

After Amazaki heard the sound, he turned right and left and said

"From there"


But no one answered

And then that voice came again

"So do you want to be a hero or maybe... something else hahaha?"

Amazaki said again while trying to figure out the source of the sound

"Who are you and what do you mean?"

"My name is not important and you will not need to know it... Let's just say that I am someone who heard your call and decided to propose to you."

Amazaki replied

"an offer ?? What do you mean?"

The owner of the voice replied

"Didn't you just say that you were bored with this world? So how about another world that you can say is somewhat similar to your games?"

Amazaki responded sarcastically

So what do I have to pay to get this offer hahaha… Could it be that you want to tell me that you are a fairy who needs me to protect her world or something like that?"

That voice said sarcastic as well

"Hahaha, you're really smarter than you look, but no… I don't need you to do anything for me."

"But someone from the other world might need you for a noble mission or something."

Then Amazaki burst out laughing and said:

"What?? A noble mission?? Hahaha what nonsense

Should I protect them and help them... Does this mean I will play the role of a hero in that world?"

Amazaki's features changed, his face became calm again and he said

"This is not funny. I don't like taking orders from anyone, so find someone else."

Then the voice said

"Hahaha...what? No, no, I never said you had to help them

"I only said that they are the ones who might need you, not me."

"So what do you want me to do to you over there?"

That sound is answered by one word


Amazaki stops walking, shock filling his features, and says:


Let that voice begin to explain

"As I said, I don't care what you do there...but my feeling tells me that you will make this place more enjoyable."

Then he added in a low voice

"I've been watching you lately haha-"

Then Amazaki interrupted that voice by saying

"If it is similar to our games as you say, does this mean that there is a king of demons and fairies or even half-beasts as well?"

Then the voice said quickly with Amazaki's passionate desire

"Yes, of course, and there are dragons, giants, treasures, and many things that will amaze you."

Amazaki covered his face with one hand, then a small smile appeared


Then the voice became serious and suddenly he said

"And I must also warn you, in that place only the strongest survive."

His smile became bigger and bigger, becoming an evil smile, and he said while the sound of his laughter made the heart shiver

"Hahahaha..this is really interesting."

While Amazaki could not contain his joy, that voice interrupted him by saying

"I also prepared some gifts for you, knowing your greedy nature."

Amazaki's face suddenly became serious

"Hmm? gifts? What kind of gift?

"Well you'll find out sooner or later when the time comes... and now it's time to go."

Then a tattoo appeared in the ground in the form of a black five-pointed star that swallowed Amazake down


But Amazaki did not care or panic. On the contrary, he was excited and had something else on his mind to say to himself

"I wonder what I'll do first...well I'll have to wait until I get there to find out."

The voice said, seeming to move away

"Okay, goodbye, we may not meet again, but I will still be watching you..."

Then that voice disappeared and Amazaki said to himself

"Ah...finally that annoying voice disappeared. It almost caused me a headache with its chattering."


Amazaki finds himself floating in a dark place with no light for a period of time until he begins to suspect that something is wrong

"Is it possible that the owner of the damned voice deceived me?"