
Rescuing Alber

The Next morning,

As the residents of Wano gathered before him, Kaido's imposing figure cast a shadow over the land, his presence commanding attention and respect. With a single gesture, he unleashed a torrent of destruction upon the factories that had polluted the rivers and tainted the land, their structures crumbling beneath the force of his wrath.

With a voice that echoed across the land, Kaido declared himself the sole ruler of Wano, promising to lead the nation toward a brighter future. His words carried the weight of authority, and his resolve was unyielding as he vowed to eradicate anyone who dared to oppose him.

But amidst the chaos and upheaval, Kaido's intentions were clear—he sought to rebuild Wano from the ashes of its past, to usher in an era of prosperity and growth. As he turned his attention to Maria, entrusting her with the task of managing Wano's development, he laid out a comprehensive plan for the nation's future.

Drawing upon his own experiences of poverty and hardship, Kaido understood the struggles faced by the ordinary citizens of Wano. With a sense of empathy born from shared suffering, he vowed not to trouble them unnecessarily, focusing instead on uplifting their lives through initiatives such as promoting agriculture and fishing.

As Maria received her instructions, a sense of purpose lit up her eyes, her determination matching that of her master. Together, they would work tirelessly to reshape Wano, forging a new destiny for the nation and its people.

As the sun set on the horizon, casting a golden glow over the land, Kaido's vision of Wano burned bright, a beacon of hope in a world shrouded in darkness. With his leadership, the nation would rise anew, its spirit unbroken and its future brighter than ever before.

As Kaido perused the newspaper, a grim satisfaction etched across his features at the news of the Straw Hats' progress. Their journey to Egghead Island marked the next phase in the unfolding saga, with the absence of the Five Elders leaving Mary Geoise vulnerable, guarded only by the formidable Gods Knights.

With a sense of urgency, Kaido turned his attention to his subordinates—Jack, Ulti, and Maria. His voice carried a stern command, a reminder to maintain their rigorous training regimen in his absence. The path to strength demanded unwavering dedication, and there could be no room for complacency.

Jack and Ulti, fueled by their loyalty and eagerness for action, expressed their desire to accompany Kaido on his mission to rescue Alber. However, Kaido's response was resolute and unwavering. He denied their request, emphasizing the need for them to strengthen their skills further before they could join him in the field.

With a nod of understanding, Jack, Ulti, and Maria accepted their master's decision, their determination burning bright as they pledged to redouble their efforts in training. As Kaido transformed into his dragon form and soared toward Mary Geoise, they remained behind, their resolve unshakeable as they continued their relentless pursuit of power.

Mary Geoise,

In the opulent halls of Mary Geoise, the Celestial Dragons reveled in their debauchery, delighting in the torment of slaves and indulging in lavish feasts and pleasures. However, their revelry was abruptly interrupted as the atmosphere around Mary Geoise darkened ominously.

With a thunderous roar, Kaido descended upon the celestial realm, his colossal form casting a shadow over the land. Without hesitation, he began laying waste to the opulent castles of the Celestial Dragons, his wrath unleashed upon those who dared to oppress the weak.

Amidst the chaos, a celestial dragon, driven by greed, dared to lay claim to Kaido as a mount. But before the words could leave his lips, he was met with the full force of Kaido's fiery breath, his arrogance leading to his swift demise.

As the Celestial Dragons scrambled for safety, the God's Knights, defenders of Mary Geoise, rallied to their aid. Led by the formidable Saint Gatling, they confronted Kaido head-on, their resolve unyielding in the face of the draconic menace.

Alongside Saint Gatling stood Kong, the Commander-in-Chief of the World Government, and General Aramaki, their formidable presence adding to the weight of the battle. With blades drawn and powers unleashed, they clashed with Kaido in a battle of titanic proportions, with the fate of Mary Geoise hanging in the balance.

The clash between Kaido and the assembled forces of Mary Geoise erupted into a spectacle of chaos and carnage that would be etched into the annals of history. As the Celestial Dragons quaked in their opulent chambers, the Gods Knights, led by the towering presence of Kong and the lightning-fast strikes of Saint Gatling, prepared to face the dragon that dared to challenge their dominion.

The clash between Kaido and the forces of Mary Geoise erupted into a cataclysmic display of power and destruction, the very air crackling with tension as the indomitable dragon faced off against his adversaries. As the Celestial Dragons trembled in their opulent chambers, the Gods Knights, led by the towering figure of Kong and the lightning-fast strikes of Saint Gatling, prepared to defend their sanctuary against the dragon's wrath.

With a ferocious roar that shook the heavens, Kaido descended upon his foes, his colossal form casting a shadow over the battlefield. Saint Gatling, his fists wreathed in crackling lightning, launched a relentless assault, aiming to exploit any weakness in Kaido's defenses. Kong, his massive blade cleaving through the air with deadly precision, unleashed shockwaves that rent the earth asunder.

General Aramaki, the mastermind behind the Knights' tactics, directed their movements with precision, orchestrating their attacks with ruthless efficiency. But Kaido, fueled by an unquenchable rage, met their onslaught with a ferocity that bordered on madness. With each sweep of his massive claws, he sent Knights hurtling through the air, their armor no match for his raw strength.

General Aramaki, recognizing the dire situation, devised a daring plan to strike at the heart of the dragon's power. With a thunderous roar, he engaged Kaido in a duel of titans, their weapons clashing with the force of colliding stars. But in a moment of fatal miscalculation, General Aramaki left himself vulnerable, and with a swift motion, Kaido seized the opportunity, delivering a devastating blow that sent him crashing to the ground.

With merciless brutality, Kaido descended upon General Aramaki, his savage onslaught leaving the Navy general battered and broken. In a gruesome display of dominance, Kaido devoured his fallen adversary, the taste of victory mingling with the metallic tang of blood.

As the battle raged on, Kaido's fury knew no bounds. Four of the Gods Knights fell beneath his relentless assault, their valiant efforts unable to stem the tide of destruction. Sensing an opportunity amidst the chaos, Kaido seized fifty Celestial Dragons as hostages, their terrified screams echoing across the battlefield.

With injuries marring his mighty form, Kaido made his escape, leaving a trail of devastation in his wake. The battlefield lay littered with the fallen, a testament to the ferocity of the conflict that had unfolded. And as the survivors licked their wounds and surveyed the destruction wrought by the dragon's rampage, they knew that this was only the beginning of a war that would shake the very foundations of the world.

Kaido, having exacted his vengeance for the Queen by killing General Aramaki, turned his gaze towards the next phase of his plan: sending an unequivocal message to the world. He reached out to Morgans, the renowned journalist known for his unwavering dedication to truth and reporting.

Initially incredulous at the news of Kaido's survival, Morgan swiftly grasped the significance of the dragon's actions. With a sense of urgency, he pledged to spread the word far and wide, ensuring that Kaido's daring act would not go unnoticed.

In an unprecedented move, Morgans decided to distribute free newspapers to every corner of the globe. Despite initial concerns from his staff about logistical challenges and overtime, Morgans doubled their salaries for the month, galvanizing them to work tirelessly in pursuit of the truth.

As printing presses roared to life and millions of newspapers rolled off the presses, seagulls took flight, carrying the news of Kaido's audacious declaration to every corner of the world. From the bustling streets of Water 7 to the remote villages of East Blue, people everywhere stopped in their tracks to read the headlines, their reactions ranging from shock to awe to fear.

As the news spread like wildfire, the world erupted into chaos. Markets plummeted, governments scrambled to respond, and ordinary citizens grappled with the implications of Kaido's ultimatum. The once-unchallenged authority of the World Government now seemed fragile, as whispers of rebellion echoed across the seas.

Meanwhile, Kaido stood tall amidst a flock of fifty celestial dragons, his voice reverberating with a chilling command. He demanded the return of King, the mysterious figure who had vanished without a trace. And with a steely gaze, he warned the World Government that if they dared to defy him, he would unleash untold devastation upon the world, sparing neither the Celestial Dragons nor the Marines from his wrath.

As the world teetered on the brink of upheaval, Kaido's actions sent shockwaves through every corner of the globe. The balance of power had shifted, and the reign of the Celestial Dragons had never seemed more precarious. And amidst the chaos, Kaido stood as a harbinger of a new era, his actions reshaping the very destiny of the world itself.

Meanwhile Mary Geoise,

In the hallowed halls of Mary Geoise, amidst the chaos and devastation wrought by Kaido's rampage, the surviving Celestial Dragons gathered, their voices raised in anger and desperation. They turned their accusing gaze upon Saint Garling, the towering figure who had stood as their protector in the absence of the Five Elders.

"Release King immediately!" they demanded, their voices trembling with fear and indignation. "We cannot endure any longer under the tyranny of this dragon! Our friends and families must be freed!"

Saint Garling, the steadfast guardian of Mary Geoise, felt the weight of their words like a heavy burden upon his shoulders. With the authority of the Five Elders now resting solely upon him, he knew that the fate of the Celestial Dragons hung in the balance.

Turning to the enigmatic figure of Imu, the unseen ruler who wielded ultimate power over the world, Saint Garling pleaded for guidance. To his surprise, Imu's response was swift and decisive.

"Release King," Imu commanded, his voice echoing with an air of finality. "Kaido may be a threat in the short term, but he is not a D. He will not pose a lasting threat to our dominion. Release King, and let us deal with this dragon in our own time."

With a heavy heart, Saint Garling relayed Imu's command to the Celestial Dragons, who erupted into relieved cheers at the prospect of their salvation. And as King was set free from his imprisonment, the wheels of fate began to turn once more, setting into motion a chain of events that would shape the destiny of the world itself.

As the news of King's release spread like wildfire across the seas, the atmosphere aboard the ship bound for Kaido's domain was tense with anticipation. Onboard, King lay in a state of torment, his body ravaged by the cruel experiments and torture inflicted upon him during his captivity.

Doctors and medical personnel worked tirelessly to stabilize his condition, their efforts fueled by a sense of urgency and desperation. Their goal was simple: to ensure that King could stand on his own two feet once more, regardless of the pain and suffering he had endured.

Meanwhile, in the corridors of power, the World Government made a calculated move. They reached out to Morgans, the influential journalist known for his ability to sway public opinion, and tasked him with delivering a message to Kaido.

"Tell Kaido that we have agreed to his terms," they instructed, their voices laden with a sense of resignation. Despite their reluctance to negotiate with the fearsome dragon, they knew that the situation demanded a delicate touch.

As Morgans received the message, he knew that the fate of the world hung in the balance. With every word he uttered, the delicate dance of diplomacy between the World Government and Kaido would unfold, setting the stage for a confrontation that would determine the course of history.

As the ship carrying King approached the shores of the island, Kaido's gaze fell upon it like a tempest brewing on the horizon. His heart seethed with anger at the sight of King's battered form, a stark reminder of the atrocities committed in the name of power.

With a thunderous roar that shook the very foundations of the island, Kaido descended upon the scene, his towering form casting a shadow over all who dared to stand in his way. The two members of the Gods Knight, their faces twisted with fear, attempted to assert their authority, but their words fell on deaf ears as Kaido's fury knew no bounds.

In a blur of motion, Kaido struck with deadly precision, his blows like thunderclaps echoing across the land. The members of the Gods Knight stood no chance against his overwhelming strength, their bodies crumbling beneath his relentless assault.

Turning his attention to the hostages, Kaido's eyes gleamed with a savage hunger as he unleashed his fearsome power. With a single breath, he unleashed a torrent of flames that engulfed the Celestial Dragons, their anguished screams echoing in the air as they met their fiery end.

The world watched in horror as Kaido, the fearsome dragon of legend, showed no mercy to those who dared to defy him. In that moment, the true extent of his power was laid bare for all to see, a chilling reminder of the darkness that lurked within the hearts of men.

As the smoke cleared and the flames subsided, Kaido stood alone amidst the charred remains of his victims, a cruel smile playing upon his lips. The world trembled at the sight of the monster unleashed upon it, knowing that the reign of the dragon had only just begun.