
Kamen Rider in RWBY

A man reincarnated into the RWBY universe after his death. He later received a gift from someone to influence the world of RWBY with Kamen Riders. He will soon rule the world as a king.

Haluo · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 5: Henshin…!

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This fanfic is purely for enjoyment.

This is a fanfiction, so the familiar characters you see belong to their respected authors and owners.



—Line Breaker—


Volume 1–Chapter 5: Henshin…!


-[Xiao Long Cabin · Patch]-

"The White Fang, huh…" muttered Qrow as he drank more beer from his flask.

Who would have predicted something like this at the summit? Qrow felt it was pretty reckless for the White Fang to attack this conference in front of millions of people all over Remnant.

If anything, it would only increase the enmity between the two races.

"Uncle Qrow…." Muttered Ruby as she tugged her only uncle to gain his attention.


"…Do you think they'll be fine?" asked Ruby, a little scared by the sudden events.

"…They should be fine after all. Jimmy is here but…." said Qrow as he trailed his words and analyzed the situation.

He doesn't know how many will come out alive since the White Fang brought many people to the event. Moreover, he doesn't trust Jacques's filthy mouth to provoke the entire White Fang on him and cause a massacre.

While the security at the event is not low but it can't be considered equipped to deal with an army. Also, he recognized the two Faunus beside Adam Taurus.

While they might not be as infamous as Adam, they had their own "achievement."

Nebulas Hale, a renowned Faunus raccoon assassin in the underworld, with 50 kills confirmed with high rates of 80%. He was still surprised that she was affiliated with the White Fang, or maybe she was hired.

Who knows…

Zeal Verde, the big fellow beside Adam, was also a big deal. He also traded some blows during one of his missions. A battle maniac who fights on every occasion. A terrible crocodile Faunus with thick skin that can endure any lighthearted blows.

Moreover, his willpower was completely disgustingly monstrous, as he would charge even if get an arm chopped off.

He is an opponent that can't be taken lightly…

Honestly, he didn't want to get involved in this sudden attack, and he is not a saint. Moreover, it was Atlas's territory, and from his dear boss's lack of phone calls, it was safe to assume he wouldn't get involved.

"What!" shouted Yang and Ruby in unison as they witnessed a terrible situation on TV. It was loud enough to wake up Qrow from his musing as his face became dignified.

Fortunately or not, the live stream was still on as they witnessed everything as they saw the two bodyguards from Jacques Schnee get assaulted by Nebulas and Zeal.

They didn't last long as they fell under their blood, completely immobile as they felt the atmosphere in the venue was completely sucked out.

They could not know if they were still alive, so they could only pray in their hearts.

Even Qrow can see Jimmy being tense at the sudden turn of events… Jacques wasn't helping either with all of his taunting and heinous things that came off his mouth.

The live stream chat wasn't in any better way as they witnessed the tragedy as it exploded.


"That can't be good…."


"Urgh, how can they do that!"


"Damn, if they don't stop, I'll have to intervene…"

"Are they here to kill everyone?"

"Let's hope not…. Or it will make the life of every Faunus even more miserable."

"Damn, that fucking Adam! Why does he have to do that!"

"For the Faunus, right? Fuck that hypocrite, guy! He's only making our life worse…."




The live stream was not alone, as this raid by White Fang detonated many reactions from many people worldwide.

Like a particular black-haired cat Faunus who watched the live stream with sadness.

"Adam…." Muttering the young girl as her whole body trembled in pain.

Or a particular coffee addict with his staff members at Beacon Academy.

"Ozpin, shouldn't we do something?" asked the blond-haired woman.

"…Sorry, Glynda, but my hands are tied, and I can't send any huntsman on Atlas, and I doubt they would arrive in time. So we can only count on Ironwood to resolve this situation without much bloodshed.

"But…." Muttered Glynda as she looked at the screen with some worry but more precisely at one person.

"Don't worry, Glynda, your beloved student will be fine and look at him. He isn't scared at all. It would be best if you trusted him, and I believe he will solve this situation." Said Ozpin as he looked at his staff with some teasing in his voice that made the usually strict and stern woman shy.

She tried her best to ignore the non-subtle teasing from her superior as her ears reddened.


"Oh, looks, he is finally moving… Let's see what he has for us." Said Ozpin as his eyes became even more focused on Sora than before.

They were not the only ones paying attention to Sora as he captured the attention of everyone looking at life as if someone dared to move in this situation.

"Hey, Uncle Qrow, look! That handsome brother is doing something!" shouted Yang as the entire family looked at the television nervously.

["Adam Taurus of the White Fang, Nebulas Hale and Zel Verde… powerful people within the new White Fang. Such a shame that a peaceful group became like that…" said Sora as he shook his head in disappointment.]

["Hmph, what do you know, human!? If Peace doesn't help us, Faunus, why not use strength? After all, that's what you need to survive in this dog-eat world, right?" uttered Adam with a sneer.]

["Oh? Interesting words… May I ask why you decided to raid this summit? After all, your presence complicated a lot for us."]

["Wasn't I clear enough? We will slaughter all those elitists, including you, to send a message to all humans in remnant and our fellow brother and sisters, Faunus, to join us!" Roared Adam with a bloodthirsty smile]

["We will start with those disgusting Schnee and especially JACQUES SCHNEE"]

["Unfortunately, I can't let you do that, my friends," said Sora, who signalled his two bodyguards to follow him.]

["Oh? Who's going to stop me? You? Or that pathetic General over there? No one will stop us from slaughtering everyone today!"]

["I see… well, I wanted to show it at the end of this summit, but it looks like we'll have to change it."]

["What are you talking about, Sora Hiden?" asked the suspicious admin as he kept his eyes on Sora and the two humans beside him.]

The White Fang were not the only ones confused as they looked at Sora with some confusion. They saw Sora, Fuwa, and Yua put a belt on their waist and some object in their hands.

["HAHAHA? A BELT? WHAT'S GONNA DO TO US? I WAS WAITING FOR SOMETHING MORE AS THE CEO OF HIDEN INTELLIGENCE, BUT THAT'S IT?" mocked Adam as the rest of the White Fang followed his mockery, but unfortunately their mockery didn't upset Sora, Fuwa or Yua at all as they kept their confident smile.]

["Simple… Fuwa and Yua, authorization open, so let's henshin."]

["Let's make an example of you, Sora Hiden! Go, everyone kills him!" said Adam as the grunts behind him charged.]




The little family on Patch opened their mouth in surprise at the sudden turn of events. They were not alone, as many people all over Remnant were shocked by the move that Sora and his companion pulled.


Fuwa was first as he took out the Shooting Wolf Progrise Key from his suit and activated it by pressing the button.


He grabbed the Progrise Key with both hands and deployed it with all his might.

[Krrr… Krrrr….]

You can hear the creaking sound from the key as Fuwa tries to pry it open.

"There's nothing I can't break open!"

"Uooo oh oh!!"

Finally, under the effort of Fuwa, he unfolded the key. He loaded the pistol (AIMS Shotriser) with the progress key that was deployed and pointed the muzzle in front of the incoming enemies.


[Kamen Rider… Kamen Rider…]


Fuwa pulls the trigger with a shout.


Various equipment moulded from the muzzle is enclosed in a compression capsule (SR Danger) shot off the AIMS Shotriser as the ejected SR Danger hits various WF grunts.

It wasn't the end as the ejected bullet changed its trajectory and returned to Fuwa as he thrust his left fist and made contact with it.

"HAHAHA, Stupid! What kind of bullet return to its owner!" mocked Adam as he witnessed the scene.

"This one, you stupid guy." Said Fuwa as the SR Danger decomposed in the air, and the bodysuit (Riser Base Actor) deployed on Fuwa.

The armour is attached to Fuwa's body one after another, and finally, a red tear line appears on his face, and the helmet (Wolf Head) is attached.

The bullet dematerialized under the punch. Fuwa's arm was now covered in armour as his entire body was surrounded by parts of the armour that slowly fused with his whole body.

[Shooting Wolf!]

[The elevation increases as the bullet is fired.]

Steam came off the chest armour (Wolf Breast) as Fuwa, now Kamen Rider Vulcan, started shooting the enemy.

Yua, who watched her captain transform, didn't hesitate as she took out her orange key and pressed the button activation.


She placed the Progrisekey on the Shotriser and put on the belt as she activated the trigger.


[Kamen Rider… Kamen Rider…]



The SR Danger flew out of the Shotriser as it flew toward Yua and dematerialized like Fuwa, with armour equipment surrounding her body as they fused.

[Rushing Cheetah!]

She ran toward the WF as the armour parts slowly fused. She punched a goat Faunus in the face that flew away and kicked another WF member on the chest, and stomped him on the ground.

[Try to outrun this demon to get left in the dust]

Yua Yaiba became Kamen Rider Valkyrie.

"I can't let them fight alone, now can I?" said Sora with a confident smile as he gloated toward Adam and his two subordinates.

Adam's face darkened as he took out his weapon to deal with Sora alone. He can't let a human mock him now, can he? But he didn't forget to give orders to his direct subordinate to deal with other Kamen Riders.

"You are not simple, after all, Sora Hiden." Said Adam as he ran toward Sora, not willing to let him transform first, but he was too late.


Sora put the Thousandriver on his waist and took the Zetsumerisekey from his pocket.

[Zetsumetsu Evolution!]

Sora inserted the Zetsumerisekey into the left-hand slot of the driver. Then he activates the Progrisekey and opens it.

[Break Horn!]


He inserted the last key into the right-hand slot, causing the face of the Thousandriver to open and reveal a projection of Thouser's face.

[Perfect Rise!]

Two Rider model manifests in the form of a Caucasus Beetle and an Arsinotherium from the successful activation of the Driver as they charged right into Adam, which caused him to stop in his track and defend himself.

The two Rider Models returned to Sora as they circle him before their horns interlock and their bodies fuse after the bodysuit (Infrast Tecter) materializes.

[When the five horns cross, the golden soldier THOUSER is born.]

[Presented by Hiden]

Finally, the five horns are attached to the faceplate, generating the Thousand Eye Visor and finishing his transformation as a golden Kamen Rider.

"Who the fuck are you guys?" roared Adam with hatred, as he didn't expect his plan to get interrupted by some filthy humans.

Zeal and Nebulas joined Adam as they stood beside him and looked deeply at their new opponents.

"Kamen Rider Thouser. My power is on a different level."

"Kamen Rider Vulcan. Enemies of Hiden… I will crush you all!"

"Kamen Rider Valkyrie. Violations of the President's will result in destruction."