
Kan-Gar-Chu! (One Piece fanfic)

Alyssia is a programmer who has worked hard as an independent woman all her life to get where she is and made a game for one of the animes that she loved One Piece. As she had finished her work she created a character and entered the game to give it a test run but she dies from overworking. She wakes up in an unfamiliar place as a newborn… She has furr… She has just been garchu’d… With the help from her system and the people within the island of Zou, she begins her journey within the world of one piece. Disclaimer One Piece world and its character belong to Oda except for OCs. Kofi Link to donate and join monthly for early chapter releases: https://ko-fi.com/dancematdan Discord Link: https://discord.gg/ehdpPFzrFF Novels under my account Bodyguard of a Villainess in an Apocalyptic Revenge Novel Tiny Terror of the Aether Era Kan-Gar-Chu! (One Piece Fanfic) Pi-Gar-Chu! (One Piece Fanfic) Bombyx: Return of the Vengeful Eldest Daughter (Ongoing) Dr who is where now? (Dragon Ball Fanfic) Apotropaic of Danmachi Holy Beast Saintess (Dropped) Edited KGC Novel Link: https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/23397974605266405?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=3070767729

dancematdan · Anime & Comics
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507 Chs

Bounties and fame or experience point conversion

Cat Viper left stealthily and went unnoticed by many people within the small community of houses outside of the main city inside the walls.

However if Alyssia knew that she had been watched by someone so high powered within the world of One Piece within the first couple of years of her life then she still would not care so long as it did not interfere with her plans.

When looking at the points system that was in place she discovered that it ran according to the same system as bounties as did the fame but on a lower scale.

For example for bounties in the various places…

The average bounty for the East Blue is rated at only 3,000,000 berry, making it the weakest sea within the world and any bounty of 10,000,000 berry or higher is considered to be impressive within East Blue.

Meanwhile at the Grand Line the bounties could range from 10m to 100m but several individuals still have a very high reputation for their deeds may even have 300m or more if they are at the level of one of the stronger seven warlords but the warlords bounties do not reflect their true fame and power.

Meanwhile the New World half of the Grand Line has more varied bounties but most captains or second in commands usually have someone around 100m berry bounty or above if they wish to even survive in the New World.

Though most emperors bounties are roughly between two and six billion berry and their direct and strongest subordinates tend to be in the six or nine hundred million berry mark while some can surpass the bounty of a million.

The same is true for the Minks, even the two leaders fight one on one with Jack the drought who had a bounty of a billion and then switch places during the day and night shifts for many days until they got defeated because of the gas that was released.

Even later they came back to defeat him once in Sulong form and almost killed him then the next fights they each were able to defeat him solo eventually thanks to being able to use their form again while the other dealt with the candy used of the Big Mom pirates who was worth 700 million berry when they were both tired and wounded from their battle with Kaido and others so although their bounty was not known they should be around eight to nine hundred million berry each which shows the upper limit to the Minks strength who use Haki, Electro and Sulong and that is even if the conditions are met in order to transform.

Meanwhile someone like Pedro who joined the Straw Hats for a while had a bounty of 382,000,000 berry meanwhile people like Pekoms and members of the main force of the Musketeers and Guardians can defeat people with a bounty of 200 million or higher and even defeat many smile users in Kaido's army.

It was difficult to estimate the berry bounty for Alyssia's current strength and fame or for her opponent Tristan but luckily she had the help of the system to convert it.

Since she had defeated a child Mink without the ability to use electro she had received five points worth the equivalent of five million berry but she gained additional fame points for those that had watched and the achievement points.

Even the adult Fishmen race of the strong pirates were rumoured to be around ten or more million because of their actions of not increasing their bounty because of bribes and even their weakest subordinate may of qualified to be strong fighters beyond their bounty if they fought at sea where they are superior, the same was for the Minks…

If they had the right conditions their potential and estimated bounty would be high even at a young age because of their higher physical strength or abilities so the average child mink ranged from one to six million berry bounty according to the system to start off and the rest depends on their current abilities they have mastered.

Five points were rewarded for Tristan's talent and fighting prowess but also because the fight had continued to allow her to grow during the fight and also put on a better show for those watching.

So while she remained known for the fight she would receive one point for every person that is known for as long as they remember her name along with her five points plus the reward for her first duel.

Meanwhile within the additional one point that she received daily she also seemed to have earned because the people watching must have been within the range of one hundred million berry bounty but somewhere she seemed to earn an additional daily reward as high as one hundred points because of the fame systems points rewards.

One point was rewarded for those that were below ten million, 10 points for between ten and ninty nine million, one hundred points for on hundred million and nine hundred and ninety nine million and then finally one thousand points daily if she is remembered by someone with a bounty of a billion or above?