

Kakashi wakes up in a world too different to the one he knows after dying in the war. What else can he do, but adapt and get lost in the path of life?

ShaquilleOatmeal · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

The day had dawned cool and clear, with a life-giving chill signaling the end of summer, Kakashi stretched his arms getting off his bed.

It had been fourteen years since Kakashi had awakened to this world, with no idea how or why?

"Kakashi!" Kakashi heard a familiar voice call him out, as he readied himself for the morning.

Kakashi knew from his own experience that reincarnation was in some ways possible, the best examples being Naruto and Sasuke.

However, he had no prophecy to fulfill, nor did he belong to a renowned clan for that matter.

All he knew is that one day, he was fighting Jigen, defending the village, and the next, he found himself in the arms of a woman, being a helpless baby.

The language they spoke was different, but it didn't take Kakashi long to learn and adapt to it, one thing that surprised him, was that his name had remained mostly the same, for the exception of his last name.

Kakashi Mormont, Kakashi had apparently been reincarnated into a small noble house, loyal to the Starks.

He never met the Starks, but he knew a bit about them, they were honest, loyal, and a bit naive, that's what he concluded.

His mother, Maege Mormont, his new mother, it was a new experience for him, but like a good ninja, he adapted to the situation at hand.

The years passed, and Kakashi grew up, his appearance was surprisingly the same, Kakashi was once again a fit and relatively tall teenager, with spiky silver hair and dark-colored eyes.

It didn't take long for Kakashi to notice that he was the only individual with chakra, so Kakashi decided to train this in secret, the last thing he wanted in this strange world was to be accused of witchcraft, it would be a drag.

After years of training and practicing something unexpected happened, his left eye had awakened the Sharingan, but unlike in the past, he could activate it and deactivate it at wild.

"Coming," Kakashi finally answered after a few minutes of silence getting ready.

"You are to leave to house stark in two hours, get ready, boy!" Maege shouted proudly, after all, it was the first time that someone in house Mormont had been chosen to be the squire of Lord Stark.

Of course, Kakashi was less than happy about this situation, but he wasn't mad at it, it would give him an excuse to see more of the north beside the lands he will inherit.

"Sure thing," Kakashi lazily replied, double-checking his stuff, during his years here, he learned his house wasn't a rich one, in general, the north was poor economically speaking, so to avoid wasting money he learned how to be a blacksmith, and forge himself Kunai's, Shurikens, Senbons, Chokutō's and some Katanas.

While he had learned how to use the weapons this world had to offer, he preferred to use his old arsenal, why change something if it works?

His fame had earned him a name, that he found funny, he was known as the white fang of the north, such fame had earned him several offers from powerful houses, like house Martell, but it was not until the Starks offered said position that his new mother decided to accept.

Kakashi had started to earn his great reputation in the north, at the age of seven when he killed three thieves who tried to use him as a hostage to escape justice.

But that was not it; after all, a couple of years later, while hunting with his mother in the forest, he killed several wildings that tried to kill them.

Kakashi knew, however, that his reputation was arguably exaggerated, he had chakra and decades of experience in war and such, so it was to be expected that he would win against opponents of such caliber.

After eating and saying goodbye to their sister, Lyanna Mormont, whom Kakashi loved dearly, they set off at dawn to go to the Starks.

There were ten of them altogether, and Kakashi rode among them, reading a book without paying attention to the journey.

He could, after all, ride the horse without even looking, while he read, he started to go over the information he had.

Robb Stark, the future Lord he would serve, was fifteen years old, the same age as the bastard his father had sired, Jon Snow.

They were both a year older than him.

Then Sansa Stark, who was eleven years old, followed by her sister Arya, who was nine, one was a pure breed lady, while the other seemed to be more of a warrior.

Last but not least, the two youngest boys, Bran and Rickon, Bran was seven, while Rickon was three years old.

They were honorable, but stupid, loyal, but blind, the Starks had many good qualities people should look up to, but in the harsh reality of the world, they were an easy target, Kakashi could think right of the top of his head several ways to destroy the Starks without even using chakra, and he was sure that if he could think of them, others could.

They could be destroyed through their honor, loyalty, and 'friendships.'

His new mission was to protect them, that was what this new mother had delegated to him, to always be there for the Starks, all he could do was sigh, he had a lot of work waiting for him.

It would take them a couple of hours to arrive at Winterfell, so clearing up his mind, Kakashi decided to focus on his book and read during this journey.

After all, those stupid enough to attack the north would have to face him.

"Oh...." Kakashi smiled, turning the page of his book, where the main character was about to kiss the wife of another, two lives the same taste in books.











I hope you like it, Kakashi will eventually travel through the multiverse, going to many worlds and stuff, he will not go back to the Naruto world, that world was closed to him when he died.

Anyway enjoy!