Shamar: Along with us

Kanisha: Of course (looks Aunt Stella) you are going to be a great mother to them, that's not a prediction, I just know

Aunt Stella (with tears in her eyes): You are so sweet

(The screen switches to Kanisha and Tania doing karate in the gym)

(Ren and Melanie is watching them, while eating popcorn)

Kanisha: This is fun

Tania: Absolutely

(Kanisha and Tania's fists met)

Melanie: They always have fun like this

Ren: Yeah, and I love them staying healthy

Melanie: I agree

Tania: Use your powers don't go easy on me

(Kanisha flies in the air and spends purple blasts towards Tania)

(Tania dodges the attacks and shoots Kanisha with an electric net)

Kanisha (in the net): That stung (rips the net)

(Tania spins a staff and sends many arrows towards Kanisha)

(Kanisha burns the arrows and destroys one with her hand)

(A portal shown and a scepter is shown through Kanisha's chest)

Melanie (shocked): Kanisha! (Flies towards the portal with red eyes)

(Kanisha spit out blood, then backs away from the portal)

Tania: Son of a bitch (gets out of arrows)

(A demon who has short brown hair, white skin, has red horns, red glowing eyes, wearing a red suit and shoes is shown)

The demon: There you are

Kanisha: (laughs evilly) so, somebody finally (glowing eyes) (wound heals) wants to challenge me (multiple arms appear) from hell (butterfly wings) beside Anubis

(Kanisha sends purple blasts at The demon)

(The demon avoids the attacks, her scepter releases a red aura and hit Kanisha)

(Kanisha is thrown against the wall)

(Melanie hits the demon with a pink aura)

(The demon's arm gets destroyed)

(Tania shots a bunch of arrows)

(The demon destroyed the arrows easily with her scepter)

(Ren is heading to the door)

(The demon sends a red arrow to Ren)

(Kanisha destroyed the arrow with her sharp teeth and spits out the pieces)

Kanisha (demonic voice): Trying to attack a defenseless person, how cowardly

(Kanisha hits the demon with a white aura)

The demon (shocked): Oh shit

(The demon is attacked and covered in her own blood)

Melanie: I don't know what you want, but we don't appreciate trespassers

Tania (shooting): So, scram

(The demon throws a purple aura that Tania dodges the attacks and shot the demon in the eye)

(The demon throws another blast and destroyed Tania's gun)

(Kanisha moves Tania out of the way and puts her by Ren)

(Kanisha and the demon's blast meets)

Kanisha: What the hell do you want?

The demon (sends arrows all around): Simple to see you suffer and see why you can't die

Kanisha (throwing blasts, while dodging the demon's attacks): No matter how many times you attack, I can't be killed (looks at her family)

(Kanisha releases a sonic scream that blasted the demon into the wall)

(The demon gets up with her scepter and sends a giant wave of red aura)

(Kanisha cancels the red aura with a white/blue aura)

(A dagger was about to hit Kanisha)

(Tania shoots a bunch of bullets)

(Melanie grabbed the dagger and stabs the demon's leg)

(The demon screams in pain)

Kanisha (holding a white aura): Go back to hell (throws the ball of white aura at the demon)

(Half of the demon's body is burnt and sent to the portal)

(The portal closes)

Melanie: That was crazy

Tania: To be honest, I really wanted to kill that demon

Ren: Yeah, Kanisha, I'm surprised you didn't kill that demon

Melanie: Why didn't you?

Kanisha: Unfortunately she is one of those lackees for the overlords in hell and I got no time to deal with them

Tania, Ren, and Melanie (looking confused): Overlord in hell?

Kanisha: Yeah, there are many people of high powers in hell called overlords, and I'm guessing one of them wants to get me

Melanie: I guess that make sense

(Aunt Stella enters the gym)

Aunt Stella: What's going on, I heard screaming

Kanisha: Nothing just a little demon fighting, nothing to worry about, just worry about taking care of yourself and your precious babies

Aunt Stella: Alright, but remember i'm not that weak that I can't worry about you, so tell me if anything troubling is happening or going to happen

Kanisha (smiles): Don't worry, this demon won't be bothering me anymore

(The screen shows a woman who has short red hair, white skin, wearing a red dress and heels on a throne beside the demon)

The woman: So, you failed and you come to me in this horrible display

The demon: I'm sorry, mistress Anni

Anni/the woman: It's okay, the point to see what could weaken her and now we know

The demon: But aren't you afraid she will attack us or

(A pink aura surrounds the demon and Anni)

Anni (scared): What is this?

The demon (blasting): I don't know

(The pink aura swallows the demon and Anni)

Anni: What were we talking about

The demon: I don't remember, ma'am

Anni: It probably wasn't important

The demon: Want your usual drink?

Anni: Yeah, I am out, yes get me more

(The demon runs off)

(The screen switches to Kanisha holding a crystal ball by Aunt Stella)

Aunt Stella: You wiped their memories easily

Kanisha: Yes, although I had to pull a few strings to make it possible

Melanie: Whose?

Kanisha: Nobody important

(Episode ends with a shadow with glowing red eyes and wings are revealed)