
Kai Lane: Beginning

Feelings... "Why.... Me?" "I just wanted to live a normal life. I never imagined that emotions would have such different powers. I used to think about how I'd get higher on exams. How could I live a more relaxed life? Will ı be able to marry a beautiful and kind woman? Now... life is so different now... I'd love to watch the sun set forever, but how can I do that? The hunters will always be after me. " "I'm Kai Lane! I don't care about the rules of this new world! I'll live as I please! And I'm not gonna let anyone hurt me or my friends on this road! " Levels in the book Yellow lightning Blue Lightning Green lightning Orange Lightning Red lightning Purple lightning Each week, two episodes are released on Tuesdays and Fridays

TheWriterMea · Fantasy
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152 Chs

Chapter 97: John's Anger (2)

John lost consciousness as he fell from the sky. He kept falling for a long time, but he still didn't hit the earth. He was floating next to the waterfall as it flowed.

John opened his eyes and turned his head with the wetness he felt in his hand. There was blood on his hand. He couldn't remember anything for a moment, but he understood everything from the blood on his hand and the fact that he was in the sky.

John looked around. His expression changed rapidly. He was trying to punch the void. He wanted to go back to the top of the mountain, but he couldn't. Desperation took over his mind for a moment, but John came to his senses. Then his body straightened out. A terrifying aura emanated from his body. It was pure rage. But it was not simple. As his eyes changed, his power was unleashed. yellow lightning. Now he was a developmentalist, too.

As angry as John was, there was nothing he could do. He was falling. He was falling really high. Really high.

John closed his eyes so he wouldn't see himself falling. He was now a kilometre from the ground, but the speed at which he was falling was too great. He had reached the maximum speed he could reach.

TIK... TIK... TIK... TIK... TIK...

Just then, ice particles began to appear around John. It enveloped John's whole body. Then an icicle travelled from the waterfall and engulfed John.

John woke up to find himself completely covered in ice. Wherever he looked, ice was everywhere. As an old man walked towards him with small steps, John looked at the old man. But just looking at him made him shiver. An unbelievable aura emanated from that old silhouette. He was old and wounded. John understood this, but he did not realise that no human being he had ever known, or would know for a long time, would ever reach his level.

John immediately lowered his head. His body temperature had already dropped. But he was neither dying nor freezing. A very strange feeling enveloped him.

He could not see the old man's face, but he could see his beard reaching to his feet.

"You have no idea how hard I tried not to kill you, son. It's amazing to see someone who can actually come here. I don't know how you got into the Ancestral Realm, but I don't care. I have a proposition for you, John." the old man said. John raised his head in surprise, but it was only a matter of time before he lowered it. That look was too cold.

"How do you know my name?!? "said John. Hearing this, the old man laughed.

"I know more than you think. My offer is to give you my power, John. My power. The power of the Ice Ancestor Mairo. My bloodline. Let me just say this. You can get your revenge on the hunters. I don't know how you got here without going through the levels, but I'll send you back. All I ask is that one day you kill the Ice God Vaster and tell him my greetings. Do you agree?" said Mairo. John looked up with a serious expression. When he raised his head and looked at Mairo, his body started to freeze from his feet. John looked into Mairo's eyes and said;

"I accept." he said.


John's aura was heightened. Suddenly, with one punch, he split the table in half. Then he started smashing chairs, walls, everything. John didn't stop. He just kept destroying everything. It was like he was throwing out all the regret in his heart. He didn't care about anything. He didn't care about his Ice Ancestor's bloodline or anything else. He just wanted to be with his mates.

"I don't want to be alone!! Is that too much to ask?!?"

As the aura in John's body started to increase, John started to combine the power of the 4 paths he had without caring about anything. He was alone now. He lived only for revenge. Destroying the hunters. Especially that man from Red Lightning. He would kill him even if it meant the end of his life.

"Even if I'm alone, even if I've lost my mind, I'll go on! Firstly, I will win the World Tournament! Then I'll move to the second step and kill that man! No one will be able to stop me! Boundaries will be a stepping stone for me!!!"

John's eyes lit up with his words and the whole house was illuminated with a green light.

The two young people watching him from outside were looking at the house in astonishment.

"Shit! The maniac has switched to green lightning!!! What kind of development speed is this?! Let's go and spread it to the academy. "said Boy 1. Boy 2 nodded and they walked away. John was already laughing. They left behind the green-haired boy who was laughing like crazy.