
Kage of Strings

The once-strong alliance between Sunagakure and Konohagakure is now broken in the aftermath of the cruel consequences of the Konoha Collapse Plan. Sunagakure is in disarray due to the death of their Kazekage and a shadow of betrayal hanging over them. The urgent need for a new leader intensifies as they fight to restore and win back trust. In the middle of the disarray, an unpopular proposal is offered. From the confines of a jail cell, a person known only as the "Heavenly Demon," bound in darkness and chains, appears. This mysterious person, formerly found guilty of trying to kill the previous Kazekage, is now a possible contender for the position of leader. Though there is resistance and doubt from many places, a small group in Sunagakure find confidence in this unusual candidate. They think that nobody can lead them through these difficult moments and bring honour back to their village except someone with such incredible power and determination. The Hidden Sand Village finds itself at a turning point as tensions build and allegiances are put to the test. Will they choose to embrace the darkness among them or will they look for reconciliation and create a fresh route that leads to harmony and prosperity? The fate of the Sand Village is in jeopardy as they set out on a quest of self-discovery and atonement amid political intrigue, personal grudges, and the ominous menace of outside forces. _________________________________ Hello everyone. This is my original fanfic. Show some support in the comments and if there is anything that needs correction or something just tell me. Thanks in advance.

AdolfK_Weissman · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 5 Calling for The Heavenly Demon

In the dimly lit cell, Doflamingo lay sprawled on his bed, a picture of complete relaxation that belied his surroundings. His normal prisoner gear had replaced his long, feathered cloak, but even with this basic outfit, he continued to leave an intimidating impression. The bleak, grey walls of the jail appeared to nearly shrink away from him, as though they recognised the power of nature within. Doflamingo had his eyes closed and a satisfied smile on his lips when footsteps approached and broke the stillness.

Guard says, "Doflamingo, get ready. You have been summoned to attend a meeting."

At the guard's words, Doflamingo let out a low laugh as his smile turned into a knowing smirk. His confident, silky voice broke the silence.

Doflamingo: "I understand. After five long years, is it finally time for me to be needed? Okay, then, show the way."

Doflamingo's entrance in the council chamber contrasted sharply with the room's solemn mood. His charismatic personality was evident even in the absence of his signature coat and sunglasses. With his blond hair combed back, his tall form moved with an effortless elegance, revealing a handsome yet frightening face. An involuntary shudder ran down the elders' spines as his hungry, piercing stare swept across them. He looked as formidable as ever, his entire presence commanding attention, even after all these years of confinement.

Elder 1, looking nervous yet trying to remain calm, addressed him first.

Elder 1: "Doflamingo, it has been years since we last saw you. We believe you will be needed more during these challenging times.

The elder's barely concealed tension in his voice made Doflamingo's smirk broaden.

Doflamingo: "Well, your care touches me. So what is it that I owe this reunion's pleasure? One is not frequently called up from the confines of a cell for a friendly chat."

Elder 2 took a long breath before speaking, the weight of the situation bearing down on his shoulders.

Elder 2: "A lot has happened since you were imprisoned. Now that the Fourth Kazekage has come to an end, our the village is at a turning point. Someone who can lead the Sand Village through these difficult times is needed."

The elders were keeping a careful eye on Doflamingo to see how he would respond when the room grew silent. Doflamingo maintained his unreadable countenance, his curiosity peaked but his composure maintained.

Doflamingo: "The Fourth Kazekage has died, you say? Fascinating. And you've decided that I'm the right person to lead in the new era? How...pleasant."

The oldest of them, Elder 3, leaned forward and spoke steadily.

Elder 3: "Doflamingo, your tactics and aspirations have always been problematic. Your abilities and accomplishments, though, are undeniable. The village needs unity above all else. It also requires strength and vision. We think you're able to provide that."

Doflamingo's confident, fluid chuckle filled the room.

Doflamingo: "Unity, strength, and vision..." Are you looking for a Kazekage or a saviour? I guess your proposal should be an honour for me. Tell me, after all this time, what makes you think I'd be interested in taking on the role of a devoted leader?"

The atmosphere in the room grew, with each elder exchanging apprehensive glances. They were in unfamiliar ground, negotiating with a man as unpredictable as the desert winds.

Elder 1: "We recognise the consequences of your previous deeds. However, the council is willing to grant you a full pardon in exchange for you becoming our new Kazekage. Our top objective is ensuring the survival of the village."

Doflamingo leaned back, considering the suggestion, his eyes narrowing. The elders waited for his answer, aware that the outcome would determine the future of Sunagakure. The distinction between friend and foe, saviour and destroyer, became hazy at this point. It was a risk to call forth the Heavenly Demon; it might either bring the village to safety or ruin.

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