
Punishing Hiyori

As the revelry of the night faded into whispers, Kaido summoned his crew, the Beast Pirates, to gather before him. With an air of command, he addressed them, his voice resonating with authority.

"Listen up," he began, his words cutting through the darkness. "Tomorrow, King and I will set sail for Egghead Island. Jack, you will remain here in Wano. Protect it with all your strength," he commanded, his gaze unwavering as he met Jack's eyes.

Turning his attention to Ulti and Maria, he continued, "And you two, continue your training. We must be prepared for whatever may come."

The weight of Kaido's words hung heavy in the air, with each member of the crew understanding the gravity of their duties. With a nod of determination, they dispersed, each one preparing themselves for the challenges that lay ahead

Kaido's command echoed through the gathering, his voice carrying an unmistakable edge as he addressed his crew once more. "Bring Hiyori here," he ordered, his tone laced with a simmering fury. "I need to teach her a lesson."

With a sense of urgency, his subordinates sprang into action, hastening to carry out their leader's bidding.

The tension in the room was palpable as Hiyori, her hands bound by handcuffs, entered Kaido's chamber. Her defiance burned brightly in her eyes as she faced the imposing figure before her.

"What do you want, monster?" She spat, her voice laced with a mixture of fear and defiance.

A cruel smirk twisted Kaido's lips as he stepped closer, his gaze predatory. "Now, let's begin the torture," he growled, his voice sending shivers down Hiyori's spine.

With a swift motion, Kaido ripped down his pants, revealing a monstrous form that caused Hiyori's cheeks to flush crimson. "You monster!" she cried out, her words a mixture of anger and desperation. "Even if you take my body, you'll never get my heart!"

Despite her bravado, Hiyori couldn't shake the fear that gripped her heart as she faced the terrifying power of Kaido, the fearsome Beast of the Seas.

The sound of Kaido's laughter filled the room, a chilling echo of his sinister intentions. "Who wants your heart?" he taunted, his voice dripping with malice. "I just want to destroy your body."

With a savage motion, Kaido tore away Hiyori's clothes, leaving her exposed and vulnerable before him. Hiyori's pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears as Kaido unleashed his brutality upon her, his relentless assault leaving her trembling with fear and agony.

Hiyori's mind reeled as waves of pleasure and pain crashed over her, her senses overwhelmed by the intensity of the torment. In a desperate attempt to endure, she transformed into her beast-human form, seeking refuge from the onslaught.

But even in her altered state, Hiyori found no respite from Kaido's merciless onslaught. His actions drove her to the brink of consciousness; her body was wracked with agony and ecstasy in equal measure.

Hours passed in a blur of torment, Hiyori's cries fading into the darkness as she succumbed to unconsciousness. With a final, cruel act, Kaido left her broken and defeated, a mere shell of her former self, as his vile essence stained her trembling form.

As Hiyori lay unconscious, her body battered and broken, Kaido's satisfaction radiated through the room like a malevolent aura. With a callous gesture, he draped a blanket over her still form, a mere token of his fleeting mercy.

Even in her vulnerable state, the power of the peacock fruit began to manifest within Hiyori, its mystical properties weaving through her being like a soothing balm. With each passing moment, her wounds began to mend, the gentle caress of the fruit's healing magic knitting together her shattered form.

As Hiyori's body embraced the gift of renewal bestowed upon her by the peacock fruit, a sense of tranquility washed over her, a fleeting respite from the horrors she had endured. With its unparalleled beauty, restorative powers, and the promise of flight, the peacock fruit offered Hiyori a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.

As the moon cast its silver glow over Wano, Kaido's towering figure moved with purpose through the halls of his stronghold. In his hand, he carried a tome, its pages filled with the culmination of his martial prowess, a testament to years of ruthless training and unyielding discipline.

Approaching Jack, Ulti, and Maria, Kaido bestowed upon them the weight of his knowledge, entrusting them with the legacy of his combat expertise. With solemn reverence, he urged them to study diligently in his absence, to hone their skills until they rivaled even his own formidable might.

With a firm gaze, Kaido instructed them to safeguard Hiyori, ensuring that she remained bound by the sea stone handcuffs that nullified her abilities. The gravity of his command hung heavy in the air, a silent reminder of the consequences should they fail in their duty.

And then, with a final word of caution, Kaido retreated to his chambers, exhaustion weighing heavily on his weary frame. As he succumbed to the embrace of sleep, his mind churned with plans and ambitions, his dreams haunted by the specter of a world brought to heel beneath his indomitable will.

As dawn broke over Wano, Kaido and King took to the skies, their forms cutting through the morning mist as they embarked on their journey to Egghead Island. The anticipation crackled in the air. King's excitement was palpable as he eagerly awaited the confrontation with Kizaru, his eyes burning with fierce determination.

With each beat of their wings, they drew closer to their destination, the horizon shimmering with the promise of battle. Kaido's gaze remained fixed ahead, his mind consumed by thoughts of vengeance, and his every muscle tensed with anticipation.

As Egghead Island loomed on the horizon, King's grip tightened on his weapon, his resolve unwavering in the face of the impending clash. Beside him, Kaido's presence radiated an aura of undeniable power; his very presence was a testament to the unstoppable force that he embodied.

With a roar that echoed across the sea, they descended upon Egghead Island, ready to unleash their wrath upon anyone who dared to stand in their way.