
Kaigoshi part II

Kai and legoshi find themselves alone one fay at drama practice and decide to play into their emotions.

DaoistR6fBs1 · Anime & Comics
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Kaigoshi: Fruit fly

Kai's vision darted to a bug on the knolls outside of the carnivores' housing block, the tartan spread he had played down left a distinct terrain where the grass was uneven, he thought to himself how much the insects that danced among the blades would have been such a joy to Legoshi, he owned a bug or two; Afterall. Legoshi snuck up behind him, coiled to surprise him and then flump down on the picnic blanket.


A great wolf was now grinning to himself above Kai's scrawny view, a titan amidst the cheeses and snacks strewn out from the wicker basket that Kai had dragged along.

"Kai!" Legoshi turned the same shade as that of the cherries bunched on the floor, "I missed you." Kai's pupils were shot with shock at Legoshi's not very date-like entrance, but patted the blanket numerous times, urging him to rest his legs and sit down.

"I missed you too, you really gave me a jump just then Legoshi!"

As the two sat down, the strawberries being nibbled by a fruit fly, They only meal for this picnic date seemed to be the one another's gaze. "S-sorry, for staring", Kai flicked his head to the selection of treats he had prepared and shooed away a critter or three from savoring his and Legoshi's meal. The air whisper around them, intertwining the moments as a needle through thread in their stomachs, Legoshi picked up one of the two paper plates Kai had set out and hesitated before reaching out to claim a cube of fried tofu, "Thank you Kai, you really didn't have to do this much!" Kai watched the humble gesticulations of Legoshi's lapis hands that folded into his claws,

"No worries Legoshi, did you bring the lemonade you said you bought?"

Tucked in Legoshi's dark bag among the colorful stationary was a bottle of lemonade, the contents slightly swaying between the glass walls. Legoshi felt the first sense of pride, for both remembering it, and how he managed to think to buy it in the first place. The drink finally made an appearance as Legoshi handed his gift to Kai.

"Oh- Legoshi! I forgot the cups..." He didn't seem too swayed by the absence,

"We could just use the bottle, couldn't we?" The pair supposed that the bottle would suffice such a momentous occasion and shared a carefree laugh. The lemonade seemed to go down with the minuets, the discussed the classes they were taking and how rude some of their peers came across, thought the conversation changing as the flitting of a butterfly's path on a spring day. They eventually settled on playing a game, an imitation of a student would make them hazard a guess at who they were making a copy of. Legoshi was up first, He pricked his ears up and broadened his shoulder, being careful to remain the same height as he was sitting down. He gave Kai a fake sneer as if to comment 'Augh, you look not like someone I would talk to.' Kai's fists came together near his chest in excitement when he figured it out, "LOUIS!" the wolf's eyes rolled as e had obviously chosen a character too easy for Kai's mastery of the game he had invented, Legoshi's ears turned down from their upright position and the cheerful corners of his mouth were drawn aback, Kai's comments regarding Louis and his 'high horse' as well as others were coming from a mouth just Infront of the great red deer himself, he soon realized this, petrifying himself in an instant,

"good morning Kai- or is it afternoon? I can't see the clocks from my 'high horse'. 'Afternoon Legoshi." Louis then left the pair to their rudely interrupted lunch, nearly brushing past Legoshi's shoulder as he did so. "Asshole.." the two caught each other reciting the same words back at themselves, regaining humor at this funny dual-exchange.

after a short laughter, Legoshi spoke, "Great minds think alike, huh?" Kai couldn't hold it in any longer. He lit up the thick spring air with a hyena's loud cackle. Legoshi, Suddenly stuck with this laughter had never heard a mongoose laugh with such such velocity and volume, only Miguno when he rarely won at cards. No...unless? ...Was he?...