226 Excellent timing

<Aaanddd...time! Looks like he didn't go with the deal.>

=Strange, I figured someone his age would want to give up some bad memories.=

<Nah fam, that logic only applies to the young. The older one gets, more previous their memories become.>

=Huh... that's surprisingly deep of you.=

<Why thank you.>

=Where'd you steal it from?=

<Wha-I would never do that!>


<...alright, I got it from the pop culture section, there was a movie about little girl and robot that had to delete its own memories in order do stuff.>

=Called it.=


A whole bunch of questions went through Harold's mind when he saw that Zhen Liu had, for reasons beyond him, just shot his own fucking grandfather.

Why did he just shoot him?

Aren't they family?

Is he doing a weird last minute betrayal?


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