
Kai Lane: Beginning

Feelings... "Why.... Me?" "I just wanted to live a normal life. I never imagined that emotions would have such different powers. I used to think about how I'd get higher on exams. How could I live a more relaxed life? Will ı be able to marry a beautiful and kind woman? Now... life is so different now... I'd love to watch the sun set forever, but how can I do that? The hunters will always be after me. " "I'm Kai Lane! I don't care about the rules of this new world! I'll live as I please! And I'm not gonna let anyone hurt me or my friends on this road! " Levels in the book Yellow lightning Blue Lightning Green lightning Orange Lightning Red lightning Purple lightning Each week, two episodes are released on Tuesdays and Fridays

TheWriterMea · Fantasy
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152 Chs

Kai Lane Chapter 26: 6 Years of Training

Kai walked out of the top floor of the academy as he climbed the stairs.

The academy was situated on top of a mountain as the wind howled in his face. The surrounding area was covered in mountains.

Although the academy had no particular colour, it was enormous. It was so big that when you looked from one side, you could not see the other side.

As he crossed his arms and watched the wind, the wind suddenly picked up. A silhouette appeared behind Kai.

"They don't know your power, do they? They didn't realise. That the degree of power does not determine true power. They didn't realise that you can actually defeat anyone up to the middle stage of blue lightning. If you use King mode... You can even defeat the peaks." Kai began to speak as he looked at the mountains without turning around.

"I'm guessing you've lived at least a hundred years. You were probably a great genius too. You may have even seen the Kingslayers before me. But you still haven't realised one thing. Let me enlighten you. True geniuses always hide in the dark. Because they don't want to be found out. They don't want to be famous. They just want to be powerful. Stronger than everything and everyone. "Kai turned round and looked at Michael. This man already knew that. Long before Kai, he had encountered geniuses who developed much faster than him. Still, he didn't interrupt Kai. He was curious about this boy's path.

"So I ask your permission. I'll be in meditation for a while. Make sure they don't wake me. I just wanted to let you know I'm not dead. I'm going to the District 1 tournament. Then everyone will know everything. Until then, please don't say anything about this to anyone. " Michael nodded as Kai headed for the exit door.

"What are you going to do now?"

It was something he never wanted to remember. He didn't want to know. Ezra wasn't going to show him mercy. He wasn't going to be kind. Kai wanted to cry, but if he did, Ezra would beat him worse. Michael heard him as Kai swallowed in fear.

"I'm going to hell."


Kai came straight home and meditated cross-legged on his bed. There was no point in running away any longer. It was for his own good.

He woke up in hell to find Ezra standing over him.

By the way, I'm really talking about hell. It was an area where lava covered the area like a sea on the burnt ground. It was a place where winged demons were flying around and screams could be heard all around. They were standing on an island in the centre of the lava sea. Ezra's face was once again serious, not mocking.

"Why do you want to win the world tournament?"

Kai just scratched his head at this question, but when Ezra looked at him fiercely, he had to answer.

"I want to make a name for myself in the world. I want to surprise people and show that I'm great. I want to show that I'm worthy," Kai said. To this Ezra could only sigh. What did he expect? Only a short time ago he had told Michael that geniuses focused on getting stronger, but was it all for greater fame?

Kai hadn't lived long enough. Ezra understood that. He had to be prepared to train Kai to withstand what he was going through. He had to protect him.

"All grades will be entered in this year's world tournament. Everyone will be there. Almost all the students from every country. They will send you to a different region, but when you die, you will be reborn in your academy and you will be considered lost. It doesn't matter what you do after you enter that world, the only important thing is to survive and meet your team. Your team will be the people in your home. After meeting with your team, you need to find the people you are in the same academy. You will be the first as an academy. It's not an individual race, it's a group race. You will get stronger very quickly while trying to survive in the wild. Everyone will be stronger than you. That's why, in a tournament like this, it's the first years who will die the fastest. That's you. "

Ezra had already decided to prepare Kai for the world tournament. They would have to develop their goals much faster, and judging from what Auron had learnt about the tournament, the destination could change Kai forever. No, maybe it would change everyone.

"You will spend six years here, in your mind. In 6 years, you will pass through all of our hands. We'll make you very powerful. We'll change you. Then you'll show everyone your true strength and show off at the District 1 tournament. When the girls want to get closer to you, I'll teach you something, but... Whatever. "

I could tell he was thinking dirty thoughts.

Suddenly, he grabbed Kai's shoulder. He met those blue eyes directly with the red lava. He didn't throw them in, but he brought them close to the surface. It would have been traumatising to experience something so horrible while being held by the scruff of the neck.

But Kai was showing the results of his willpower training.

"Perseverance! Just as pain makes you stronger in fear, so with us it's perseverance. The harder you try, the stronger you become. Now you will start swimming in the lava. When you reach the rock 100 metres away, it will end. Let's get you started. " Kai's tongue flicked out as he looked out over the sea of lava. But Ezra threw him by the scruff of the neck and he fell into a sea of lava.

He didn't disappear, but it was undoubtedly an apocalyptic pain. As Kai emerged from the lava, he couldn't believe it was possible. Was it possible for a human to swim in lava for 100 metres?

He did his best. But it was painful and frightening. Even after a long time, he could only move a few metres. But at least he could move. As Ezra looked at him, he couldn't help remembering a bright silhouette from his past memories.

"He looks nothing like you, but I know you're the same."


Elsewhere, the last class of the academy had finished. 6 people were going home.

"Does anyone know why Kai didn't come to the last lesson?" said Jack.

"I think... Last time he told me he had something to do. I haven't seen him since then." said Emma. Kevin asked the question in his mind while thinking.

"So do you know why his eyes were green in class?" This time it was Melony who looked at him.

"What a strange question? Of course her eyes would be green. Didn't you already know that?" Kevin looked at her and realised they hadn't told her everything.

"Kai is special. Not only does he control all emotions. His eyes also glow red. I don't know how he did it, but he made his eyes green on purpose," Emma said.

"He also said that everyone would learn the power at the District 1 tournament." Melony started laughing as everyone's faces looked thoughtful.

"It's only the middle of the middle. Everyone else has moved on to the top of the middle. What can she do even after three months? " Emma didn't hold back her anger as she looked at her angrily.

"I didn't know it was like this, Melony. Kai risked his life and fought for us. He's not as weak as you think he is. And more importantly, even if he is weak, you shouldn't talk behind his back like that."

Jack and the others agreed. A look of disappointment crossed Kevin's eyes and Melony caught it. She was furious. Kai wasn't even here, but he seemed even more important than her. If he was so important. At the region 1 tournament, he was going to show everyone who was stronger.


In a house somewhere else. Boyd and a kid were standing there. They're standing and they're looking at each other.

"You embarrassed us! How can you not beat that stupid girl!" the boy was shouting at Boyd and Boyd could hardly stand it. His anger was too much for his body. Suddenly a crunch came from his body and reached the peak of the peak. But he answered the boy without a care in the world.

"What do you know! As if you are so strong. If I were you, I would have already reached the peak of the Blue Lightning, and you are still at the beginning of the middle of the Blue Lightning in 6 years. You are a disgrace to us." The boy was about to lash out at Boyd, but Boyd silenced him.

"You don't realise. You're about to lose. What will happen if you fall to District 1 in the District 2 tournament 3 months later? Your development is already slow and this time it will be even slower. My advice to you is to work a little. That girl you call rubbish. She had reached the same level as me by working. She even surpassed me and reached the top of the summit. I think you should try to win now, Hilan. "

As Boyd walked out of the door, Hilan clenched his fists in anger.

"You're absolutely right. Very much so. "

When we returned to Kai's mind, he was still trying to swim in the sea of lava.

4 months later

Fast forward 4 months and Kai had finally made it across the sea. As he came out of the lava, his body became incredibly hard as he threw himself to the ground. But he didn't realise it.

And not just in his mind. His body was also filled with energy and hardened. In the outside world, his body was being cleansed of impurities. But it didn't look dirty because someone quite powerful was constantly coming and taking the dirt from his body. Even the dirt from Kai's body was quite valuable to some alchemists.

"Well done, good, now go ahead and do 100,000 push-ups, as well as sit-ups and other movements." Kai was surprised, but once his body was restored, he started working again. As he immediately got into the push-up position, he was thinking about his friends. He felt like he left them alone too much. Even though Jace and Lena were with them, he had been away from his friends for a very long time. He couldn't help feeling lonely.

'I hope you don't do anything stupid.'

6 months later

Another 6 months passed, and this time Kai couldn't even move. His bones were not aching in pain. Clearly his body had repeatedly reached the point of giving up. But at that moment, his body regenerated and strengthened him.

Ezra waved his hand and the environment disappeared completely. Only a white world was left. Esra slapped Kai hard.

"Yellow lightning peak! " Ezra started laughing as Kai's anger slowly subsided. He was undoubtedly in a fragile state after so much training. Just one slap made him stronger.

"Anger makes us strong. It made you strong. What I did was not in vain. It strengthened your body and increased your capacity for pain. Even your body in the real world was affected. The energy enveloped his body and strengthened his muscles. It changed your muscles. You became stronger. "

Kai laughed. He didn't know what to do in this situation. Here, even in his own mind, nothing was under his control.

"What do we do now?" Ezra's smile faded as he pulled out a sword.

"Close combat. Don't get out of king mode. Novices like you should learn how to fight. I'll even teach you martial arts if you're good enough." Before the fight started, Ezra threw the sword in his hand to Kai. Kai attacked as a new sword appeared in his hand.

Ezra escaped with a step while slicing the air with the sword directly in his hand. As he hit Kai's foot with his sword, he bent his foot a little more.

As Kai swung once more, the power of the King mode was definitely evident. Kai missed again as the pieces in the soil flew up. Ezra complained inwardly as he corrected Kai again with his sword.

"We have more work to do with you."

2 months later

Kai was up against Ezra with his sword again. But this time he had corrected most of his mistakes. He didn't put all his strength into his sword. He didn't fall into the void, throwing his body completely forward. He supported himself with his legs. He stood in a position to defend himself. Although still inadequate, he was much stronger than his peers. He just needed to practise. Ezra grabbed Kai's hand and stopped Kai. Kai was already used to fighting. He fought for 2 months without eating or drinking. He didn't sleep, he didn't get tired. He immersed himself in the battle.

"Now comes the excitement. Even though it's only 15 days outside, we've been together here for a year. Now we won't see each other for 5 years. Remember what I taught you. You'll need it in the future."

Kai nodded. It was actually a short time, but it still seemed like 5 years. For 5 years he wouldn't see her. He hadn't seen his friends and family for a year already.

"Don't worry, the others are just as crazy as me. Hahaha. "

Ezra laughed and waved his hand, and Kai opened his eyes somewhere else.

This was nature. An area surrounded by forests was green. Everywhere. He didn't expect to see the sun once more. It was like a dream. And it was. A dream...

Suddenly a man appeared in front of him, and Kai looked at him.

He was white. Hair, eyebrows, eyes. He had nothing on. He was wearing a white tracksuit. He looked like a Greek god. Each side of his face seemed to be finely carved. It was quite unique. Unlike Era, he gave off a gentle aura.

"My name is Auron. I will teach you the feeling of excitement. And yes, I'm as crazy as Ezra. "