
Kaminari no Kaizoku - One Piece

In the harsh and unforgiving society of Birka, a child named Cain is born without wings, a rare and stigmatizing condition that immediately marks him as an outcast. His mother, Sora, dies shortly after giving birth, leaving Cain to face the cruel world alone. Despite his lack of wings, Cain grows up with a fierce determination to prove his worth and survive in a society that despises him.

itzReklez · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Battle on the High Seas

The pirate ship's deck was a chaotic flurry of activity as the crew scrambled around, each member performing their duties with practiced efficiency. The salty breeze carried the scent of the sea, mingling with the shouts and orders echoing across the ship. The tang of salt stung their lips, and the deck creaked rhythmically beneath their feet.

At the bow, the Pirate Captain stood, his sharp eyes scanning the horizon with an intensity that belied his calm exterior. His sword hung at his side, a silent reminder of his authority.

"Captain!" A crew member came barreling towards him, breathless from the sprint. "Small sailboat dead ahead! It's the bounty hunter and her friends! Orders?"

A dangerous gleam sparked in the Pirate Captain's eyes. He turned, his voice booming over the deck, "Sink them!"

The command was met with a chorus of acknowledgments as the crew sprang into action. Cannons were loaded, and the ship adjusted course, bearing down on the unsuspecting sailboat.

One of the pirates, perched at the helm, gave a nod to the Captain. "We'll make quick work of them, Captain."

The Pirate Captain's eyes flicked to the approaching sailboat, a dark grin spreading across his face. "Make it swift. We don't have time to waste."

The pirate ship surged forward, cutting through the waves with lethal grace. Within moments, they were within striking distance.

"Fire!" the Captain's voice rang out, and the cannons roared to life, belching smoke and flame.

The morning sun cast its golden glow over the tranquil sea as Cain, Gear, and Isara sailed toward Briss Kingdom. The breeze was steady, the water calm, and for a moment, it seemed as if their journey would be uneventful. However, the peace was soon shattered by the sudden, thunderous roar of cannon fire from behind.

Cain spun around, his eyes narrowing as he saw the ominous sight of black sails rapidly closing in. It was a pirate ship. The flag the ship bore was unmistakable, a skull with a snake coiled around it. Isara's eyes widened in recognition and fear.

"That's them," she murmured, her voice tight. "The pirates who were after me."

Gear, piloting the ship with steady hands, glanced back at the approaching threat. He adjusted his goggles, a gleam of amusement in his eyes. "Seems like they haven't had enough of a beating."

Cain's lips curled into a smirk, a hint of dark humor in his eyes. "Hey, Gear, weren't we looking for a new ship?"

Gear's eyes lit up with understanding, and he chuckled. "You read my mind."

Isara, caught between fear and confusion, watched as the two men shared a conspiratorial grin. She had no idea what they were planning, but she could sense the shift in their demeanor. They were ready for a fight.

The pirate ship fired its cannons again, the volley of cannonballs hurtling towards them. Cain stepped to the stern, his eyes focused and intense. With a swift motion, he raised his hand, electricity crackling around his fingers. He unleashed a bolt of lightning, striking the first cannonball mid air and causing it to explode in a fiery burst. He repeated the action with the remaining cannonballs, each shot perfectly timed and executed.

Isara gasped, her eyes wide with shock. "You can control lightning?"

Cain glanced back at her, his expression unreadable. "Just one of my many talents."

With a nod from Cain, Gear activated the dial-tech engines he had ingeniously incorporated into their boat. The large Breath Dials and Flame Dials roared to life, propelling the ship forward. The small boat made an abrupt turn, facing the oncoming pirates head on with impressive speed and agility. The wind whipped through their hair as they charged towards the pirate ship. Caught off guard by the sudden maneuver, the pirates scrambled to adjust their cannons.

As they drew near, Cain's smirk widened. "I'm going on ahead!"

The two ships collided with a thunderous crash, the impact reverberating through the air and throwing the enemy off balance. The small boat's sturdy hull held firm against the larger vessel, the splintering wood and clanking metal a symphony of chaos.

Cain wasted no time. As soon as their small sailboat collided with the ship, he activated his devil fruit powers, teleporting onto the enemy deck in a flash of lightning.

The pirates stood ready, their eyes filled with determination and malice. In the center of the chaos, Cain appeared as a lightning bolt, his expression unreadable, his stance relaxed yet ready. His short sword gleamed in the harsh sunlight, and arcs of lightning crawled up his body, a faint crackle of electricity dancing along his skin.

"Kill him!" the pirate captain's voice boomed from their ship, breaking the tension like a hammer shattering glass.

The pirates sprang into action, charging at Cain with the desperation of men defending their vessel. Cain remained still, his keen eyes scanning the deck, calculating his every move. A hulking figure led the charge, rushing towards him with a makeshift mace held high.

"You're dead!" the man roared.

Cain sidestepped effortlessly, his movements fluid and precise. He drew his short sword, its blade cutting through the air with a deadly whisper. With a swift motion, he parried the attack and slashed across the pirate's chest, blood spraying as the man fell.

"Too slow," Cain muttered, his voice cold and detached. Arcs of lightning continued to crawl up his body, amplifying the menace in his words.

Gunfire erupted around him, but Cain ignored the pistols, the bullets passing harmlessly through his body with a crackle of electricity. He turned his attention to the mass of pirates converging on him, each armed with swords, maces, and chains.

"Get him!" one of them shouted.

Cain ducked under a sword swing, delivering a swift kick to another pirate's knee. The sickening crunch of bone echoed on the deck as the man crumpled. Spinning on his heel, Cain used the momentum to elbow a third attacker in the face, shattering his nose in a spray of blood.

"Stay back!" screamed another pirate, swinging a chain wildly.

Cain caught the chain mid air, yanking the pirate towards him. With brutal efficiency, he delivered a rapid series of strikes to the man's throat and chest, dropping him instantly. Arcs of lightning crawled up his arms, the familiar surge of power coursing through his veins as he called upon his lightning devil fruit abilities.

Electricity crackled around Cain's body, his eyes glowing with an eerie light. He extended his hand, releasing a bolt of lightning that struck a nearby pirate, causing him to convulse violently before collapsing, smoke rising from his charred body. Each attack was accompanied by a violent crack of thunder, adding to the growing terror among the pirates.

I don't need to kill them all, Cain thought, just enough to take control.

The pirates regrouped, forming a semi-circle around him, their faces set in grim determination but their eyes betraying their fear. Cain sprinted towards them with incredible speed, arcs of lightning trailing behind him as his sword became a blur, cutting down two more attackers. A burly pirate swung a heavy club at Cain, but he ducked and retaliated with a lightning charged punch that sent the pirate flying.

"Look out" one of them yelled as Cain closed the distance. The fear in their voices was palpable, amplified by the deafening cracks of thunder that followed each of Cain's movements.

In an instant, Cain vanished in a flash of lightning, reappearing behind a group of pirates. They barely had time to react before he cut them down with a swift series of strikes, each accompanied by a resounding boom of thunder. The fear in their eyes grew as they realized they couldn't predict or counter his movements.

He leaped into the air, arcs of lightning crawling up his legs as he delivered a flying kick to a pirate's head, sending him sprawling. Landing smoothly, he rolled forward, narrowly dodging an incoming attack from another pirate. Rising with a powerful uppercut, Cain knocked the attacker unconscious before he could react, the sound of thunder echoing ominously.

"One more," Cain said to himself, spotting the pirate captain a lithe swordsman armed with a cutlass.

The captain charged at him, the sword swinging in a deadly arc. Cain braced himself, waiting for the right moment. As the captain swung, Cain sidestepped, but instead of disarming him, he grabbed the captain's sword arm. Lightning surged from Cain's hand into the metal blade and through the captain's body. The captain's eyes widened in horror as the electricity coursed through him, accompanied by a violent crack of thunder. The shock burned the man black, his skin charring as he convulsed violently before collapsing to the deck, lifeless.

The deck fell silent. The remaining pirates either lay defeated or cowered in fear, too broken to continue. Cain stood in the center, barely winded, his eyes cold and determined, arcs of lightning still dancing along his skin. The echoes of thunder slowly faded, leaving an eerie stillness in their wake.

By the time Gear and Isara managed to board the ship, it was all over. Cain stood amidst a scene of carnage, his lightning slowly dissipating as he surveyed the aftermath. The deck was splattered with blood, the result of Cain's powerful attacks. The crumpled bodies of pirates lay strewn across the deck, some still twitching with residual electrical energy. The surreal tableau was grotesque, almost nightmarish in its intensity.

Isara's eyes widened in shock as she took in the chaotic scene. The blood, smeared across the deck and the bodies, made everything look disturbingly surreal. The metallic scent mixed with the salty sea air, turning her stomach. For a moment, a wave of nausea and fear washed over her, threatening to overwhelm her senses. The sounds of the sea and the creaking ship seemed distant, muted by the pounding of her heart.

She forced herself to steady her breathing, her gaze hardening with resolve. This was the harsh reality of their world. Only the strongest survived, and if the pirates had been stronger, they would have killed them all without hesitation.

Her resolve solidified, and with hesitant but determined steps, she moved forward. She could feel the rough texture of the deck under her feet, each step grounding her more firmly in the present. Isara tightened her grip on her daggers, the cold metal reassuring in her hands. The initial shock gave way to a fierce determination.

She knew that to protect her friends and herself, she needed to accept the brutal truths of their world. With a deep breath, she joined Cain and Gear, her eyes reflecting a newfound steely resolve. She was ready for whatever came next.