
Kaminari no Kaizoku - One Piece

In the harsh and unforgiving society of Birka, a child named Cain is born without wings, a rare and stigmatizing condition that immediately marks him as an outcast. His mother, Sora, dies shortly after giving birth, leaving Cain to face the cruel world alone. Despite his lack of wings, Cain grows up with a fierce determination to prove his worth and survive in a society that despises him.

itzReklez · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

The Hidden Temple

Cain and Gear had settled into a routine of rigorous training and inventive scheming, their bond growing stronger with each passing day.

One evening, as Cain was going over plans for their next training session, Gear burst into their hideout, breathless and wide-eyed.

"Cain, you won't believe what I just heard," Gear said, panting.

Cain looked up, concerned. "What is it?"

"I was out scavenging for parts when I overheard some of Enel's goons talking," Gear explained. "They mentioned a hidden temple in the jungle that supposedly holds a mythical treasure. Enel plans to find it and become the strongest in all of Birka."

Cain's eyes narrowed. "We can't let Enel get that treasure. It would make him even more powerful."

Gear nodded. "But how do we find the temple? We don't have the clues that Enel does."

"We follow them," Cain replied. "We stay hidden and let them lead us to the temple."

The next morning, Enel and his goons set out for the jungle, unaware that Cain and Gear were trailing them. The journey was arduous, with dense foliage and treacherous terrain making progress slow and difficult. Cain and Gear had to use all their skills to remain unseen, darting from shadow to shadow and staying downwind of their targets.

The jungle was a living, breathing obstacle course. They crossed rickety bridges over deep ravines, climbed steep cliffs, and navigated through narrow, winding passages. The sounds of the jungle—chirping insects, rustling leaves, and distant animal calls—created a symphony of natural noise that masked their movements.

"Watch your step," Cain whispered as they carefully navigated a particularly unstable bridge. The wood creaked ominously under their weight.

"This place is a deathtrap," Gear muttered, his eyes wide with concern. "How are we going to keep up with them if we have to keep avoiding these hazards?"

"We'll manage," Cain replied, determination evident in his voice. "Just stay focused."

As they continued deeper into the jungle, the path became even more treacherous. Vines hung like thick ropes, tangling their feet and slowing their progress. The air grew thick with humidity, and the canopy above blocked out most of the sunlight, casting eerie shadows all around them.

"Do you think the treasure is real?" Gear asked, wiping sweat from his brow.

"It doesn't matter," Cain replied. "We can't let Enel get his hands on it. Whatever it is, it'll only make him more dangerous."

They trudged on, their muscles aching from the constant exertion. The sounds of Enel's group ahead spurred them on, reminding them of the importance of their mission.

Finally, as the sun began to set, casting long shadows through the jungle, Cain and Gear spotted the ancient stone structures of the hidden temple nestled among the trees. The temple was overgrown with vines and moss, its once grand entrance partially obscured by the jungle's encroachment.

"This is it," Gear whispered, a mix of awe and apprehension in his voice.

"Stay low," Cain instructed. "We need to wait for the right moment."

They watched as Enel's goons fanned out, their torches flickering in the dimming light. Enel himself approached the temple entrance, examining the ancient carvings that adorned the stone doorway.

"Finally, we found it," Enel declared, his voice filled with a mixture of awe and greed. "The treasure is in there. We just need to find a way in."

Cain and Gear knew this was their chance. They crept closer, using the cover of darkness and the jungle's natural camouflage to their advantage. They positioned themselves near the temple entrance, ready to act.

Cain whispered to Gear, "There are four of them, five including Enel. I bet we can take them."

Gear nodded, eyes gleaming with determination. "What's the plan?"

Cain thought for a moment. "You hide and attack from behind with a few of your most unstable dial inventions. I'll appear from the front and deceive them, making Enel and his goons think it's only me."

Gear grinned and pulled out a few gadgets from his satchel. "I have these shock dials and flash dials. The shock dials will create a burst of electricity, and the flash dials will create blinding flashes of light. They're unstable, but if I use them right, they'll cause chaos."

Cain nodded. "Perfect. Let's do this."

Cain and Gear took their positions. Gear found a hidden spot behind some dense foliage where he could remain unseen and ready his dial inventions. Cain took a deep breath and unsheathed his short sword, feeling its weight in his hand. He stepped out from the shadows, moving towards Enel and his goons.

Just as Enel was about to lead his men inside, Cain emerged from the jungle, his presence stopping Enel in his tracks. The goons turned, surprise and anger etched on their faces.

"Well, well," Enel sneered, his eyes narrowing as he recognized Cain. "The wingless wonder. What are you doing here?"

Cain met Enel's gaze with steely resolve. "I'm here to stop you, Enel. That treasure is mine."

Enel laughed, a cold, mocking sound. "You think you can stop me? You're nothing but a freak and a failure. Do you really expect to defeat me with that rusted old junk?" He pointed at Cain's short sword, his laughter echoing through the jungle.

Cain held his ground, his short sword gleaming in the fading light. "We'll see about that."

"He's mine," Enel barked at his goons. "Back off."

For a moment, they stood in a standoff, each gauging the other's intent. Enel tightened his grip on his metal bo staff, his eyes locked on Cain's. The air was thick with tension, the jungle holding its breath.

Then, as if on an unspoken signal, they charged at each other. Cain swung his short sword with all his strength, while Enel twirled his bo staff, deflecting the blow with a metallic clang. Sparks flew as steel met metal.

At that moment, Gear unleashed his dial inventions from behind. He activated a shock dial, sending a burst of electricity into the group of goons. They convulsed and yelled in pain, their bodies momentarily paralyzed. Gear then activated a flash dial, causing a blinding light to explode among them. The goons staggered, disoriented and blinded.

With the goons momentarily incapacitated, Gear switched to his flame dial-powered burn bazooka. The bazooka ignited with a fierce blue flame, crackling with energy. Gear charged from behind the foliage, firing at the remaining goons. The combined force of the flame and the bazooka's power took them down swiftly, their bodies dropping one by one under the onslaught of the powerful weapon.

Enel's eyes widened in shock as he realized they were under attack from both sides. "What is this?!" he roared, his voice filled with rage.

With the goons incapacitated by Gear's attack, Cain pressed his assault on Enel with renewed vigor. The jungle seemed to hold its breath, the silence broken only by the sounds of battle.