
Kaiser Impact: The Victory Key

This rotten world is destined to be destroyed. And fighting this enemy, is like fighting a natural force... No, it's not like that. Fighting this enemy is almost like fighting a Cosmic God! But there is still a chance to win. It is small, but it is there. It's time to start [Project Kaiser]! "Kaiser" is a word that came from German and means [Emperor]. It's a bit ironic when you think about it, but... only a ruler of high rank, something like an emperor, could defeat other rulers, right? It's time for the Kaisers to wake up and for the [Parallel Truths] to be found! ~~~~~~~~~~ + ~~~~~~~~~~ Important Notes 01: I write this story in Portuguese and then translate it into English. If you find any grammatical errors, let me know! Because we speak different languages, there are different rules! 02: This story will NOT follow the chronology! This story was created thinking of an ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE! It is even possible to find counterparts in this world... Morax as a Kaiser? Really interesting! 03: This story will be divided into other volumes/books, but this one is the first. 04: I plan to make you feel anger, indignation, happiness, get excited, feel comfortable, and I want to make you cry. Please respect some of the things that will happen here. I mean it!

Soleil_VAR · Video Games
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4 Chs

[Chapter 02 - Your View of the World]

<font _mstmutation="1">"What is he doing?"</font>

The person responsible for asking this question had a feminine voice, but it was a bit raspy too. I think the owner of this voice was most likely an elderly woman.

"B-Good question. It's been five minutes since he's been staring at that piece of steak," replied another, but more jovial, female voice. "He came to the cafeteria, got the food and sat there, but so far he hasn't eaten anything."

"So he just stares at the food?"

"Yes. I think he's a vegetarian."

"Actually, I heard that he contracted Honkai Disease," commented another person.

"Is it serious? Poor him...," one of the women commented, with a great deal of pity and sadness in her voice.

"He must be thinking about something very important right now. Maybe he's thinking about what to do with the rest of his life."

It's true. She is completely right. I've been thinking about something very important lately...

Here's the thing: If someone has the goal to fail in life and succeeds in doing so, does she become a failed person or an accomplished one? After all, she managed to realize her goal, which was to be a failed person. But she will still be a failed person, right?

Boy, are there a lot of questions and few answers.

"Are you okay, sir?"

It was a new voice.

Looking to the side, I found a child. It is a very small boy. In fact, he is not even past my waist height, but what really impressed me was his long orange hair, which was surprisingly close to the ground.

It looks like he is a patient, since he is wearing the same clothes as me... only smaller.

He's about 10 years old, I think. Strangely, he is staring at me with a worried expression. I won't deny, he's really cute. Mom would love him.

But to be looking at me like that, could something have happened?

"S-Sir, you're looking at the steak non-stop..."

Huh? What steak? Do I have a steak? Or is he kidding me?

Seeking to understand what the little boy was talking about, I began to examine my surroundings. It took only a few seconds for me to recognize the place where I was standing as the hospital cafeteria.

Oh! That's it! I was looking for the bathroom, but I ended up here, so I decided to eat something. For some reason, I forgot that I was eating...

"Wait!" cried the little boy. "I got it all figured out!"

The child had a serious expression on his face.

"You are fighting an army of bacteria that wants to steal your steak, right? So to solve this you decided to burn them with your gaze!"

... What is it?

"No kidding...!"

An expression of pure horror formed on his face.

"It's the Herrscher of Bacteria!"

What the...? What the fuck is this kid talking about?!

"I knew it! You are a knight on a quest to defeat the Herrschers!"

... Fuck. This kid has a stupidly unbalanced creativity! Calm down, kid!

Better get it over with before it gets worse.

"I just forgot I was eating...," I replied with a bitter smile. "That's just it."

"He forgot?!" cried the girls from before in unison and complete amazement.

Somehow, it seems that the boy had understood what I said.

"It's a secret mission, right? I'll keep your secret, Lord Fat Knight!" muttered the child.

... or maybe not.

Wait! Did I just get offended by a child? That's... weird.

[... Pathetic!]

Huh...? What was that?


Strange, I thought I heard a thick voice near me, but found nothing after looking around. I think it is a consequence of the Honkai Sickness.

"S-Sir Fat Knight..."

Will he keep calling me that?

"Is there anything you want, kid?"

Obviously, I was as respectful as possible. Luckily, one of the few things my mother taught me was how to be a courteous, elegant, and polite person.

And also, I have always liked taking care of children, I enjoy her company, or almost all of it.

"Can I sit next to you?" the little boy asked.

Seeing him acting like this, I couldn't help but smile involuntarily.

"Sure. Be my guest!"

A big smile formed on his face.

"M-My name is Arthoka Pendragon! Nice to meet you, Lord Fat Knight!"

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Pendragon-kun. My name is Soldriel K. Solly."

"Huh.... So, Mister Solly. Are you going to eat the steak, sir?"

"Huh? Will you have some?"

"N-Not at all! You don't have to!"

I liked this boy, he seems to be someone very innocent and naive.

"Being honest...," muttered the boy.

It looks like he wants something, but he also looks a little embarrassed as he looked for the right way to say what he wants.

"If you want to say something, you can say it. I won't be mad at you," I spoke as sincerely as I could.

"I... I always thought knights always had amazing bodies, but I didn't imagine you would look like a bowling ball!"

- !!

Right... My mother always says to learn from others, so I will do that!

Lesson learned: Naivety can be dangerous!

*** * ***

At the same time, elsewhere in Soukai

[Tomorrow Light], that was the name given to the most expensive and most talked about apartment in the entire Valkyrie City. To tell the truth, this was without a doubt one of the highest class apartments in the whole country, being recognized for its extreme elegance and beauty.

In one of the rooms of this huge and luxurious place, being room "54", the sounds made by a running shower and the water falling from it made it clear that someone was taking a shower. It was a woman. A beautiful and majestic woman.

"That mission seems too easy."

The voice of the person responsible for these words was feminine and mature, even charming.

"Are you guys hiding something from me?"

The answer, however, came from a raspy, thick voice. Clearly, it was a man of an advanced age.

(Your intuition really never fails, [Night Witch].)

"How about you stop playing games and just tell me the truth?", The angry tone in her voice was easily noticed by the man. "I have more important things to do. I hate having to listen to the voices of primates like you!"

(It seems that you still see men as a plague).

"Compared to us, you are still the same. Humans will always be weak primates."

A long, heavy sigh could be heard on the other end of the call. This simple act of his, was more than enough to make it clear that both of them have been working together for a long time.

(Anyway... his target is a [Kaiser], although we can't tell which one.)

In response, the girl just closed the shower.

Although it appeared to be something simple, he knew very well that this woman would never stop what she is doing to listen to someone, unless it really caught his attention.

"A man...?" she asked, with a high expectancy could be noticed in her tone of voice.

(... Yes.)

This simple answer was more than enough to bring a smile of pure happiness to his face.

"That's going to be really interesting."

(... You never change, right? You're still the same as always, Nyx--)

Before he could finish speaking, the woman hung up the call.

"I don't remember giving you permission to speak my name."

With her goal in mind, the girl came out from inside the bathroom. Although she was still wet and without anything to cover her body, she clearly didn't care.

"Let's find out a little more about you, Kaiser-kun!~", muttered the girl.

As much as she was smiling, that smile could only convey one thing... pure death wish, destruction and self-satisfaction.

That night would be the most fun of his life.

*** * ***

<font _mstmutation="1">Soon the afternoon would come to an end and dusk would take its rightful place in the sky.</font>

Through quiet steps, I walked through the corridors of the hospital.

I had finally managed to find the bathroom. Thank goodness Pedragon-kun helped me!

Anyway! I got what I wanted and needed, but now I have another problem...

"I've lost my way again," I muttered in disgust. "That damn hereditary lack of direction from my mother!"

I wonder how much it cost to make this place. Is the owner trying to compensate for something?

A long, heavy sigh eventually escaped my mouth, but I just kept walking down the hospital corridors.

Today was a quiet day. I spent my afternoon talking to the boy and did some tests to make sure that the disease was not contagious. Usually Honkai Sickness is not contagious, since it only appears in certain people and under certain conditions, but it never hurts to check.


... I wonder how my old lady reacted when she found out that I had contracted Honkai Disease? Did she cry? Was she angry? I don't know.

I wish I could meet you now, Mom.

"Haaaah~... ", Another long, heavy sigh came out of my mouth. "That feeling is annoying..."

I don't want to think about it. I really don't want to think that I could die any minute. Shit.

It is scary. Knowing that I could die at any minute, it's very scary!

If it were like any other Honkai Sickness, I could know how long I have to live. With that, it would be easy to plan my next steps, but I can't do that. My Honkai Sickness is different from the others, from what has been said.

Usually, Honkai Sickness cripples and kills the person. People with Honkai Sickness usually live for a maximum of five years, but it is a horrible condition as your body matures and gets worse and worse.

But it was different with me-I got fat. Not only that. I was supposed to lose weight and my muscles were supposed to be atrophied, but that's not what happened. Even though I have slept for two years, my body just feels heavier than before (fat is to blame, of course).

Shit! I'm not even good enough to have a normal Honkai Disease! I'm not even good enough to have a normal Honkai Sickness! This sucks!

The only similarities between my disease and the normal one, is that the mortality rate is 100% and the damn stripes.

Seriously, why is it that when someone contracts this disease, blue and purple stripes start appearing on their body?

.... mine are orange and yellow. They are located on my forearms and hands, which are currently bandaged.

The idea of dying alone is terrifying... the idea of dying without being able to do anything important, is agonizing.

What's the use of chasing after those dreams if I'm not going to live long enough- No! Stop it, you idiot!

** SLAP! **


As I hit my own face with a slap, I felt the pain spread.

I pulled air through my nose and let it out through my mouth. Then, after repeating myself a few more times, I successfully calmed down.

"It doesn't matter! I'm not giving up, do you hear? You'll need more to defeat me, Honkai-kun! Kehehe!"

Nothing has changed in my life (besides the fact that I am fat now)! Before I could die any minute because of a drunk driver. Now I can die to a disease. I want them both to go fuck themselves!

"I don't care if I'm going to die soon. I have to make it worth my while...", I formed an excited and proud smile on my face. "Just wait for me! I will complete my goal while creating the most amazing harem in the world! You're going to need a lot more, Hokai-kun!"

It's a little embarrassing to shout that, but I don't care!


I quickly turned around. What I found was surprising... my reflection!

My reflection is bigger than the window itself!

Wait... What? What do you mean? Now I'm sure I heard something.

"Haah~... Never mind. I'm going to descas- Huh? Wait...," Then an idea popped into my mind. "That's it!"

A big smile formed on my lips! How could I not think of this before?!

"Now that I have the Honkai Disease, maybe I can learn more about Honkai itself!"

Hehehe! I'm getting excited again!

Ignoring the tightness in my chest and throwing all my worries to the back of my mind, I walked back through the hospital corridors.

I can't waste my time! Maybe that little girl, Theresa Apocalypse, has some answers. I'm not stupid enough not to know that she has something special, just like Himeko-san!

"I remember them saying that they found me sleeping in Nagazora, which means that they somehow face the Honkai!", I muttered to myself.

I continued walking for a few minutes. It would be a great understatement to say that I was lost in my thoughts. Sometimes I even bumped into someone or tripped over something.

I was really focused on my thoughts, but it didn't last forever. Soon my attention was directed to something else as I turned into another hallway.

... Huh? Hold on. Isn't that Murata Himeko?

What is she doing...?

Upon finding Himeko-san standing at the end of the hallway, my body simply stopped moving. It was not on purpose.

By the time I realized it, I was already standing a few meters away from her. Was my body moving by itself? No, not that. I would wonder what was happening, but I know exactly what is causing this in me. The old man told me about this before... I was mesmerized by such beauty.

She was leaning against one of the windows, with the wind blowing through her long crimson hair. Her orange eyes, which resembled the strongest flames that could exist in this world, seemed to be looking at something that no ordinary human could see. She was also lost in her own thoughts.

The sunlight reflecting off her face and hair, along with her eyes, was simply mesmerizing to behold.

I could stand admiring her as long as possible. No, actually, that's exactly what I did.

Without my noticing, time started to pass and I just stood there looking at her.

It was a minute...

Then it was two minutes...

Then three minutes...

Four minutes...

Five minutes...

Six minutes...





How much time had passed? Honestly, I had no idea. Anyway, I didn't care either.

While I was admiring Himeko-san, I felt that something was missing, although I didn't know what it was. Maybe I'll find out later.

** Triin! Triin!~ **


"Hick!" groaned Himeko.

Surprising both myself and Himeko herself, the sound of a telephone brought Himeko-san out of her thoughts.

After a long sigh, she took her cell phone out of her pocket and got a bitter expression after reading something.

"Huh?", She seemed to have noticed me. "B-Ball? F-How long have you been here?"

That was really offensive! But I'll let it go, since you seem a little embarrassed and that's really cute!

"Me? I've been here for a few minutes now."

Oh!~ It seems that her blush has increased a little. That's cute!

"W-Why didn't you warn me?"

What a stupid question. I'll just answer it truthfully.

"I thought it best to just admire your beauty, since you looked beautiful!"

"Heh?!" she shouted as she took a step back, with an even stronger blush on her face. "You shouldn't say it like that, Little Ball."

"I just told the truth."

"You haven't given up yet-"



"Call me by my name, Himeko-san."

She seemed surprised by what I said, for some reason. Isn't it normal to call others by their name instead of an offensive nickname?

Then a mischievous smile broke out on her face.

"Oh?~ Don't you like being called a little ball?"

"Of course not. I just wanted to hear my name pronounced in your voice."



"Haah!~ My God, Little Ball...," Himeko shifted her gaze to another direction as she scratched the back of her own head, "You're dangerous, huh?"

She said this while looking at me with a blush on her face. Really cute...

Wait! Is she blushing with shame, or is she angry...?

We were silent for a while, but...

"Can you answer me a question?"

... Himeko-san has decided to ask if she can ask a question.

"Well... You've done it now."

"Oh. It is.", She faked a cough into her hand. "In that case, let me make two-"

"You've done it too."

Her contracted eyebrows and red face made it clear that she was getting very embarrassed about this.

I had to hold back my laughter very hard!

"It's a joke, Himeko-san. You can ask me anything you want."

"Haaah~... Right."

She took a deep breath and then looked into my eyes. Although she was only looking into my eyes, it seemed that she was looking into my soul.

They say that the eyes are the doors to one's soul. If this is true, it would explain why I seem to be looking at a mountain made of pure fire!

"How do you see the world, Soldriel?"

"... What?"

"I want to know what you think about the world. Please answer me seriously and don't change the subject!"

I had no idea what to answer, so I started thinking about the answer. But honestly, what does she want to know? I don't think it matters much, so I'll just answer truthfully!

Of course, first I need to find the answer...

Who am I kidding? I already know the answer!

"So, Soldri-"

"Fascinating.", she replied, with a confident and most sincere smile possible. "I find the world fascinating!"

"Fascinating...? That's an unexpected answer," she crossed her arms. "But could you tell me why?"

"Of course I can."


Man, she really looks like she wants to know more about this, huh?

I let out a sigh at that. I couldn't help it...

"Himeko-san, before that, could you answer me one specific question?"

At my question, she just raised her eyebrow.


"What do you mean by the 'world'?"

Himeko was a bit miffed at this question. I think she is thinking that I am playing with her. But that's not true, I'm serious!

"Huh...? It's obvious I'm saying about-"

"The planet?", I complemented.

"... Yes? What else could it be?"

I smiled at that, as I got to the point I wanted to get to.

"To me, the world doesn't just involve the planet itself. It would be ridiculous to consider the "world" only as a mass of land and water, right? What's interesting about a heap of earth with water orbiting a star?"

Tilting her head to the side in complete doubt, Himeko-san showed that she was interested in what I was saying.

"What do you mean by that?"

Hum... how can I explain this in a simple way to her?

I will try to start with a simple example.

"Hey, Himeko-san. Do you know what would happen if bees became extinct?"

"Yes. Of course I know, but it's impossible for that to happen in this day and age."

"So...," A cheeky, excited smile formed on me, "...Wouldn't it be wrong to exclude bees from this? If they are so important to the planet, then wouldn't it be more correct to say that bees are part of 'the world'?"


This is the simplest example, after all, if bees disappear from the face of the earth, humanity will have only four more years to live. Not only mankind! Without bees there is no pollination. If there is no pollination, there is also no reproduction of flora, and without flora there are no animals.

Everything is interconnected... and that is fascinating!

"The planet depends on bees, and bees depend on it. Of course, there are many other examples, like algae or humans themselves."

I think I'm starting to make things too complicated. I'd better get it over with soon.

"As I see it, the world is like a beautiful work of art..."

"A... work of art?", She looked surprised and confused.

Does she understand?

I stopped talking for a moment as I formulated my answer, trying to make it as understandable as possible.

"Well... I find it fascinating how everything connects, you know? It's like the whole world is so much more than we can see with our eyes. One of the things I love most about the world, is how everything always seems to be connecting, even if it's constantly changing, but never ceasing to depend and help. Honestly..."

I took a deep breath and calmed myself down so that I could answer.

"To me, the world is like... a work of art! A beautiful, complex, majestic work of art. It gives me the will and strength to protect the whole world!"


"I think this world is beautiful!"

In response, she just remained silent, staring at me with a clearly surprised expression.

...Himeko-san? I-I said something wrong? Ah!~ I knew it... this is too embarrassing! I thought that looking nice and smart in front of her would be enough to get a date, but it seems like I just embarrassed myself! I ended up talking too much without realizing it!

Who the fuck starts talking about science and ends up saying that he considers this world a "work of art"?

Little by little, I felt my face getting hotter and hotter. I was really very ashamed.

Ahhh! I want to bury my face in the ground.



Looking at Himeko-san, I saw something I didn't think I would see.


A smile.

A sincere, seductive and beautiful smile, accompanied by a pleasant laugh, took over my vision and hearing.

I see. So that's what was missing. When I was admiring her, I felt that something was missing in her, but now I know what it was.

She is really beautiful when she is smiling.

"F-I'm glad to know that my embarrassment makes you happy...," I said, my face burning with embarrassment.

"Embarrassment? Hahaha! You have no reason to."



If you are saying so, then I will believe you.

"You were the first," Himeko-san commented,

I looked doubtfully at her, who remained with her smile.

"I was the first...?"

"The first man who ever gave me a true answer that was so interesting. In fact, his answer was the most fascinating one I have ever received to date."

Oh!~ I was really happy to hear that...

A long sigh came out of Himeko's mouth. It is as if years of exhaustion came out of her mouth.

"People usually just respond by saying that they think the world is cool or boring or beautiful, but they can never say why. It's very rare for someone to tell me why."

Then, again, Himeko-san smiled.

"That means you are special!"


Himeko-san is a really amazing woman. She is a very good person and naturally beautiful, but...

"You should smile more, since your smile is so beautiful and striking."



.... Heh...?


Oh, shit! I-I accidentally said that while looking into her eyes!

At the same time I closed my mouth with my hands and looked at the ground.

Today has really been a very shameful day! Ah... Now it's over. She must think I'm-



When I looked at Himeko-san again, I felt as if my heart skipped a few beats. This made the heat spread all over my body. I don't even need to look at my reflection to know that I am completely red ... but man ... it's like I'm looking at a flaming, indomitable Goddess in her most intimate moments.

Himeko had her cheeks slightly reddened and was smiling in my direction, but what really surprised me was her expression. It wasn't a smile of excitement or just a simple smile, there was something more to it. That expression of hers conveyed a warmth that I had never witnessed before.

It is as if the fire itself embraces me...

"You are a really interesting boy, Soldri-kun.~"

Before I could say anything else, Himeko-san put her hand on my head. It was a warm feeling, enough that I wanted it to never end, but unfortunately she withdrew her hand from me.

I resisted with all my strength the urge to pull his hand back. I really didn't want it to end...

"Sorry about that, I acted without thinking. Anyway, I have to leave soon or Theresa will come over here."

Himeko-san passed me and started to walk along the corridor, getting farther and farther away. Again, I felt that strange urge to pull her along. I really didn't want to see her leave.

Since I couldn't do anything in this situation, I just turned to watch her go, but before Himeko-san got out of my sight, she stopped walking and turned to me.

"You know, Soldri-kun... I truly believe that the way people see the world also represents the way people see those around them, including themselves. Taking this into consideration... I think you are one of the nicest and kindest people I have ever met. I really look forward to talking with you again."

She waved at me.

"Take care, all right? See you..."

In this way, she left that place.

.......... I will definitely dream of that smile!!!