
Enhancing Crew

As the doctors swiftly attended to Jack, Ulti, and Black Maria, administering much-needed treatment to their battered bodies, the aroma of food filled the air, a stark contrast to the desolation of their imprisonment.

With ravenous hunger gnawing at their stomachs, Jack, Ulti, and Black Maria wasted no time in devouring the feast laid out before them. Each bite was a reminder of the torment they had endured; their punishment was intended to starve them into submission.

But now, with sustenance coursing through their veins once more, their spirits began to stir, reignited by the promise of vengeance under Kaido's command. Despite their wounds and the scars of their imprisonment, a fierce determination burned within them, fueling their desire to reclaim their honor and wreak havoc upon their enemies.

In the recesses of his mind, Kaido issued a silent command to the system, his intentions veiled in a shroud of darkness. With a flicker of acknowledgment, the system responded to his desires.

"System, use the Haki card on my King's Haki," he commanded his voice a low rumble that resonated with authority. "And apply the Bloodline Improvement card to enhance my Oni bloodline."

With a surge of dark energy, the system complied, weaving its arcane magic to fulfill Kaido's wishes. Within the depths of his being, a primal power stirred, its potency magnified by the infusion of newfound strength.

As the enhancements took hold, Kaido could feel the raw power coursing through his veins—a surge of indomitable will and boundless strength. With his king's haki honed to a razor's edge and his oni bloodline bolstered to new heights, he knew that he stood on the precipice of unparalleled power.

With a feral grin, Kaido's crimson eyes gleamed with anticipation, his resolve unyielding as he prepared to unleash his newfound might upon the world. And as he strode forth into the shadows of uncertainty, he knew that his reign of terror would know no bounds.

As Jack, Ulti, and Black Maria swiftly recovered from their injuries, their determination burning brighter than ever, Kaido summoned them before him with a commanding presence. With a nod of acknowledgment, they approached their master, anticipation, and eagerness gleaming in their eyes.

"Jack, Maria, Ulti," Kaido began, his voice resonating with authority. "It's time to enhance your abilities."

With a solemn expression, Kaido placed his hand upon each of their heads in turn, channeling his formidable will into the depths of their beings. In unison, they felt a surge of power coursing through their veins, an electrifying sensation that ignited the dormant potential within them.

"System, use the Devil Fruit Enhancement card," Kaido commanded, his voice echoing with undeniable authority.

In response to his directive, the system hummed with arcane energy, weaving its mystical threads to grant his loyal subordinates newfound strength. With a flash of dark energy, the transformation took hold, and before their eyes, Jack, Maria, and Ulti underwent a profound metamorphosis.

Now infused with the power of Phantom Beast Species Devil Fruits, their abilities transcended mortal limits, and their forms were imbued with the essence of mythical creatures. With this newfound power coursing through their veins, they stood ready to unleash devastation upon all who dared to oppose them.

As Kaido surveyed his empowered subordinates, a sense of pride welled within him. With their newfound strength, they would become unstoppable forces of destruction, paving the way for his conquest of the world.

1. Jack: Mythical Mammoth Zoan Fruit

2. Maria: Mythical Spider Zoan Fruit

3. Ulti: Mythical Pachycephalosaurus Zoan Fruit

As Jack, Maria, and Ulti beheld the evolution of their Devil Fruits, their eyes widened in disbelief, struggling to comprehend the magnitude of the transformation that had just occurred. But Kaido's commanding voice cut through their astonishment, urging them to focus on the task at hand.

"Don't be fascinated," Kaido commanded, his tone brooking no argument.

With a decisive gesture, Kaido produced three more Devil Fruits, each pulsating with dark energy. Without hesitation, Jack, Maria, and Ulti accepted the fruits offered to them, their hands trembling with anticipation as they brought the fruits to their lips.


[Fusion begins...]

1. [Jack= Mammoth + Cerberus = Mythical Cerbemmoth]

2. [Ulti= Pachycephalosaurus + Griffith = Mythical Gryphosaurus]

3. [Maria = Spider + Medusa = Mythical Arachnusa.]

As the power of their newly fused Mythical Devil Fruits surged within them, Jack, Maria, and Ulti felt an overwhelming sense of invincibility wash over their beings. They marveled at the depths of strength they now possessed, a power that surpassed anything they had ever known.

Swearing unwavering loyalty to Kaido, they pledged to do whatever it took to ensure his ascension to the throne of the world. With their combined might and unwavering determination, they vowed to crush anyone who dared to oppose them, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

Their new devil fruit:

[**Fusion Devil Fruit Name:** Mythical Cerbemmoth (Cerberus + Mammoth)]


1. **Titanic Stomp:** The mythical Cerbemmoth can unleash powerful stomps that create shockwaves capable of shattering the ground and destabilizing opponents.

2. Triple Inferno Breath: Combining the elemental powers of fire and ice, the Mythical Cerbemmoth can breathe forth a triple stream of flames and frost, engulfing enemies in a devastating conflagration.

3. Majestic Tusk Charge: With the strength of a mammoth and the ferocity of a mythical beast, the Mythical Cerbemmoth charges forward with unstoppable force, impaling anything in its path on its massive tusks.

4. Guardian's Roar: Emitting a thunderous roar that echoes across the battlefield, the Mythical Cerbemmoth instills fear in the hearts of its foes while rallying allies, boosting their morale and strength.

5. Frostfire Resilience: Possessing a unique resistance to both fire and ice, the Mythical Cerbemmoth can withstand extreme temperatures and elemental attacks with ease, shrugging off even the most intense assaults.

6. **Primordial Vigor:** Drawing upon the ancient powers of its mammoth and Cerberus lineages, the mythical Cerbemmoth boasts immense physical strength and endurance, allowing it to endure prolonged battles and emerge victorious against all odds.

The mythical Cerbemmoth stands as a symbol of primal power and untamed fury, a force of nature capable of reshaping the very landscape with its might.

[**Fusion Devil Fruit Name:** Mythical Gryphosaurus (Griffin + Pachycephalosaurus)]


1. Aerial Pounce: The mythical Gryphosaurus possesses the agility and grace of a griffin, allowing her to take to the skies with majestic wings before diving down to strike with tremendous force.

2. **Petrifying Roar:** Emitting a thunderous roar infused with mystical energy, the Mythical Gryphosaurus can petrify foes with fear, rendering them immobile and vulnerable to her attacks.

3. Pachycephalic Charge: With the sturdy skull of a Pachycephalosaurus, the mythical Gryphosaurus can charge headlong into opponents, delivering bone-crushing impacts that can shatter even the toughest defenses.

4. Griffin's Gaze: Her piercing gaze can see through illusions and deceit, allowing her to discern the truth amidst deception and uncover hidden secrets.

5. Aerial Superiority: Mastering the art of aerial combat, the mythical Gryphosaurus dominates the skies, swooping down upon her adversaries with unparalleled speed and precision.

6. **Regal Majesty:** Possessing the regal bearing and noble demeanor of a griffin, the mythical Gryphosaurus commands respect and admiration from allies and foes alike, inspiring loyalty and awe in all who behold her.

7. **Mystic Resilience:** Infused with the mystical energies of both the griffin and Pachycephalosaurus, the Mythical Gryphosaurus boasts enhanced durability and resilience, shrugging off attacks with ease and enduring even the most devastating assaults.

The mythical Gryphosaurus embodies the perfect balance of elegance and ferocity, a formidable warrior with the power to soar through the skies and crush her enemies with unstoppable force.

[**Fusion Devil Fruit Name:** Mythical Arachnusa (Arachnid + Medusa)]


1. Venomous Webbing: Arachnusa can spin intricate webs infused with a potent venom that paralyzes foes upon contact, rendering them immobile and vulnerable to her attacks.

2. **Gorgonic Gaze:** With a piercing stare, Arachnusa can petrify adversaries, turning them to stone with a single glance. This ability strikes fear into the hearts of her enemies and grants her a formidable advantage in combat.

3. **Silent Hunter:** Utilizing her spider-like agility and stealth, Arachnusa can move swiftly and silently, stalking her prey from the shadows before striking with deadly precision.

4. Chitinous Armor: Arachnusa's exoskeleton is reinforced with chitinous plates, providing her with exceptional durability and protection against physical and elemental attacks.

5. **Venomous Fangs:** In addition to her webbing, Arachnusa possesses fangs filled with a potent neurotoxin that induces paralysis and excruciating pain in those bitten.

6. Cacophony of Curses: Arachnusa can emit a haunting melody that invokes curses upon her enemies, causing them to suffer from hallucinations, nightmares, and psychological torment.

7. Web of Shadows: Manipulating shadows and darkness, Arachnusa can create illusions and ensnare her foes within a labyrinth of darkness, leaving them disoriented and vulnerable to her attacks.

8. Mystic Arachnid Constructs: Arachnusa can conjure mystical spider constructs imbued with her powers, including giant spiders, venomous scorpions, and spectral arachnids, to aid her in battle.

The Arachnusa is a formidable and mysterious hybrid, blending the cunning and predatory instincts of a spider with the petrifying gaze and mystical powers of Medusa. With her abilities, she strikes fear into the hearts of her enemies and dominates the battlefield with ruthless efficiency.

Under Kaido's watchful gaze, Jack, Maria, and Ulti embarked on a grueling training regimen unlike any they had experienced before. For months on end, they endured relentless sessions, pushing their bodies and minds to the brink in pursuit of mastery.

Kaido's training was harsh and unforgiving, his every strike with the mace infused with the weight of his expectations. Made from a rare combination of seastone and metals harvested from celestial asteroids, the mace delivered punishing blows that tested their endurance and resilience.

Day after day, they faced Kaido's relentless onslaught, each strike driving them closer to their limits. But amidst the pain and exhaustion, they found strength in their unwavering determination, their resolve unbroken even in the face of adversity.

As the weeks turned into months, a transformation began to take hold. Jack and Ulti, fueled by their burning ambition, unlocked the power of their King's Haki, their indomitable wills asserting dominance over those around them. And with Kaido's guidance, all three of them honed their Armament Haki to its pinnacle, their mastery over the invisible armor of their souls reaching unprecedented heights.

Amidst the rigorous training regimen, Kaido himself underwent a transformation, honing his skills and refining his techniques alongside Jack, Maria, and Ulti. With each passing day, he pushed himself to new heights, his relentless pursuit of power driving him to surpass his own limitations.

Drawing upon his vast knowledge and experience, Kaido introduced a new element to their training regimen—the use of breathing techniques inspired by the warriors of Demon Slayer. Through disciplined practice and unwavering focus, they learned to harness the power of their breath, enhancing their combat prowess and unlocking new depths of strength within themselves.

With each inhalation and exhalation, they felt the energy of their surroundings flow through them, fueling their attacks with newfound ferocity. Under Kaido's tutelage, they mastered the art of breath control, wielding their newfound abilities with precision and grace.

The training was grueling, relentless, and unforgiving. Each day began with pain, ended with exhaustion, and was filled with struggle. Yet, through sheer determination and unyielding resolve, they persevered.

And when the two months had passed, they emerged from their ordeal stronger, fiercer, and more formidable than ever before. As they stood before Kaido, their bodies battered but their spirits unbroken, they knew that they had become true warriors, ready to unleash their newfound power upon the world.

Kaido's voice resonated with authority as he issued his next command to the system, his intent clear and unwavering.

"System, use my 13 ability improvement cards," he commanded, his tone brimming with confidence. "Allocate 3 to enhance my breathing technique, and allocate the remaining 10 to strengthen my Devil Fruit."

Then Kaido says" System, show me my status," he commanded, his tone laced with authority.

In response to his command, the system hummed to life, its ethereal interface materializing before him. As the information cascaded across the screen, Kaido's crimson eyes narrowed in focus, absorbing the data with keen interest.

[Name: Kaido]

[Bloodline: Demon, Fish-Men]

[Devil Fruit: Dreadfire Abyssal Dragon Fruit [42%]]


Armament Haki: World Limit

Observation Haki: [Top]

King's Haki: [World Limit]


All Fighting skills from Earth [max]

All Gun skills from Earth [max]

Breathing Technique[max]

[System Storage: Pocket weather dial, Pocket Ship] 


1. Jack:

Devil Fruit: Mythical Cerbemmoth

Bloodline: Fish-Men





2. Ulti:

Devil Fruit: Mythical Gryphosaurus

Bloodline: Human





3. Black Maria:

Devil Fruit: Mythical Arachnusa

Bloodline: Oni





4. Alber:

Devil Fruit: Pteranodon [Ancient beast]

Bloodline: Lunarian






As Kaido reveled in the surge of power coursing through his veins, his gaze swept over his loyal subordinates, a sense of satisfaction washing over him. But amidst the jubilation, a shadow of concern clouded his features as he noticed the absence of certain familiar faces.

"System, where are the rest of my subordinates?" Kaido inquired, his voice tinged with urgency.

But to his dismay, the system's response was cold and unyielding. "Host, only alive subordinates will be shown."

The realization struck Kaido like a thunderbolt, sending a wave of anger and sorrow crashing over him. Queen, and countless others, were gone—fallen in battle due to his own perceived weakness. It was a bitter truth to swallow, knowing that their deaths were a testament to his own failings as their leader.

But amidst the turmoil of his emotions, a fierce determination took root within him. Alber, the first to follow him, remained captive—a reminder of the debt he owed to those who had placed their faith in him.

With renewed resolve, Kaido set his mind to the task at hand. He would rescue Alber, no matter the cost. For in the depths of his heart, he knew that the loyalty of his subordinates was a bond not to be taken lightly. And as he began to form his plan, a steely glint flickered in his eyes, his determination unshakeable as he prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.