
episode 3

(The episode opens in Nobusawa's dorm room)

Kanisha: So, Nobusawa, what is this call for?

Nobusawa: I wanted to show you my last masterpiece that I want each of you to have

Melanie: Curious, let's see before my job calls

Nerea: Yeah, same

(Lura and Sundance nodded)

(Nobusawa shows a painting of Lura, Kanisha, him, Melanie, Sundance, Nerea,and Amiyah using their powers and helping the town)

(Everybody looks excited)

Melanie (smiles): Amazing

Kanisha: Is that? (Eyes sparkle) Wow!

(Phone rings)

Kanisha: What's going on?

Aunt Stella (excited): Kanisha! I have big news

Shamar: We have news

Kanisha: Should I portal there?

Aunt Stella: Yes, and bring your friends and your wife

Kanisha: Okay

Melanie: What's going on?

Kanisha: I don't know, I'm trying not to read their minds

Aunt Stella: Good, we want it to be a surprise

Nobusawa: What is going on?

Kanisha: Seems we going to see my aunt

(A portal opens)

(Kanisha, Melanie, Nobusawa, Amiyah, Nerea, Lura and Sundance go through the portal and land in the living room)

(Aunt Stella and Shamar are sitting on the couch smiling)

Kanisha: Well, we are here

Melanie: Yo, auntie, what's going on?

Aunt Stella (smiles) (with sparkles around her): You called me auntie

(They all looked confused)

Amiyah: Uh, Ms. Konno what's going on?

Aunt Stella: Well, you see

(Shamar giggles)

Aunt Stella: Quiet, I'm pregnant

(Kanisha, Melanie, Lura, Sundance, Nerea, Amiyah, and Nobusawa look shocked)

Kanisha (looks at Shamar) (red eyes): You are

Shamar (nervous): Easy, easy, you have a new family member coming on his or her way

Melanie: Yeah, honey aren't you happy?

Kanisha: Of course, I am (tail makes a heart shape) I am (runs to Aunt Stella) so happy (rubbing Aunt Stella's stomach)

Aunt Stella: So, what do you sense?

Kanisha: Uh, a beautiful vision of what the future like

Aunt Stella (teasingly): So, you want us to keep the baby?

Kanisha: Absolutely, and don't worry I won't tell you how many or their genders

Shamar: How did you know we wanted it to be a surprise?

Kanisha (hugs her aunt): I know my aunt

Shamar: Still cold

Nobusawa: Kanisha, something odd is outside

(Kanisha heads to the window and sees a sand storm heading towards the house)

Kanisha: Guys, seems another adventure is coming

Lura: Already I wanted to hear when they decided to have a baby

Aunt Stella: We'll tell you when you get back, now all of you go kick some butt

(Kanisha, Melanie, Nobusawa, Lura, Sundance, Amiyah, and Nerea go through the door)

(Kanisha uses her super vision and sees that it's not a sand storm but creatures that are half bird and half Phoenix)

Kanisha: Nerea

Nerea: On it (releases fireworks)

(The creatures stop and see the fireworks coming from Nerea, then fly around her)

(The trail that looks like a sand storm is still heading)

Nobusawa: I'll stop that attack

(Nobusawa summons a strong wind that destroys the attack)

(Kanisha flies to Nerea)

The creatures: How can you summon fire, are you half Phoenix too?

Nerea: No, I just got superpowers

The creatures: We are Blazehawks

Kanisha: Nice to meet you, why were you trying to attack us?

A blazehawk: Sorry, we were transported to this unknown world

Kanisha: Oh, I can fix that

(Kanisha's body glows and opens a portal)

Kanisha: That should take you to your home

A blazehawk: Thank you, you are a saint

(The blazehawks go through the portal)

(The portal closes)

Lura: That was actually pretty good

(Thunder is heard)

(Lightning hits a tree)

Amiyah (holds her chest): Ouch!

Nobusawa: I didn't know you could feel the pain of nature

Amiyah (holds her chest): I didn't know that either

(It starts raining)

(Kanisha lands on the ground and stops flying, also her body stop glowing)

Everybody: Kanisha, are you okay?

(Melanie helps Kanisha up)

Kanisha: I am fine, but for some reason I stopped flying

Sundance: Weird and Amiyah is now feels pain of the nature

Nobusawa: This might be a supernatural storm

Nerea: Come on, a supernatural storm, Amiyah's power could be getting stronger

Kanisha (in Melanie's arm): True, I could just be tired

(Lightning hits Nerea)

(Everybody looked shocked)

Amiyah: Oh my, are you okay?

Nerea: I'm not dead, so yeah

Lura: Yeah, how did that lightning hit you and you didn't die

Kanisha (in Melanie's arms): It may have not as powerful, but I absorbed the lightning from her body that could kill her

Sundance: Melanie, are you okay?

Melanie: Yes, although I am hungry for blood

Kanisha: Just take some of my blood

(Nobusawa, Amiyah, Nerea, Lura, and Sundance turn their backs)

(Melanie takes blood from Kanisha's neck)

Melanie: That was refreshing

(Kanisha fainted)

Melanie (worried): Kanisha! Kanisha!

Lura: What's wrong

Melanie: She fainted

Amiyah: What, hang on (hands glow green and touch Kanisha's neck)

(Flowers appear around Kanisha's neck)

(Kanisha's eyes open)

Kanisha (lands on the ground): What just happened?

Melanie (backs up): Did I take too much blood?

Nerea: It's okay, you just got a bit greedy

Kanisha: Besides I am immortal, you know it's weird my healing should've kicked in

(Amiyah's flowers disappear from Kanisha's neck)

Sundance: I think this is a supernatural storm that affects us

Kanisha: Then, let's go inside before it gets worse

(They all head back into Aunt Stella's place)

Shamar: Why didn't you come in sooner? You could've gotten colds

Aunt Stella (holding trays that have cups of hot chocolate): Here

Everybody (as they take a hot chocolate): Thanks

(They all drink hot chocolate)

(Episode ends)