
Kai Lane: Beginning

Feelings... "Why.... Me?" "I just wanted to live a normal life. I never imagined that emotions would have such different powers. I used to think about how I'd get higher on exams. How could I live a more relaxed life? Will ı be able to marry a beautiful and kind woman? Now... life is so different now... I'd love to watch the sun set forever, but how can I do that? The hunters will always be after me. " "I'm Kai Lane! I don't care about the rules of this new world! I'll live as I please! And I'm not gonna let anyone hurt me or my friends on this road! " Levels in the book Yellow lightning Blue Lightning Green lightning Orange Lightning Red lightning Purple lightning Each week, two episodes are released on Tuesdays and Fridays

TheWriterMea · Fantasy
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152 Chs

Chapter 107: Kai's Power (3)

Two of Kai's past lives were particularly amazing in their level of understanding of the paths. One of the Kingslayers, who became a legend on the Body Path, created a mod of his own. It was a path made entirely through the Body Path, and it increased the power of the Body Path by a lightning bolt. This mod was the King Mod.

But there was a problem. The path pressure of this mod was too high. Therefore, a high understanding of the Body Path was required to use this mode without any trouble. In this way, the King Mode would not put pressure on the body.

The other past life had reached an incredible understanding of the Mind Path. The biggest difference between him and the other person was that he did not transfer it directly to his future life like the Body Path cultivator. He kept it and prepared a test for the technique of the Mind Path. Although a few past lives had managed to take this test, no one had been able to force them to use these modes. It was only in the incident 200 years ago that they had unleashed their full power, but because of the number of survivors, no one had learnt what kind of power it was.

At the same time, the Absolute Spirit Body that Kai was trying to create was the ability of the Spirit path. In order for this power to be formed, millions of past lives had to die, and finally, someone who was talented enough to collect these souls and combine them into one body had to be born. Since all path abilities were made in such difficult ways, it could be understood how difficult the King Mode was.

Kai had unlocked the King Mode, but his progress along the Path of the Body was unharmed by it. His power had reached the centre of the Red Lightning, but only for the Body Path.

Kai took his sword back. It was a spirit from his past life who helped him through this difficult time and brought him his sword. Although some of the superior figures in the arena recognised this spirit, it was considered a power of Kai's past life. Even if Kai had brought an atomic bomb, they would have accepted it without question.

It would only have caused everyone to die.

Kai disappeared from where he was and attacked Zaheer. As he swung his sword, Sirius collided with Zaheer's wand. Kai gave Sirius a little push and Zaheer flew backwards.

Kai swung Sirius once more, and a wave of earth began to move towards Zaheer.

Zaheer looked at the earth wave and waved his wand.

The earth wave fell to the ground. This was the ability of Zaheer's staff. It could destroy magical abilities.

Zaheer had just destroyed the earth wave when Kai appeared behind him again. He swung his sword and sent Zaheer flying through the air in another direction.

As Zaheer flew through the air, Kai reappeared. He swung his sword once more and sent Zaheer flying in another direction.

Kai was doing the same thing Zaheer had done to him, but there was a difference. Kai wasn't using a copy. This was his real speed. He was so fast that when Zaheer was flying through the air, he could go faster than him and throw him from one place to another.

Zaheer couldn't help vomiting blood as he flew through the air again. At this rate he was going to lose, and he knew it.

Just as Kai was about to swing his sword once more, Zaheer spoke. He had an excited smile on his face. He was no longer holding back and hiding his excitement. He was smiling like a psychopath.

"Multiple Saint Replicas Level 2."

Suddenly, 100 more Zaheers appeared, all trying to attack Kai together. 2 Zaheers grabbed the real Zaheer and pulled it back. The real Zaheer had taken too much damage. He needed some rest.

Zaheer activated his lightning with all his might. Adrenaline filled Zaheer's body with all its power and took away his pain. Zaheer was able to stand up. He couldn't heal like Kai. Still, his body was strong thanks to the power in the Red Lightning. And he would be able to continue the fight, alleviating his pain.

Kai suddenly looked at the 100 people surrounding him. Every time he swung his sword, a new person would appear. A smile appeared on Kai's face. He really wasn't in the centre of the Red Lightning. Even in King Mode, only one lightning bolt from the Body Path was powered up. Still, that was enough for Kai. He had hidden trump cards that no one knew about.

The sky slowly began to turn crimson as its colour changed. Zaheer and his duplicates didn't understand what was happening, but Zaheer realised something was wrong and instructed the two Zaheers with him to protect him. The smile on Kai's face grew even bigger. Kai raised his jet black sword to the sky and shouted.

"Celestial Flame Sea.... Fall!!!"


The Sea of Flame fell and the area was covered in flames. Seeing the attack, Quentin held his breath.

"That's the technical equivalent."

The real Zaheer was not in the Sea of Fire. He managed to retreat at the last moment. But his duplicates were not so agile. From the ground where the vapours had emerged, Kai, with his snow-white hair and skin, was advancing, holding his jet-black Heavenly Elemental Sword. His face had a serious expression again. He was moving with graceful steps. His violet eyes were looking directly into Zaheer's eyes. Zaheer had seen Kai as a great genius throughout the entire fight, but now, looking into those eyes, he could realise the truth. He had made another miscalculation. Kai was not a Genius! He was a Monster! He could now understand the power of those eyes. The sharpness of that sword. The coldness of that skin. He'd only seen it in one place. Only one book described this horror.

"The King of Kings."

Kai and Zaheer were facing each other. Kai rolled Sirius onto his side and bent his legs. Zaheer thrust his staff into the ground. A shield emerged from the staff and surrounded Zaheer.

"Energy Slayer Level 1!!!"

Zaheer didn't stop. He didn't have a Blood ability he could acquire in the orange lightning, but he had worked hard to make up for it with his staff. Now he was reaping the fruits of it.

Zaheer clapped his hands together, his staff stuck in the ground. So he couldn't make his attack with it. But he could rely on the Purple Sunflower Art.

At that moment, a white light began to cover Kai's sword. Seeing the light, Emma and Quentin looked at each other.

"Purple Sunflower Art!!! 2nd Leaf!!! Sharp Sunflower Blade!!!"

"Heavenly Wind Slash!!!"

Two sharp attacks advanced towards each other. As the white light and the Purple Blade hit one another, the earth began to be pierced and their auras began to crush each other.


"Where have I come again?"

Kai held his head and looked to his right as he moved through the darkness. There were countless people like him on his right. They all looked alike. They all had very powerful auras radiating from their bodies.

"My Past Lives..."

After Kai spoke, the atmosphere changed. All the lives to his right were in front of him. Uranus was in the front row. He was smiling.

"What is this place?" said Kai. Uranus first looked back as if surprised. When the others nodded, he started to speak. His voice was very different from his normal voice. It was the result of all lives merging. The voices merged and began to speak like a divine song.

"This is the beginning, Kai. Where everything begins and ends.... This is Death, Kai. This is where you are."

Kai was calm. He looked around him. It was plain darkness. He bent down and sat on the floor.

"So that's it...."

Seeing Kai's state, the past lives were a little surprised. They were more expecting him to deny it and ask if there was a way for him to live again. But they said nothing. They recognised themselves. They realised what was going on without getting an answer. Still, Kai started talking without waiting for them.

"You know, when I first learnt about my powers, I wasn't scared. After all, this isn't a film. Why would I be scared? I didn't ask anything. It was the first time I'd been so lucky and I didn't want to spoil it. If there was one thing I was afraid of, it was the possibility that it was a dream. "

"Then there were deaths. In the hospital and on the bus. Slowly I began to understand life, but there was a bad part of me. Because I was still happy. Even though their lives were over, I had an eternal life. The promise I made in the hospital was just a passing thing. Now I don't even recognise her face. "

"The first time I realised I didn't have eternal life was when we went to get Lena. People were dying and time was passing fast. There were those who hunted us. And they didn't particularly want me to live. "

"But even then, I thought I'd be safe at the Academy. 12 billion years! 12 years I thought I could live 12 billion years. I didn't realise the biggest problem at the beginning. It was my stupidity. That's why I'm dead now, and I'm talking to you."

Kai's eyes were teary, but not from sadness. He raised his head and looked at Uranus with a smile. The tears from his eyes were reaching his cheeks. And he was laughing while crying.

"But what can I do? I am one of the Children of Uranus. I will not die without killing a King." said Kai. Kai stood up as a compassionate expression appeared on the faces of all the Past Lives.

"We are the last owners of the Garden of Eden. We are the ones who have the most knowledge from the library of the Garden of Eden. Which one of us thinks I can't be resurrected? "

All their past lives surrounded Kai. Uranus was directly in front of Kai, staring into his face.

"You really are a crazy person, Kai. Don't forget the consequences.

The Resurrection of Emotions. I can't believe we're using such a forbidden technique. If you can't control your emotions, your emotions will abandon you. You will lose the power of 6 emotions, Kai! If you don't master your emotions, they won't be with you until you do. "

"Then I'll tell you what's about to happen. You'll be out of King Mode. And your body will be very weak for a while. But we're gonna support you for a little while. You'll have about 15 seconds. "Uranus said and put his hand on Kai. All of Kai's past lives touched each other and lastly 6 people touched Kai's body.

Kai suddenly laughed and looked at Uranus.

"Isn't this like cheating? "

"We are your advantage, Kai. The advantage you gained in the orange lightning. This is your power. It will never count as cheating," Uranus said. Kai looked tenderly at Uranus one last time as the hands of all the past lives flashed.

"Thank you. "


As the wind waves travelled towards the spectators, those who were strong enough to block the waves rushed forward and protected the others. This collision was terrifying. Protecting the waves of the collision meant using all their strength for those in Red Lightning.

When silence fell, a huge hole opened up in the centre of the academy. Michael was able to pull Melony and Milah out at the last moment. Even though it was a very simple thing for him, Melony and Milah thought it was at the last moment.

While the dust was flying inside the Criterion, people were still wondering what was going on. None of them were worried about their lives. The only thing they were curious about was the fight.

When all the smoke cleared, Zaheer appeared first. He was breathing deeply with his hands on his knees. His staff had flown away. All his clothes were torn. Yet he was still standing.

When Emma saw Zaheer, she looked fearfully where Kai should be and her hands went to her mouth. A single eye tear flowed from her eye.


Zaheer breathed a sigh of relief when he realised he was still standing. At the end of this fight, countless bones were broken and half of his muscles were torn. Yet he had still managed to win.

"I'm sorry, Kai. But I won...."

"Don't get upset Zaheer, anything can happen at any moment!"

A voice was heard and the sound of a sharp sword was heard behind Zaheer. Zaheer turned his head for a tiny moment and saw red eyes with his eyes. A sword light came down from the air and cut him in the chest. And it travelled forward and struck the ground. No one realised what had happened. But a voice made them realise what was happening.

"I win."

Kai's body was out of King Mode. He was the loser of the attack. After all, a lightning bolt couldn't really increase King Mode power, and Zaheer was a genius. Still, Kai's senses weren't weak. They never had been. His emotions had brought Kai back to life once more.

Zaheer stared at his chest in amazement, suddenly feeling unable to move. The next thing he remembered was the warm earth.

Kai took a step but couldn't take another. He fell to his knees and closed his eyes.

Kai had indeed won this impossible fight.

Was what Kai did really cheating? Who will go to the World Tournament as the leader of the academy? And it was like there was a fight going on in the background that I'd forgotten about.

Or maybe there wasn't.

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