

In a world of beauty and hell, there has always been a balance between pain and happiness, but there has been a disruption. in the world of Kakitàck. watch as our protagonist Hai, reforms the balance.

yaboinethertank · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: The Cursed Forest

"Let's go in." Mason said as he dragged me, and he threw me into the forest. landing on my butt, I make a thump sound and I look at Mason confused. "why did you throw me in?!" I said confused and angry. "I'm sorry, but you were banished from the city. and I don't want you to be killed. I'm so sorry but go on." Mason said with sadness as he looks down, tears falling down his face. "do your best, and don't die on me." mason said with tears. and i run away crying, the forest dark, cramped and stench inducing. I fall in the slippery mud, the bottom of my boots melting off, the red parts of my feet showing as they're tired from running. I slam my fist on the floor. "why, why, why!?" I look down my black long locs, flowing down along with my head. the rain tapering onto the end of my hair, my heart breaking from betrayal. my eyes go emotionless. 'i was betrayed... Why?' I thought to myself. my breathing returned to normal, my tears dried up and the heavy rain dropping on the mud. and I stand up as I go under a tree, I'm tired and alone, hungry and afraid. i punch the tree out of anger, cracking the cursed tree in half, exploding it. and as it fell the mud flies onto me, splashing on the black sleek armor i had on. the air was thick and unlivable, but then I hear a howl. one of a howl that shows weakness, and i look at the howl not scared nor happy. the Wolf's pupils dilated bigger as if we were the same, our eyes locking i stand up and walk away. but the wolf follows me. "...what do you want..." I said emotionlessly, my voice monotone and cracked, the wolf howls as if telling me it wants to be my partner. and I look in anger. "just leave!" My anger evident as I yell at the wolf, but the wolf just howls as if telling me it doesn't care. "...fine." I said as I sighed and exhausted I walk to a tree, and I unsheathed my katana. cutting a hole into the tree, but as i go inside it. the wolf comes in, sleeping along with me.

sorry if I take too long for chapters. I juggle between other books, you would know if you followed my Wattpad but you don't. anyway I have a lot of books, some can go on hiatus while others don't. so enjoy.

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