

"Yamato, you know precisely why I stand before you," Kaido's voice thundered, a tempest of betrayal swirling in its wake. Hearing those words, Yamato's resolve solidified like steel, knowing that the time for battle had come. With a fierce determination, Yamato launched into the fray, ready to confront Kaido and face their destiny head-on.

As the battle between Kaido and Yamato unfolded, the very essence of darkness seemed to converge on the battlefield. The air crackled with sinister energy, thick with the scent of impending doom. Kaido, in his monstrous dragon form, exuded an aura of malevolence that sent shivers down the spines of even the bravest warriors.

Yamato, in her devil fruit form, stood defiantly against her father, her resolve unyielding despite the overwhelming odds. With each strike, she unleashed waves of power, her determination a beacon of defiance amidst the encroaching darkness. But against the might of Kaido, her efforts seemed feeble, like a mere mortal challenging a god.

With a cruel laugh that echoed through the battlefield, Kaido taunted his daughter, his voice dripping with contempt. "Pathetic," he sneered his words, a twisted mockery of her futile attempts to resist. "Is this the best you can do, daughter? You're even weaker than I imagined."

Yamato's attacks, once filled with determination, now faltered in the face of Kaido's overwhelming power. Each blow was met with a cruel counterstrike, each parry a reminder of her own inadequacy. It was a grotesque spectacle—a father reveling in the suffering of his own flesh and blood.

With a triumphant roar that shook the very foundations of the earth, Kaido unleashed a devastating blast of dark energy, engulfing Yamato in a vortex of destruction. She fought against the onslaught with all her might, her screams drowned out by the deafening roar of the inferno. But it was futile. The force of Kaido's attack was overwhelming, consuming her in its merciless embrace.

As the dust settled, Yamato lay broken and defeated, her body battered and bloodied, her spirit crushed beneath the weight of her father's cruelty. Kaido stood over her, his victory assured and his dominance unchallenged. And as he gazed down upon his fallen daughter, a twisted smile played upon his lips, a chilling reminder of the depths of his depravity.

As Yamato fell defeated before the might of Kaido, a wave of terror swept over Momonosuke, his heart pounding with fear. Unable to bear witness to the cruelty unfolding before him, he succumbed to the overwhelming dread, his consciousness slipping away as he collapsed to the ground.

Meanwhile, spurred on by the sight of their fallen comrade, the nine red scabbards and the valiant soldiers of Wano launched a desperate assault on Kaido. With blades raised and hearts filled with determination, they charged forth to confront the tyrant who threatened their land.

But their bravery proved futile in the face of Kaido's unimaginable power. With a single breath, he unleashed a torrent of dark energy that swept across the battlefield, reducing everything in its path to nothing but dust and ashes.

As the dust settled and the cries of defiance faded into the void, Kaido's voice boomed across the desolation, dripping with contempt. "You are nothing but ants," he sneered, his words a cruel reminder of their insignificance in the face of his overwhelming might.

In the blink of an eye, the battlefield lay silent and desolate, the hopes of Wano dashed against the cruel reality of Kaido's tyranny.

As the dust settled and the cries of defiance faded into the void, an unexpected turn of events unfolded. Hiyori, the elder sister of Momonosuke, suddenly sprang into action. With a fierce determination burning in her eyes, she scooped up her unconscious brother and underwent a startling transformation.

In a dazzling display of power, Hiyori revealed her devil fruit form—a magnificent peacock, its feathers shimmering with ethereal beauty. With a powerful flap of her wings, she lifted Momonosuke into the air, her graceful flight defying the devastation that surrounded them.

Kaido's fury boiled over at the sight of Hiyori's transformation. Rage contorted his features as he realized the significance of the devil fruit she wielded. It was none other than the mythical beast species peacock devil fruit—the very same fruit once belonging to his late wife, a secret known only to a select few, including Yamato and Abel.

The revelation sent shockwaves through Kaido's being—a betrayal of the deepest kind. It was clear to him now that Yamato must have been the one to bestow the devil fruit upon Hiyori, a bitter reminder of his past failures and the ties that bound him to those he sought to conquer.

As Toki soared through the skies with Momonosuke in tow, Kaido's wrath knew no bounds. His thunderous roar reverberated across the whole Wano Island.

As Kaido pursued Hiyori through the skies, his rage burned like a fiery inferno, his eyes ablaze with vengeful fury. Though Hiyori's peacock devil fruit granted her incredible speed, Kaido was relentless in his pursuit, his monstrous form closing in with every passing moment.

Despite the opportunity to end Hiyori's escape with a single breath, Kaido relished the prospect of tormenting her further. With sadistic glee, he toyed with her, allowing her to believe she had a chance of escape before delivering the final blow.

But Hiyori's cunning plan soon became clear as Kaido's keen eyes spotted a colossal elephant looming in the distance. Realization dawned upon him as he understood Hiyori's intentions—she was leading him to Zunesha, the legendary elephant that roamed the seas.

In a burst of speed, Kaido closed the distance between them and delivered a devastating blow, sending Hiyori plummeting into the sea below. But before he could revel in his victory, a shocking revelation unfolded before his eyes.

Momonosuke, who had feigned unconsciousness, transformed into a majestic pink dragon and soared towards Zunesha with unwavering determination. It became clear that his apparent defeat was but a ruse, a clever ploy to escape the battlefield and seek aid from the ancient guardian.

As Zunesha heeded Momonosuke's call, a thunderous clash ensued between the colossal elephant and the fearsome dragon. The very earth trembled beneath their titanic clash as Kaido, now deprived of his prey, watched on with a mixture of fury and frustration.

"Oyee!!!!! You big elephant!" Kaido's bellow echoed across the battlefield, a cruel command laced with menace. "If you don't want to die, give Momonosuke to me!"

His demand hung heavy in the air, a blatant display of his arrogance and contempt for the ancient guardian. But despite his intimidating presence, Zunesha remained steadfast, refusing to yield to the tyrant's threats.

With a defiant trumpet that reverberated through the air, Zunesha stood resolute, its loyalty to Momonosuke unwavering.

As the clash between Zunesha and Kaido reached its zenith, the battlefield became a stage for the clash of titans. Despite Zunesha's towering stature, Kaido, fueled by his unyielding determination, pressed on with relentless ferocity.

With each thunderous blow, the ground quaked beneath their feet, the air crackling with the intensity of their clash. Kaido, though dwarfed by Zunesha's immense size, fought with a primal savagery that belied his smaller form. His claws tore through the air with deadly precision, each strike aimed at exploiting his opponent's vulnerabilities.

Zunesha, a colossus of the seas, struggled to withstand the onslaught of Kaido's relentless assault. Despite its immense strength, it found itself staggered by the sheer force of Kaido's blows, its defenses tested to their limits.

Seizing the advantage, Kaido surged forward with a ferocious snarl, his crimson eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure. With a swift motion, he seized hold of Zunesha's trunk, his grip like iron as he hurled the ancient guardian through the air with unmatched force.

But Kaido's assault was far from over. With a roar that echoed across the battlefield, he unleashed a barrage of devastating blows, each strike sending shockwaves rippling through the air. Again and again, he seized Zunesha, hurling it through the sky with unparalleled strength and precision.

And then, with all the force of his fury behind him, Kaido unleashed a deafening roar that shattered the heavens themselves. Dark energy surged around him, enveloping Zunesha in a vortex of destruction. With a final, bone-shattering blast, he sent the ancient guardian hurtling through the air, its form torn asunder by the sheer magnitude of the attack.

As the battle between Kaido and Zunesha raged on, Momonosuke seized the opportunity to escape amidst the chaos. With the battlefield engulfed in devastation, he slipped away unnoticed, his determination unwavering despite the harrowing ordeal he had just endured.

Meanwhile, consumed by his insatiable hunger, Kaido turned his attention to the fallen guardian of the seas. With savage ferocity, he tore into Zunesha's shattered form, his jaws rending flesh and bone with ruthless efficiency. Each bite filled him with primal satisfaction, the taste of victory mingling with the metallic tang of blood.

But even as Kaido feasted upon the fallen behemoth, his fury remained unabated. With a thunderous roar that shook the very foundations of the earth, he plunged into the depths of the ocean, emerging moments later with Hiyori clutched in his grasp.

Hiyori, her defiance unbroken despite the terror that gripped her heart, stared defiantly into the eyes of her captor. But before Kaido could unleash his wrath upon her, a startling realization dawned upon him—Yamato, his treacherous daughter, had vanished.

Fury burned within him like a raging inferno as he surveyed the empty landscape of Wano, his gaze darting from shadow to shadow in search of his elusive prey. But despite his best efforts, Yamato remained one step ahead, her escape a bitter reminder of the challenges that lay ahead.

As Hiyori regained consciousness, her eyes narrowed with defiance as she locked gazes with Kaido, the embodiment of tyranny before her. With a tone laced with contempt, she uttered words that struck a nerve deep within the tyrant's soul.

"Yamato and Momonosuke survived. You failed again," she declared, her voice resonating with an unwavering resolve.

Kaido's expression darkened, a flicker of annoyance flashing across his face at the reminder of his failure. With a tightening grip, he exerted more force, his fingers digging into Hiyori's flesh as he leaned in closer.

"Oh, really?" Kaido retorted, his voice dripping with malice. "You should be worried about yourself now, Hiyori. I am going to torture you every day until you lose your mind."

His words hung in the air like a death knell, a chilling promise of the suffering that awaited Hiyori at his hands. But despite the threat of impending torment, Toki refused to yield, her spirit unbroken even in the face of such cruelty.


[Host gets 10 lotteries and 13 Improvement cards.]

[Host receives: 

1. Gorgon Gorgon Fruit (Medusa Medusa no Mi)—Medusa Serpent

2. Griffin Fruit (Grifo Grifo no Mi): Griffin

3. Cerberus Cerberus Fruit (Kerberos Kerberos no Mi): Cerberus

4. Haki Enhancement card

5. Bloodline Enhancement card

6. Pocket Ship

7. Pocket Weather Dial

8. Water Breathing

9. Zoan Devil Fruit Enhancement Card

10. Zoan Devil Fruit Enhancement Card.

As Kaido revelled in the euphoria of obtaining the lottery, a desire for wine seized him, an insatiable thirst that demanded satisfaction. With a determined stride, he made his way into the depths of the castle, intent on quenching his craving.

Guided by Orochi's past words, Kaido descended into the castle's basement, his anticipation growing with each step. Yet, amidst the silence of the underground chambers, a faint heartbeat caught his attention—an anomaly that stirred disbelief within him.

In a surge of fury, Kaido unleashed his power, his fist shattering the very foundations of the castle as he tore through the walls. But what lay beyond was not the anticipated cache of wine; instead, it revealed a grim truth—a hidden prison, concealed within the bowels of the fortress.

Inside, Kaido beheld a sight that ignited the flames of wrath within him—Jack, Black Maria, and Ulti, imprisoned and broken. Anger surged through Kaido as he gazed upon his subordinates' plight, their weakened forms a stark reminder of his own failures.

In a swift motion, Kaido liberated them from their chains, his heart heavy with remorse for their suffering. Jack, humbled by defeat, offered his apologies, while Ulti and Black Maria sought solace in their master's embrace.

"Don't worry," Kaido assured them, his voice a rumble of thunder. "I will exact revenge for all of us."

With resolve renewed, Kaido lifted his loyal subordinates in his arms, a silent promise of retribution burning in his eyes. As he commanded the hidden servants to fetch aid, the news of his return spread like wildfire across Wano, marking the dawn of a new era under his rule.