
Kage Hansei no Corona

Alexrenda · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 5

Intertwining FatesChapter Text


Asuka exclaimed as she practiced her ninja arts at their usual training spot. Every day the brunette beauty continued to strive towards her dream of becoming of the greatest Shinobi the world has ever known like her grandfather before her.

She would not let anything to deter from her goal, but at the same time she would not abandon her family and friends for the sake of her dream either. She would never forsaken them. Regardless she remained unwavering in her training to become an amazing Shinobi.

However, she occasionally glanced over at the distance. A spot not that far away–at least a 5-minute walk from where they're located–and the girl could not help, but be concern for her friend Chris. After knowing what has happened to him since she's met him, whenever he's not around she can't help but fear and worry for his safety.

Even knowing him for such a short time, he wormed his way into her heart already and he was too irreplaceable for her. Which made her want to be his side at all times.

Which in turn her worrying for her fellow classmate has distracted for her for the last hour she began her training.

Something that her Sensei was aware of.

"Asuka," Kiriya-sensei called out to the bouncing betty as she skidded in place when her name was called.

"Hai, sensei?"

"You must relax," her teacher spoke calmly, but sternly. "I understand you worry for Chris's well-being, but you cannot allow it to cloud your thoughts. Especially during training."

The pony-tailed girl tensed in place when Kiriya-sensei pointed out her lack of focus during training. She can't help it, because this was just like how they found Chris the first time. During training, sensing a strange disturbance, and then finding the near-beaten-to-death boy near the woods.

"Gomenasai (Sorry)," Asuka shook her head dejectedly. "It's just that… what if, what happened to Chris-kun happens again while we're not there to prevent it?"

The ash-haired man sighed, but looked at her understandingly. "I understand your concern. However, I've been keeping on eye on him during your training to make sure nothing happens. Not to mention he's much closer to us then our first meeting. He's fine."

"But–!" the girl just to voiced her argument…

Until one of her classmates spoke up.

"Asuka-san," their class rep approached the two, "I feel your concern over your classmate, but you must've let it distract you from training. If you lose focus how else will you become stronger to protect him when he needs your aid?"

Soon the rest of the class joined the rest with their training coming to a halt.


It's not like the rest of the girls don't understand where Asuka is coming from. When she told them of what befell Chris–minus a few key details–and how he lost most of his memories and came to be their new classmate, they all shared the same wish to lookout for him. Not to mention to find whoever was responsible to doing that to such a sweet, innocent boy.

"Yeah, she's right," Katsuragi agreed with Ikaruga, surprising the raven-haired girl a bit. "I don't want anyone touching our man while I'm around! So, that's why we gotta power up and train!"

The blonde kicker smacked her fist into her palm before she hopped over to Asuka's side and placed her hand on her shoulder.

"And if you need a sparring partner, I'm more than happy to help you there Asuka-chan! You need better defense for those sweet knockers of yours!"

And then she proceeded to grope Asuka once more. The fondled girl screamed–and moaned–from Katsuragi's playful assault as she tried to get her off.


The rest of the girls groaned at a typical Katsuragi behavior.

Katsuragi let go and laughed away as Asuka stepped away–wrapping her arms around her chest–and glared slightly at her Senpai. Why must she do this all the time and why her?!

Kiriya-sensei rubbed his temple. Another day, another Katsuragi antic.

Ikaruga regained her composure and marched up to Katsuragi and started scolding her which the blonde whistled and looked away.

"Mou (Jeez), every time," Asuka pouted cutely before hanging her head as she slide down to the ground, "But I can't help myself. When I found him all injured like that, I can't bear to see him suffer like that again. That's why I care about him so much. I don't want him to disappear..."

Upon hearing those words their resident white twin-tailed Kunoichi, Yagyū, stared at Asuka for a moment and decided to approach her. Kneeling down next to her.

"There's nothing wrong feeling the way you do, Asuka," Yagyū stated as both girls stared at each other. "Why you want to protect him. I understand."

"Yagyū-san…," Asuka started to tear up a little.

"So let's promise we'll become stronger together," Yagyū glanced toward Hibari for a second, "So, we can protect what's important to us. Our Shinobi way."

To Yagyū she understood where Asuka is coming from. Ever since that day when she almost lost the will to life. Then meeting Hibari who became someone so dear and close to her that she never wanted to see anything to befell her closest friend. Seeing Asuka be in a similar position like her filled her with a sense of camaraderie with her plight.

Even though she felt neutral towards Chris, she could tell that he's a reasonable and well-mannered boy. She can see how much his friendship and welfare meant for Asuka thus why she felt the need to help and support her.

It's not like she's not taking an interest in the boy or wanting to make sure he doesn't get close to and develop an attraction to Hibari or anything like that. Absolutely not. S-She just wants what's best for Asuka and keep him in the friend-zone with her and Hibari only. That's it.

Though, maybe, Yagyū does feel a ping of worry for him when he nearly lost his life.

"Let's do our best together, Asuka-chan."

The brunette smiled cheerfully and nodded, "Mmhmm. Let's become stronger."

Usually Yagyū kept to herself most of the time or spend the rest of her waking moments hanging over Hibari. It warmed Asuka's heart for her fellow teammate to confide to any one of them outside of Hibari.

"I'll help too!" Hibari declared with a fist bump in the air. "Both Yagyū-chan and myself will do our best to help all our friends! Right, Yagyū-chan?"

The white-haired girl nodded. A barely visible smile on her face. Though it almost looked like she had a slight nosebleed.

But what could've caused that? The girl was never hit in the face nor was there anything steamy enough for her to lose blood. Medically condition perhaps? Maybe it's best to ignore that.

"I'm glad to see you girls working together to improve yourself," Kiriya-sensei finally spoke up after letting everyone finish their conversation. The girls snapped back their attention to their teacher. "However, I will say this. While it's good in all that you want to protect him, I advise against coddling him too much. He must learn to stand up on his own."

"But Kiriya-sensei–!" Asuka started to argue, but her Sensei raised his hand.

"Asuka," he replied back in a stern manner. Causing the girl to flinch and tense on the spot. "I know you wish to protect him, but you can't be there all the time. Nor can you expect to protect him from everything at once. He must learn to do things on his own and we must give him the space to grow. Do you not agree? You would not want someone to stop your dreams of becoming a Shinobi, right?"

That last one stung a little to Asuka, but she knew better. Her father didn't want her to become a Shinobi at first as he worried for her safely and fear for her life. However, she got through to him explaining passionately why her dream was to become a renounced and respected Shinobi like her grandfather. So, he yielded and let her work towards her dream and supported her along the way.

With Chris, she would've done the exact same thing like her father did to her.

She sighed, but reluctantly obliged, "I understand. But this isn't a normal situation for him. I can't help, but care."

Their teacher smiled, "I know. That is why we'll all worked towards helping him find his way… together."

The girls smiled at that last comment.

"Now then, it seems like Chris will be here shortly."

"Huh?" all the girls dumbfoundedly chimed.

"GUYS! Hey guys, you won't believe this!" shouted an energetic and jovial voice as a certain young man came running in their direction.

Everyone turned to see the topic of their conversation run up to them and stopping right in front of them. The black-haired boy lurched over with his hands on his knees panting in place.

"Chris-kun!?" the girl worried about him the most spoke up in shock, "You're back already? Did your summoning practice not go that well?"

Raising his finger to give them a pause he took a moment to get his breath back.

"Actually," he stood up straight up, hands on his hip, and a bright smile, "I manage to find my Guardian Animal after all!"

"You did?!" all of the girls screamed. At different times.

Both the boy and teacher's eyes twitched in annoyance when they did. The veteran Shinobi shook his head and turned in attention to the boy.

Kiriya seemed impressed, "Really?" he studied the boy and sensed he established a link to a guardian spirit like the rest, "Impressive. You got it quite fast. Some Shinobi are talented enough to get it in their first try or soon after a few attempts. Or some take a while."

Somehow, Asuka felt like her teacher was teasing here right now.

"Well, it was more like it came to me instead of me finding it."

Ikaruga smiled fondly hearing that. She recalled saying the same thing to Asuka during her time when she had trouble with her animal spirit. Proud and happy to see her adorable Kouhai doing the same.

"Do you mind showing your guardian to the class?"

"Sure!" the boy pumped his fist into the air with excitement. He turned and raised his hand paused. He looked back to the class and scratched the back of his head nervously, "Um… I kinda forgot how the summoning work. Can I get refresher?"

Kiriya sighed and pinched his nose as Asuka and Hibari giggled at his forgetfulness remark. Katsuragi was laughing, while Yagyū simply closed her eye. Ikaruga shook her head and offered to show him.

After a quick review, and a slip of paper to help focus to concentrate his energy. He began his first summoning attempt and placed the paper on the ground after it automatically sucked up some of his nippo.

Fun fact: This slip of paper is used for helping Shinobi students in learning how summon rituals are done. So they can perform it themselves without summoning slips when they're ready.

A circle of purple light energy appeared around the paper as Chris took a few steps back in awe.

"What do you think it, it's going to be?" the blonde kicker asked.

"Most likely something noble."

"Legendary, like the Kirin."

"Something cute!"

"Practical, I guess?"

And then the light died down and his summon appeared before them.

A small black fox, white underbelly, and with pink eyes and staring at her master. Her expression lighting up as she howled in delight.

Tamamo appeared when her master has called her. Their contract is now officially complete. As well as him becoming hers.

-A black fox?

The girls all thought. They didn't expect that. Maybe a regular kitsune, but a black one? What a unique spirit.

"This is my Guardian Animal Spirit, the black fox. Or kitsune in the native tongue. I got lucky with her."

However, Kiriya was eyeing the fox suspiciously. He could tell this was no ordinary fox given the dark energy emitting off of it. He recalled sensing something earlier around Chris, but it quickly disappeared and the boy remained safe.

He thought nothing of it. Now, though...

-So, that slightly strange natural energy I felt earlier was from this fox? I thought it was a natural energy spike in nature at first. Hmm… it has no hostile intent, but…

"Wow, Chris-kun, your guardian animal spirit is a kitsune?" the buxom dual sword girl commented with delight. She never saw a fox as beautiful as his.

"A kitsune? A perfect animal spirit," Kiriya smiled, not saying anything from earlier. "The kitsune is known for being a trickster. Often disguising itself to cleverly deceive others. A foxtastic fit for a Shinobi."

-There goes Sensei making up words again.

"I knew it! Chris's spirit was a cute one after all!" Hibari jumped in joy at another cute animal friend to join the gang.

Yagyū didn't say anything, but as long as Hibari is happy she approved. Though she thought the fox was a good match for Chris. Innocent-looking, yet full of surprises.

"A fox, huh? I guess it's not too bad," Katsuragi shrugged. She was hoping it had a reptile spirit like her dragon so they can compare and get close to another to compare notes. No ulterior motives here.

The fox glanced at each girl, studying them. As every Kunoichi pondered what the fox thought of them as she seemed to be very affectionate to Chris a lot.

Just for the fox to snootily raise her nose into the air and disregard them with disinterest. Not even sparing another minute looking at them as she closed her eyes.


They were a bit surprised by the fox's rude behavior.

Chris patted his spirit's head, "Come on now, don't be like that. They're my friends so be nice, OK?"

She opened her left eye and spared a glace at her master.

-I suppose I'll acknowledge them for a moment. I do need to know my future rivals and how to sabotage them later.

His sneaky vixen looked back at them and playfully stuck her tongue out at them.

"What a charming fox," Ikaruga awkwardly stated.

"I don't know. Something about that fox I don't like," the blonde beauty muttered to herself. She's got this vibe that the fox spirit is very territorial.

Hibari approached the two and looked over to her classmate, "What are you going to name her?"

"I already figured it out when I saw her and when I looked up legends about kitsune in Japan." the newly appointed fox summoner said nodding his head sage-like. "Her name is going to be Tamamo-no-Mae! Tama-chan for short!"

The black fox's tail wagged with delight and a star-struck expression came over her eyes. She loved it! He got her name right and with an adorable nickname that fitted her perfectly.

-I knew you were my destined husband!

"Tamamo-no-Mae?" the raven-haired class rep yelped in surprise. "As in one of Japan's most evil of Yōkai? Are you positive? A name such as that… for a good Shinobi's summon..."

She did not expect him to name her that.

"Of course! I love reading that legend and I just thought it would be a fun name for her! Plus I think Tama-chan is a very charming name to give her too," the boy chimed happily.

Tamamo ran up to her master and rubbed against his legs. He bent down next to her as she began licking his face.

"Aw, isn't she a cutie?" Chris chuckled childishly as his summon brushed her face against his face. The soft silky black fur is very pleasant to rub against.

As Chris was doting on her after christening her name–or calling her by her real name in her case–Tamamo glanced at the three girls who was looking at her. The brunette, the raven, and the blonde finding something odd about her.

Until she narrowed her eyes in triumph and gave them a Cheshire-like grin. Asuka and Ikaruga were immediately caught off guard, but Katsuragi looked annoyed.

-I think that black fox just declared war on us.

Katsuragi thought as Asuka, Ikaruga, and herself did not like how Chris's summon was giving them a snarky smug look in their direction.

The fox stared at Yagyū next and the two did nothing. Which I mean, Tamamo snorted her nose in pity of girl. Not seeing her as a threat.

Yagyū had the sudden urge to make a black fox pelt.

"She's got such beautiful black fur!" Hibari cooed with a smile as she doted on Chris's animal spirit. Brushing the fox's cheek, "So smooth and silky. You're so lucky to have such a pretty spirit."

The black fox stared at the girl with flower irises then looked away with a slight blush.

-I suppose, she's not too bad I guess.

She opened her left eye glanced at Hibari who continued to smile at her brightly.

-Very well I shall acknowledge her and accept her as a Harem member. However, I will remain my dear Goshujin-sama's number one wife!

The girls felt annoyed when they saw the dismissive kitsune wag her tail when Hibari petted her.

"Sheesh, Hibari-chan… how'd you get her to be calm like that?" Katsuragi pouted. Not liking that the guardian animal spirit scoffed her and the others except for Hibari.

The fox and her stared at each other aggressively.

Until Tamamo brought her paw up to her nuzzle and let out a mischievous chortle with an evil gleam in her eyes.

-Oi… this damn fox! I don't like her one bit!

An angry ticked formed on Katsuragi's forehead. Sensing a strange rivalry with the fox.

"Now, now, let's all behave," their ash-gray teacher cleared his throat to get their attentions. "I think that's about it for today for class. We'll have the rest of the day off and have some dinner."

"Awesome! Another relaxing day! Two-for-two!" Katsuragi cheered with victory finger poses. Jumping up and down which caused her massive jugs to jiggle in place. Which Chris had to look away as this morning episode with Katsu-chan was still fresh in his mind.

The blonde knew why he looked away, she smiled victoriously. He's such an honest guy. And it felt doubly good when she noticed Tamamo glaring at her with fire in her eyes.

-Oh it's on, you hussy!

The two of them declared in their minds.

"You're the best thing that's happened to us, Cutie Chris!"

"I'm not sure how I feel about that nickname..."

Asuka pouted and Ikaruga pinched her nose, "Behave yourself Katsuragi-san. Or else."

"Yeah, yeah."

Knowing she grabbed the boy's attention with her melons and seeing the fox spirit give her a deadpanned look of annoyance insured she won this round.

"You lot go on ahead, I have something I must check on first. I'll join you soon after," Kiriya told his students with a reassuring smile. No thought nothing of it.

"Hai, sensei!"

"Alright, until next time. See you soon my little Tama-chan," Chris cooed over his animal spirit. Patting her head, which Tamamo responded with a satisfying purr, and commanded her to return to the spirit world.

-It's fine… I can take my time with my future husband and… his little harem… hmph. I still have my promise I have to fulfill after all.


And she disappeared.

Katsuragi clicked her tongue in annoyance, "… Finally."

"Last one there is a rotten egg!" the spiky-haired boy taunted his fellow classmate as he ran off ahead.

"Oho!" big sis Katsuragi smirked, "I love a guy who takes the lead! Don't think I'm going to go easy on ya!"

"Hey, wait," the brunette called out, astonished by her friend's sudden playfully manner, "Don't you dare go off ahead without me!"

And the two went after him.

"Yeah! Fun times," Hibari jumped up with joy, "I won't lose."

So, too, went racing with them.

The class rep and quiet girl looked at each other and sighed.

"Children," Ikaruga commented, but smiled nonetheless and decided to go after them. This could serve as an after school training session.

Yagyū didn't say anything, but is quite happy that Hibari is having happy. Though she had no desire to lose either even in a silly little race.

As he watched his students go off back to the academy with a smile, Kiriya's eyes narrowed as soon as they were out of sight and headed off in the opposite direction.

Back to the woods where it started.


Kiriya-sensei ventured further deeper into the woods. Beyond the same spot where Asuka and himself found their amnesiac young friend beforehand. Upon encroaching into the lush territory, the darkest spot of the dense woods revealed a very well-hidden area.

A forest grotto.

Very few knew this secret place, like the Headmaster and Kiriya himself. It was a closely guarded secret, more-so than the Super Secret Ninja Scroll. For many reasons as none were permitted to enter here.

The sunlight barely passing through the many branches of the trees–all of which arced over–giving it an eerie vibe as the veteran Shinobi walked on. The concealed pathway darkened the deeper he traveled in. The light faded with each passing inch.

Until he reached his destination. A light at the end of the tunnel of wood revealed an open area with dense and ancient Gingko trees all around. Their yellow-green fan-like leaves acting like shields protecting this sacred empty spot.

Save for a single shrine located in the middle of the opening.

This is the reason for the man to come visit this sacred, yet forbidden, place. A small shinto shrine was housed on top of broken stone foothold. A short dark brown Torii Gate rested behind the shrine. Worn out by the sea of time with moss and missing pieces of wood.

The man's eyes narrowed in suspicious when he noticed the shimenawa ropes–straw rope with zigzag paper strips–that were usually tied around the shrine with sealing talisman placed on rope and gate… were severed and tossed to the side.

The sealing talisman shredded to pieces.

Kiriya let out a deep and troubled sigh. He approached the discarded rope and examined it. As the old teacher began inspecting the item–running his fingers along them–he sensed a certain type of energy around the severed area.

His eyes quickly darkened when he realized what this was.

-This energy, I remember. This is the same type as…

Kiriya stood up and looked to the skies.

-...the Yōma that attacked Chris.

Despite being a brief moment at the hospital he can easily pick up the unique energy of the Yōma that caused the start of his unusual circumstances. Apparently it is also responsible for violating this sacred place as well.

The shrine that sealed away the infamous Tamamo-no-Mae, one of the three Great Evil Yōkai of Japan.

The Shinobi instructor immediately came here after he saw Chris's summon guardian animal spirit. He came to confirm his suspicious and it looked to be true. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.

He doesn't understand any of this. Though Yōma and Yōkai were similar to one another, there were difference between the two and they don't usually get along. Especially for Tamamo and whatever this Yōma is.

So far, Tamamo is not at full power thankfully yet she despite not causing any issues at the moment Kiriya cannot attest what the ancient Yōkai is scheming. For the time being he'll monitor the Yokai to make sure she doesn't threaten his students.

Though she seemed quite amorous with her summoner for some reason. A Yōma that kidnaps him to be trained as a Shinobi to kill it and now an ancient evil Yōkai that could destroy the world wanting to snuggle up to him. What's next? A phantom with a grudge?

He was at a loss for words.

-That boy is a magnet for trouble

The ash-gray haired man mused with a smirk and shook his head. Turning on his heel he casually left the sacred shrine and exit out of the hidden grotto.


"So where should we decided to eat?" the pervert of the group spoke out when they finally got back to the lounge at their hidden dorms at the shool.

Asuka nodded, "Yeah. I'm famished."

"I can see why. Today's class really aroused your… appetite," Katsuragi giggled perversely.

"I have no idea what you mean by that!"

"Sheesh… *pant*… you girls… got a lot of energy…," Chris panted with deep breath. He leaned over and used the nearby couch to keep his balance so he wouldn't fall over for exhaustion. "I thought I… had it..."

Even though he started the race, he thought he had a chance at coming at least 2nd or 3rd with his little head start. He really should've know better.

"Whatever you say, Rotten Egg," his blond Senpai slapped him on the back. "But, don't worry. I'll be sure to give you lots and lots of private lessons to build up your stamina."

"Umm..." he nervously looked away with heated cheeks.

"Seriously Katsuragi-san, stop that at once!" their class rep growled at her fellow year mate. "You can't go one day without being… your corrupted self?"

"What can I say? I love boobs and Chris!" she proudly exclaimed.

Everyone sighed. That poor boy.

"It's nice to see, you're all getting along," an elderly voice suddenly spoke up.

"WHAT THE?!" most of the girls, minus Asuka and Chris, flipped out when they heard the unknown voice.

"Wait a minute, it can't be…!" Asuka turned around and saw the person who surprised them.

He had gray-white hair, bushy eyebrows, a majestic moustache and short beard. He wore a moss green hakama with a seaweed green-colored robe. Though he was old, he still kept a strong firm body frame and bombastic energy like he was still in the prime of his youth. He looked happily at the girl and her circle of friends.

She knew who exactly this was.

"Ojii-san (Grandpa)!? What are you doing here!" Asuka cried out in surprise as she quickly gave her grandfather a loving hug. She was overjoy to see him come visit her despite him being busy with his headmaster tasks.

"Well I came to check up on my dear granddaughter, is that so wrong?" he flinched with a hand over his chest in mocked pain.

"Ojii-san," Asuka shook her head at his grandfather's silliness.

The legendary Shinobi looked over to the boy and smiled at him, "Greetings, my boy. Good to see you in fine health."

"Good afternoon, Hanzō-san! It's nice to see you again, too," Chris waved back politely. He really liked the old man. During his stay with Asuka, he's been helping him adjust to his new surroundings and learn a few tidbits about being a ninja when he decided to enroll to his school.

Not only that, the old geezer was wondering how close the relationship between his granddaughter and the amnesic boy were going on. In the past, he would be protective of his family. Now, he's more relaxed and he knows how good-mannered the boy is.

I would not mind letting him marry his granddaughter… as long as he proves himself.

"Hanzō-sama!" Ikaruga quickly bowed to the legendary Shinobi of their school, "What brings you to our school today?"

"Just checking up on my favorite granddaughter and her friends," he stroked his beard. "Though I wanted to make sure Chris-kun was getting along with everyone. I'm sure you'll all aware of his predicament right? I wanted to make sure he is comfortable adjusting to his new environment."

"Of course!" the raven-hair angel patted her hand over her chest with proud, "We've made sure to accept and help guide him to become a proper Shinobi."

"Yeah, he's already got an animal spirit and we learned about his Elemental Type today as well!" Hibari chirped up.

"I see, I see. A fast learner, he is," the old man couldn't help, but feel like a proud grandfather towards the boy.


"Ah, Hanzō-sama you're here. There's something I need to discuss with you," Kiriya-sensei said as he suddenly appeared in the room with another one of his smoke bombs.

Everyone coughing for the overdose of dust.

"*Cough*… I see. And, it looks like you're still using too much smoke as usual my old friend," the great ninja coughed after inhaling too much of Kiriya's brand of smoke bombs. He really needed to cut back on the powder.

"Apologies. Though it comes with regard of Chris's…," the teacher leaned in and whispered into Hanzō's ears, "black fox guardian animal and the shrine in the forest."

Upon hearing that the old man's eyes turned serious and deadly. Like how a legendary and powerful Shinobi should be, "Is that so? Seems like our friend has been busy the last few days."

"Excuse us, everyone. Sadly, Kiriya-sensei and I have some business to discuss so we'll leave you kids to yourselves for the moment," Hanzō returned to his jolly and endearing old man persona. "Just make sure, you stay in your own room Chris-kun. I know my granddaughter is precious and lovely, but no sleeping in the same room anymore."

"Wha–!? Hanzō-san, why are you bringing that up!?" the boy shouted at the gall this old man pulled. Both he and Asuka with blushing redder than his red hoodie. This got all of the other girls curious and interest.

"Asuka-san!?" Ikaruga looked in disbelief at how improper her Kouhai had been, "I didn't know you two slept in the same room! I thought he was in a spare room when you told us he stood over your house!"

"Ikaruga-chan! It's not like that!"

-Sneaky way to re-direct the conversation back to them, Hanzō-sama.

Kiriya thought so that his students don't question what they were discussing in the corner of the room.

"I also wonder, what the two of you did over at Asuka's house," Katsuragi leaned onto Chris with a pervy grin. "Bet you really get close and personal with Asuka's naughty pillows. Seeing as you were in the same bedroom afterall~."

"Katsu-nee! It wasn't like that!" same girl who housed him blushed furiously, "It wasn't liked that at all. It was like a sleepover."

"I'm not sure a man and woman should sleep in the same bedroom alone if they're not married," Ikaruga gave her two bits.

"Should we all have a sleepover in Chris-senpai's room?" Hibari asked her best friend, "It sounds like fun!"

Yagyū looked at her pinkette bunny summoning friend, "Perhaps not. I don't think Chris could handle that level of chaos."

"So, on the subject of food… what are we getting?" Chris asked all around. Doing his best to deviate from Katsuragi's suggestion comments. He's already doing his best to maintain his iron will around these gorgeous ladies and doesn't want to succumb to his carnal desires.

"I'd like a Futomaki roll!"

"Ramen, for me please!"

"I want something sweet, like candy."

"Surume (Dried Squid), please."

Ikaruga glanced over to Chris who wrote down everything, "Looks like everyone wants something different."

"Yup," he finished writing it all down, "So, which stores sells them?"

"A few different stores actually. Sadly, not all of them carry everything we want. Why do you ask?" the swordswoman looked at her junior wondering what was going through his mind right now.

"Well… I was planning on going into town by myself to get everything."

The girls took a few moments to process what he just said.

And the first one to react was no pleased at all with his decision.

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!" Asuka screamed while making an X cross with her arms to deny his request. Chris and the rest of the girls were shocked she did that with such fierceness.

"E-Eh? Why not? I can handle this alone," the boy was not understanding the problem here.

"You know why!" Asuka stomped over to her dark spiky-haired bo… um… friend and glared cutely at him, "What if you got jumped again while you're by yourself? Or you get lost and can't find your way back! Or…!"

"Asuka-chan, I know you worry about Chris-kun a lot. But, don't you think you're going a tad overboard," Katsuragi uncharacteristically pointed this out. Sure, she'd be worried about his safety as well after hearing his (half-true) tale about his injury, but she didn't expect Asuka to fret this much.

Ikaruga, surprised by Katsuragi's concerned tone, looked at Asuka and place a hand on her shoulder, "Don't fret so much Asuka-san. One of us will make sure to go with him just to be safe."

However, the boy huffed in disapproval. They're treating him like a child who doesn't know any better. Sure, he understands where they're coming from but he doesn't want to be pampered all the time.

"I get why you're worried, but I want to do this by myself," he stared back to his friends. He is not going to back down. "I want to learn for myself how much I can depend on myself when I'm alone. That's why learning about the areas around this distract will help me know where I'm going. Especially, when it's still daylight at the moment. Less likely for something to happen, right? And there will be people around too."


"I think it's a good idea to let him go on his own," their Sensei spoke up after finishing whatever he and Hanzō were talking about. The group turned to his direction.

"Kiriya-sensei, are you sure?" the class rep voiced her concerned. She didn't think it was wise to let him go off on his own just yet.

"Your concern for his well-being is well-placed, but unnecessary," the stern teacher explained. "If you're on a mission and suddenly something goes wrong and everyone is separated, how will he take care of himself? There are times when you'll be alone and must rely on your skills to survive. I believe Chris's choice of trying to be more independent is a wise decision. Remember what I said earlier during your training?"

"Thank you Kiriya-sensei!" Chris beamed brightly. He's glad someone had faith in him at least.

Asuka and Ikaruga looked unsure, but conceded.

"Yes, there is logic in your statement. You're right Sensei, I forgot myself."

Asuka folded her arms, "I still don't like it."

"I apologize Chris-kun. But, let me know if you need help regardless." the raven-hair bowed her head in apologetically.

He nodded back, "It's fine. I know friends like to help each other out, but I appreciate you letting me do this Ika-chan."


The class rep blushed slightly when he called her that. Surprised by that nickname.

Hanzō twirled his mustache and decided to tease his granddaughter, "I know how special he is to you Asuka-chan, but coddling him all the time will hinder his abilities in the future. You can coddle with him when you two get home… like couples do."

On que and just as planned, Asuka's face turned into a tomato, "GRK… OJII-SAN! W-What are you saying all of a sudden!"

Her grandfather couldn't help, but bark in laughter at his granddaughter embarrassed state. She really needs to learn to take a joke. She gets so way easily flustered.

"I know I'd would be coddling with both," Katsuragi purred while 'griping' the air with her hands.

Kiriya sighed–though he ignored Katsuragi's comment–as he placed his hand on Asuka's shoulder. Then whispered in her ears, "Don't worry. We have some of our senior Shinobi on lookout throughout the city. Monitoring to make sure our mysterious stalker doesn't appear again."

Asuka looked downward dejectedly. That's why she's so worried about Chris.

"However, we might not need to worry too much about it. Our friend seemed adamant that Chris be raised as a proper Shinobi. Ending that prematurely doesn't seem to be in its best interests."

The brunette Kunoichi looked between her teacher and Chris. She pondered for a few moments then sighed in defeat. "Fine… we won't go against your choice to go alone Chris-kun. But, you better come home safely and before night fall! You hear me?"

The boy smiled, happy that she's letting him do this. "Asuka-chan, thanks! I know you care for me a lot, but I want to repay all the favors you've done for me. That's why I want to this by myself. To show how much you mean to me and I want to prove myself, that I can handle small things like shopping so you don't have to worry too much."

"Awww," some of the girls cooed.

Asuka blushed. Her heart starting to beat faster. "Sheesh, you can be such a dork. But, you're a great friend."

He laughed, "Don't worry. I got a map, so I'll be fine. Be back soon!"

He waved off after all of the girls pitched in and gave them their money to purchase their requested meal. Double-checking to make sure everything was there, he nodded and went out the door. And, like a flash he was gone.

"He really is a sweet boy," Ikaruga chimed with fondness. She really liked how selfless and kind-hearted he can be.

"Yeah," the blond vixen agreed, "So… want to raid his room again?"

Ikaruga's eyes flared up, "KATSURAGI-SAN!!!"

"He's gotten quite popular in just a day," Hanzō mused. Ah, how he wishes he was back in the springtime of his youth… surrounded with many beautiful bouncing melons as far as the eye can see. That boy better take full advantage of his situation. He knew he would.

"Indeed," Kiriya couldn't help, but agreed. "Also, he's the least likely one to get into any fine fixes. So, I don't expect anything eventful is going to happen today."

Seriously? How much trouble can one boy cause in the afternoon?


The black-haired boy with white hues arrived in the bristling streets of the Kagurazaka Shopping Distract to go and procure everyone's favorite dishes for the evening. That and allow him to familiarize himself more with the local area.

"This place feels bigger by myself," Chris commented to himself as he glances from shop to shop. "I kinda feel lonely without the rest of the girls to join. But I made a promise to become more independent and aware by doing this."

Though he was the one to suggest and do this, he did feel a tad bit lonely without his new friends to accompany him to the shops. However, he still stands by what he said and wanted to do this for his new friends who were looking after him.

That, and to learn about the layout of Asakusa City is he can better navigate himself like he said earlier in case he got lost from the others.

He also has a smart phone on him, which came from his bags. Unfortunately, all data were wiped on it, thanks to the mysterious Yōma no doubt, to prevent him from contacting his home. He had to restart everything.

As he was passing by the many different stores, he noticed only a few people walking around. Chatting and window shopping. Most of them mothers with their kids–holding their hands–as they gossip amongst themselves.

"I'm so glad the stores are opened again!"

"Well considering what happened before, I'm not surprised."

"What do you mean? What happened?"

"Didn't you hear? A bunch of hooligans were causing trouble in front of the stores! No one could enter and shop without getting hassled."

"Oh my! How awful."

"Yes. I tried shopping before and they shooed me away. It was terrifying."

"I heard that a group of highschoolers came by and managed to scare them away. It was a group of girls I believe?"

"Really?! They scared them off?"

"Mmhmm. I believe they were from Hanzō Academy. I hear they offer Martial Arts classes as one of the school's afterschool club activities. I bet you those girls are from that club."

"Really? That's amazing. They must be so talented, then again that school has the best instructors in the country."

"Indeed! A shame no one was around, only the store managers who held the front noticed. Oddly enough no one could remember their faces, only their uniforms. I would've loved to personally thanked them."

"Let's be glad we have such well-behaved and honest children growing up to be fine adults. Their parents must be so proud."

-Hmm… that's interesting. Apparently Asuka-chan and the others help out in the neighborhood from time to time.

Chris hummed in thought.

-I see why they have those sort of clubs at the school now. In order to cover up their tracks in case normal folk get curious. Not to mention I recall Asuka-chan saying something they cast a specific barrier to prevent people from recognizing their faces when out in the open.

The boy couldn't help, but smirk proudly about how amazing his friends are. As well as how clever the Shinobi were setting up a simple, yet effective, countermeasures to keep their existence a secret.

Chris patted his right pocket to double-check that he had his wallet with everyone's Yen in it. Making sure it felt it was there, he smiled and carried on. The last thing he wanted to do was lose everyone's money and miss out of their favorite meals.

Pulling up his slip of paper of the stores he's looking for, he took out his phone to use the GPS map to help find his way.

While he was doing this, he accidentally bumped into someone.




Looking up he noticed a pink-haired girl wearing a hiker's backpack, hot shorts, and strapless yellow blouse tied with a belt around her stomach. She wore some odd and interesting clothing.

"Oh man! Sorry about that, I was looking at my map. Didn't mean to bump into you like that," the black-haired boy apologized in a flustered state.

"Don't worry about it buddy. It was my fault. I wasn't paying attention where I was looking," the girl cutely waved it off.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, don't worry about it. I got to be off anyway, see ya!"

And with that the girl walked away.

"Huh? That was kinda odd, but oh well," Chris looked at the map on his phone and patted his pocket, "Well, back… to… eh?"

As he patted his pocket, he felt something wrong.

He didn't feel his wallet.

Reaching his hand into the pocket it wasn't there and he was started to worry.

-Think, think, think! Don't panic. You JUST checked it to see you still had it on you earlier.

He looked around his surrounding area, no one was around, and the floor was empty of anything even trash.

-The last time I checked was before… that girl… ran into…

Looking up and narrowing his sights on the girl he ran into, looked back at him with a peace sign and stuck out her tongue at him. All while winking with his wallet in her hand.


Chris started to chase after the thief who poached his wallet from him. The wallet, he can get a new one, but that money in there isn't his and he damn well will not some random thief take it away from him.

Running at her at full cliché anime comedy scene with his arms and legs like blurred L-shape noodles with a glaring glint in his angry eyes.

"Stop! Thief!"

Sadly, there was hardly anyone around to stop her or didn't know what was going on.

The girl looked back at him with a mocking grin, "Easy peasy. A shame he was kinda cute though. Should've stole a kiss while I was at it. Oh well."

As the thieving lady was about to turn a corner down an alleyway to escape the boy who was hot on her heels, someone step forward in front of her.

And threw a back rising ax kick to her face.

She manage to barely dodge it in time, but it was enough for her to throw the wallet into the air.

Into the hand of her attacker.

"Tsk!" the thief clicked her tongue and booked it. No point in staying here anyway. "Next time, I'll steal something more precious from you!"

The attacker just sighed at the pettiness of the thief and shook her head.

Chris slowed his run to a stop when he got to where his 'savior' was after getting his wallet back. Panting a little, his body still a little sore from earlier today.

"T-Thanks… whew… I thought she was going to get away after pick-pocketing me," Chris nodded thankfully as he stood up straight.

"No worries. Here's your wallet back, Frost Tips," the girl who got his wallet back smirked smugly as she handed it over to the boy.

-Frost Tips?

Chris thought on the odd nickname. After getting back his wallet he took a closer look at his wallet savior.

She wore a black and red uniform with a shirt barely noticeable, a very short mini-short that barely covered a lot, and thick knee high school girl socks.

She has beautiful tanned skin and a long black hair tied into a ponytail that went passed her thighs with a white ribbon. She–like many of the Hanzō girls Chris knew–was also blessed in her bosom region being generously large which Chris couldn't help, but noticed and shyly glanced away.

The girl's green eyes took noticed of this and smirked as she leaned in forward with a knowing look.

"See something you like, bub?" she quipped teasingly.

"Eh?" Chris blurted and quickly tried to obviate the situation. "No, no, no! I didn't mean to stare! I was just noticing, that some of the girls around here seem to have, rather… um… mature figures than most I know. I don't mean to disrespect you or anything."


Doesn't seem like she's buying it. It's not like he can help it. Sure, he's a gentleman, but he's also a man. He can't help, but attracted to the female figure… especially their breasts. It doesn't matter to him, all breasts are beautiful, though he prefer big ones. N-Not like he's saying it's alright to stare at boobs all day. Surely he won't… OK, maybe daydreaming isn't off limits.

"A-Anyway," he coughed into his hand, "Thank you for getting my wallet back. My name is Christopher Corona, but you can call me Chris. Or Frost Tips if you like."

"Hah," she began to reply with a look of intrigue, "You're a foreigner, but you speak Japanese very fluently. Guess there's more to you than I thought."

-Oh, so that's why she was looking at me like that. And I forgot everyone and myself are speaking Japanese here. It all sounds like we're speaking English to me. That weird ability of mine. Which I forgot.

He chuckled, "You'd be surprised how much I hear that from time to time."

"I bet," she shrugged playfully, "Well it's nice to meetcha Frost Tips. I'm Homura."

"Homura-chan, huh?"

"Better hold onto your belongings more carefully from now on. You never know who'll come and steal your things again and I won't be around to help you out next time."

"Um, right" Chris scratched the back of head with a sweatdrop, "By the way, can I repay you somehow? I'd like to treat you, but the money I have isn't mine to begin with."

She waved him off, "Nah, it's fine." Then she leaned in forward again after pausing for a moment to think, "Unless you plan to keep me around to look at my chest some more by trying to treat me."

"What!? No!" he shook his head vigorously, "I just wanted to thank you! After all you didn't have to stop that thief and get my wallet back."

"Hmm," she smiled, "I was just fooling around. Nothing to get so worked up about. Besides you're probably one of those dudes who dislikes big breasts."

"Are you messing with me again," the boy gave her a deadpanned look. What is with her? "A girl's chest size doesn't matter to me… though I do prefer big breasts more. They're like a sign of them being beautiful, mature, and motherly."

He whispered the last part to himself.

"What was that?"

"Ah, nothing! Nothing at all!"

"Suuuuuure," she teased as she turned around.

"By the way, can you point me in the right direction of this shop," he brought up the map on his phone. "I have a few ingredients I have to pick, but I'm still new to the area."

Homura looked back at him and smiled, "Sure why not? I was waiting for a friend of mine, but it doesn't look like she's going to show up anytime soon. Follow me, Frost Tips."

Shaking his head knowing that's a nickname that won't be going away anytime soon, he followed behind Homura as she was guiding him to the first shop on his trip. Along the way the two started to chat with one another.

"So, you've recently arrived in Japan, Frost Tips," Homura glanced at Chris as they drew near to their destination. She occasionally looked him over from time to time. She couldn't help, but find something about him interesting. He gave off a certain aura she couldn't explain.

"Ah, yes!" he nodded to her, "I'm currently staying at my Host Family for a few months for my first trip to Japan. So far my stay has been rather welcoming. I'm glad I got the chance to visit Japan after wanting to for so many years."

"Is that so? Though, I'm surprised you're out here on your own and not with someone from your Host Family you're staying with."

"Ah, well. I wanted to repay their kindness so far, so I volunteered to go and get the food myself. Also, it will help to familiarize myself with the area more and I thought it would help to be more independent too."

"Heh, you're an odd one," Homura shook her head and shrugged. "But, I'm not going to tell you what you do with your life. Feel free to continue doing whatever you were doing."

"Um, yeah," he seemed off put with the way she said that. Probably nothing. "Well there's still many places for me to visit during my stay. Thought I would make the best of it by checking out as many as I can on my own."

-It's a good thing we came up with a cover story during my time here in Japan in case people got curious where I came from. And it's half-true after all. What was the say againy? The best way to tell a lie is to throw a half-true in it? No, that wasn't quite it. Half-truthsome truth?

The pony-tailed girl looked at him with one eye and smirked, "Well, life is short and you never know what's going to happen. Like someone stealing your wallet or staring at a girl's chest after she got said wallet back for the victim."

"Are you ever going to let that go?"

"Hmm… maybe?"


She laughed as Chris pouted. This girl is definitely enjoyed messing with him. Speaking of getting back his wallet…

"Come to think of it, that move you pulled off. Are you a martial artist by the way?" the spiky-haired black youth asked.

"Yeah. I'm a martial artist of sorts," she stretched her arms into the air, "A girl's gotta learn how to defend herself, y'know. Never know what kind of creeps will jump ya. Plus, I like getting stronger. It feels rather refreshing to obtain strength for yourself. You get what I'm saying?"

"Hmm," Chris pondered what she said. Arms folded and he thought.

Homura looked off to the side at him, curious what he thinks of strength. Though it will properly be the typical response most people who don't know what real strength is would say.

"Honestly, I'm not sure," he finally stated, "What is strength after all? How strong you are physically? Mentally? Spiritually or emotionally? I mean there's many different kinds of strength out there in the world there's just as many meanings to the word 'strength' as well."

Homura's eyes widen a bit. She was not expecting that kind of answer.

"I get what you're saying. Becoming strong to protect or properly never to feel weak and helpless again if you felt like there was no one to turn to. After getting jumped by creeps I imagine," he nonchalantly said without noticing the slight flinch from Homura.

-If you only knew.

The black-haired beauty thought bitterly as he was kinda close to hitting the nail on the head with her. Though choice not to comment. No point getting an outsider involved with her problems.

"As for me… I'm not sure what I'm looking for," he looked down sadly with a forlorn smile, "I guess for the time being I want to become strong so I don't worry others? I'm sorry, I got my own set of issues to deal with that my Host Family doesn't know and I rather not bother them about it. It's complicated."

"I bet," she mused. The way he said it caught her interest. "You're more interesting than I thought, Frost Tips."

"Yeah. This was an interesting talk," he perked up and smiled at her, "It's nice to think on things you're usually not used to thinking about normally. It was fun Homura-chan."

"Yeah, yeah. Don't go staring at my chest again, weirdo," she teased and smirked when she saw him roll his eyes. "By the way we're here."

They both stopped and looked at the sign of the store in front of him. This was definitely one of the few stores he needed to go to get most of the ingredients.

Nodding his head thankfully he waved good-bye to Homura, "Thanks again! I hope we run into each other again. I wouldn't mind learning a few martial art techniques from you. I only know Tae Kwon Do for self-defense a bit."

She smirked, a fire in eyes lit, "Sure… if you don't mind getting your butt whooped over and over again. I'll be glad to teach ya how the dirt tastes."

"Ha ha, very funny," Chris frowned with annoyance, "But I might just end up surprising you and you'll be the one in the dirt… um… ah… Tan Girl?"

Homura stood there for a moment looking at him until she burst out loud laughing.

"Hahaha… oh… haha… Tan Girl? HahahA…," she wheezed while holding her sides, "That's the best insult nickname you could come up with?"

"I'm sorry!" Chris growled, "I'm not used to insulting or using mocking nicknames on others! Give me a break."

"Sure, sure… hehe… snk," she wiped a tear from her eyes, "Thanks. My day wasn't going so well. I needed a laugh. Maybe you're a better comedian than a fighter? Well I don't know how good you are, if you get pick-pocketed so easily."

"You're never going to let that go."

"Sorry. I'm going to remember this for a LONG time, bub."

The red hoodie-wearing boy sighed in defeat and shook his head, "I got it, I got it. Well it was fun while it lasted Homura-chan. But, I got some grub to buy. See ya later."

"Make sure to buy plenty of meat!"

She waved cheekily at him as he responded back.

"Sure, sure. I do like hamburgers though."

Though first thing's first. Got to get the ingredients for making futomaki for Asuka-chan.

With that he entered through the store's automatic sliding door and vanished from Homura's sight.

The dark tan-skinned girl placed a hand on her hips and smiled after that little episode, "What a funny guy. It was a nice distraction, but I got to report back."

Heading back home she frowned, "But, this is vexing. I was pretty sure I was going to run into the granddaughter of Hanzō today. Given that this is usually the time she passes by here to get futomaki. I would've loved to size her up…"

A hungry smirk etched on her face as she walked away with that last comment. Having disappeared in the shadows of the alleyway.


After his meeting with Homura, Chris managed to find the next store easily as the black-haired martial artists pointed out the best routes on his map to get to each store he was looking for.

Somewhere down Hanayashiki Street.

He finished his shopping from the first store not too long ago and currently collecting the next items on the list.

"Let's see here," he hummed as he looked over a flier he received at the next store. "There's plenty of discounts and items on sale here. I might have some money leftover to get extra!"

It amazed him to no end that no matter where he looked he could read all Japanese characters. Sure, he's aware of his special circumstances, but he can't help but be in awe whenever he thought of his strange ability to read and speak any language.

When he looks at the Japanese words the characters remain in its native language, but its like his mind tells him what he's reading and what each character means. Like a subtitle appearing above the words like in fan-translated anime sub videos.

Though without the subtitles above the words. It's weird, but the closest thing he could make out that made sense of his ability.

As he was browsing, he noticed a particular set of vegetables that caught his eyes.

Bean Sprouts.

And they were on sale along with the flier having a discount on them on top of it.

"Sweet! What a deal! I always wanted to try these and I get to save some money! Win-win!" he commented out loud as he grabbed a bag fill of them. That was when he noticed.

"Huh? That's all?"

He looked around, but there was only one large basket of Bean Sprouts left. Apparently, he didn't noticed the others were emptied until he went to grab it.

"Yeah, they sell out fast kid," the clerk behind the counter answered him, "You'd be surprised how quickly we run out."

"Oh, I see," Chris nodded, "A shame. I was looking forward to trying out some bean sprout dishes. I read they're among the healthiest food to eat."

"Indeed they are. Anything else I can help with you today?"

"Oh, yes! I was hoping you would have..."

After a few more minutes of getting the items he needed and some extra, like the bean sprout, he paid for everything and was about to head to the last store.


Until a sudden voice cried out. Nearly jumping after that little unexpected spook, the boy with black hair that ended with white hues looked for the source of the voice. He found it belonged to a fair skinned girl with long platinum blonde hair.

Her outfit consist of only a green and white tracksuit.

She, too… ahem… apparently is blessed like a number of girls Chris has met so far during his stay in Japan.

-Are girls becoming more endowed lately around here?

Not that he was complaining. Though he quickly shook off any wicked thoughts that were started to form in his mind. Bad brain, down!

She was currently on knees sitting on the ground. In a defeated position as she looked on with tears in her eyes.

Chris traced from line of sight to where she was looking to see what made her distraught.

The empty basket where the bean sprouts once were.

-Ah, I see what's going on.

"Sorry miss, sold the last of the bean sprouts earlier today," the clerk offered an apologetic gesture to one of his best customers, "We had the super sale today and went flying off the shelves. I know you regular buy them every week, but would you like me to get you anything?"

"No, it's alright…," she sounded so sad and dejected, "I'll just wait until next week again. Hopefully I'll get here faster."

Chris felt bad for her. Sure, he grabbed a lot of them, but they were still plenty left before he went to pay for everything. It looked like she regular buys them.

Tapping his foot in place and he stood there deciding what to do. Well he already grabbed a LOT of bean sprouts. He didn't mind sharing half of them with her.

Before she started to left the area after getting up, the western boy called out to her, "Hey wait a second miss!"

"Hmm?" the girl turned to see a strange boy in a red hoodie and blue cargo shorts approach her. She glanced at him with a tad of suspicious, not sure what his intent was.

"Would you like half of my bean sprouts I got?"


He opened up the bag filled with bean sprouts and offered it to the girl, "I got a lot of today with the sale and discount going on today. I never had them before so I wanted to try them out. Though it looks like you love bean sprouts a lot. So, I thought it would be fair to give some to you."

The clerk smiled from behind the stall. Knowing full well what he's doing and what kind of problems it's going to lead him with this girl. Will make get entertainment though.

She appeared to be drooling a little, looking at the bag of bean sprouts, but shook her head and glared at him, "What's your catch? And honestly what's wrong with you!"


"You shouldn't be buying more than you should! It's inexcusable if you buy too much that you can't finish it," she wagged a finger in his face. Like a mother scolding her child. This is not what he was expecting, "Even if you have leftovers for tomorrow, it's a waste of money! Even if it's on sale and you save a lot."

"W-Well it wasn't my intent! I was planning on sharing the sprouts with my Host Family. It's just a large so I made such to get enough for everyone," Chris slowly stepped back away from her. "Also, I never had bean sprouts so in the case I liked it a lot or someone else did I wanted to get plenty for everyone."

"Hmm," she still didn't look convinced. Then a small smile broke out, "I see. That's sweet of you. I'm glad you were thinking of others than yourself. But, do make sure to buy only what you need. It's a good idea to save, but don't waste it all in one sitting."

"Y-Yes, ma'am!"

She somewhat reminded Chris of Ikaruga a bit.


"Though, if you don't mind me saying," the boy started as the girl raised an eyebrow, "If I did have leftover would not be a good idea to share and give to others? Like what I'm doing right now?"

She looked at him wide-eyed and then narrowed her sights on him. Chris darted his eyes back and forth confused what to do in this situation as the clerk on the side was simply chortling with the events unfolding in front of him.

"You…!" she breathed in a rasp tone as she quickly grabbed both of his hands with hers, "You wonderful person!"


Chris dropped his jaw dumbfoundedly as he stared back at the girl with green eyes that shined brightly. As if she was looking up to a savior. With her hands still clasped over the boy's which Chris could not help, but think how soft her hands were.

"I see, you know the wonders of bean sprouts and wish to spread it to the world over! Letting everyone know how wonderful they are!"


She smiled brightly that it caught Chris off-guard, "And you think of others too. Others who might be less fortunate than you?"

"Well, I like helping people. And I did read how healthy and delicious bean sprouts were and wanted to let everyone else try them too," the boy chuckled nervously. He wasn't sure what is happening anymore.

"Ah! A fellow comrade in the way of bean sprouts!" she smiled so warmly that it caused Chris's face to heat up a bit. "I should share some recipes with you on bean sprouts."

That took him out of his bewilderment and looked at her with interest, "Oh really? I would love that. I wouldn't mind learning recipes to make bean sprout with."

The blonde girl beamed with joy as she took out several small pieces of paper from her pocket, "I usually carry recipes for bean sprouts to share with others who are interested in them. I'm quite glad I brought them today! These are copies, here take them."

"Right, thanks! And here, have half of my bean sprouts I bought today," they exchanged their items and the girl looked ready to burst out of her skin in joy at receiving the vegetable goodness.

"Thanks! Um…," he was going to thank the girl, but realized he didn't know her name.

"Yomi. My name is Yomi," the blonde angel-like girl told him. The same warm, bright smile that stirred his heart into a chaotic fix.

She had an angelic aura about her that blindsided him.

"Um… Corona. Kiss… I mean Wrist… ahem… I mean Christopher Corona," he blushed. He didn't know why he got so flustered and stumbled over his words like that. "Though you can call me Chris. Everyone does."

She giggled, which sounded heavenly to his ears. "Chris-kun, hmm? What a wonderful name for a kind person such as yourself. I won't forget this."

"Um, yeah," he blurted. "I would love to talk more about bean sprouts with you next time."

CHRIS.EXE has stopped working. Would you like to reboot?

Heavens above what is wrong with him all of a sudden?! He's not even thinking straight anymore.

She gasped with delight, "I'm glad to hear it! No one usually wants to discuss the topic of bean sprouts with me! I'm glad to have met someone who understands the joy of bean sprouts."

She placed her hand over her rather large bosom, jiggling in place, "I hope we meet again, Chris-kun. I feel like it was fate that two bean sprout lovers we meet here. Sadly, I must get going and cook everyone's meal."

"No problem," he nodded his head without a second thought.

Seeing that smile of her simply bewitched him somehow.

Still in la-la land Yomi went up to him and gave him a quick hug. The sudden contact brought him back to reality for a moment as he felt two very large orbs on his chest. So big and soft, his body reacted pleasantly to the sensation.

She smelled wonderful too.

"Until next time, Chris-kin, farewell," she bowed gracefully and went on her merry way.

Chris stood still where he was, his brain not responding. Slowly he brought his hand over his chest and clutched where his heart would be. It still beating as fast as ever. His cheeks still burning red.

-What's going on? I don't know why? I first I was freaked out by her, but that smile of hers. Her warmth… I can see she's a kind person underneath. Yet, I can't stop thinking about her.

She has a motherly aura too that he noticed.

-I wonder if that's why? Perhaps I want a girl that has a motherly nature? I wonder… could she be my type of girl?

Just as he thought about that line, a certain brunette-haired buxom beauty got the sudden sense something is trying to steal Chris away and made her upset for some odd reason.

"Got to say, you handled that smoothly kid," the clerk laughed snapping the boy out of his thoughts.

"Wow, wow, wow," Chris shook his head, "I just met her. A guess it's a simple crush? I mean she was very beautiful and enticing… she did kind of fit everything in a girl I'm kinda looking for," he whispered, "Still. We don't know anything about each other and I got my own personal things I need to take care of. No time for love."

He looked at the clerk and bowed his head, "And sorry about that scene in front of your stall, sir."

"Don't mind me. I rather enjoyed it. I hardly get anything interesting to happen around here."

"Aha," the boy dryly said. "Right, well I got to go."

"Come back anytime, son! I enjoy some soap opera from time to time!" he cheekily replied.

Not dignifying with a response Chris hurried to the last store. He wasn't going to give the clerk another thing to laugh at.


Finally, after exiting the last store he finally got all the items he needed for everyone's favorite meals, including his own.

"I was not expecting such an ordeal trip for grocery shopping," he sighed as he could finally go back to the Academy. "But, I can finally go back."

Just as he was a few steps away he felt someone watching him and it sent chills down his spine for whatever reason. Stiffing in place he glanced behind him and spotted the person who was staring at him.

A strange pale-skinned girl with medium length green hair.

She wore dingy tore up yellow and black striped shirt with a snake pattern that showed her midriff. Black frill trims around the edges of the shirt that stopped at the bust line showing a LOT of cleavage and thus one of her shoulders were showing.

-What in the world?! Is every girl around these parts big bosom beauties or something? I can't help, but look at the very obvious stand out part about them!

He noticed she had a thin necklace choker and blue jeans that looked like someone took a knife and took rips and gashes through them. Her zipper was down and her belt unbuckled with leather constricts below her knees. A red snake pattern on her inner left thigh.

Chris picked on what looked like snake tattoos around her left breast, hip, and shoulder.

But what gripped him with fear the most were those amber eyes and expression look on her face. Staring right in this soul when their eyes locked.

"Um, hello there?" he didn't know who she was or how long she was there, but something screamed danger about this girl. Just getting on her bad side sent warning bells.

He tried to be polite and not sound scared, but he voice almost cracked when he acknowledged her.

He's training to be a Ninja, yet a strange random girl in questionable getup is enough to spook him. Clearly he needed more experience.

Yet she was strangely exotically beautiful to him. Something about her he found appealing, and NO it was NOT her chest he was thinking about.

The girl tilted her head curiously. Standing there for a few moments she began to walk towards him and inside his head he was panicking.

-OK… maybe I should've ignored her? But, she was clearly staring at me and if I walked away she might've knew something was up and would've followed me? Should I be ignorant and pretend I didn't see her?

In the recess of his mind he noticed how close she was to him and stopped his train of thought and prepared to face this girl head on. Sadly, it was getting dark and there was no one around at the moment and he was outside of the store.

He could run in, but would endanger the co-workers if this girl was dangerous or simply end up being rude to her which would be a better case.

The green-haired girl finally reached him and stood inches away from his face. Chris was clearly confused at the sudden closeness of the girl as she appeared to be studying him.

She tiled her head side-to-side to get a better look at his face.

He didn't really understand why she was doing this. Might be better to clearly set this straight.

"*Ahem*… Excuse me, do you need any help?" he cleared his throat and looked at the girl. Who only stared back at him further scaring and confusing him.

She didn't respond back.


-Let's try this then...

"How about we introduced ourselves. I'm Christopher Corona!" he smiled, doing his best to remain and be assertive in this situation. "Though everyone calls me Chris. What's your name?"

He stuck out his hand for a handshake with the girl.

She looked at his hand and back at him.

Clearly this was not working.

He felt a little irritated. Also, he was worried about the bag of food he placed on the ground to shake her head. Thinking she might snatch it.

"Hmm…," she pondered, "… Hikage."


"My name. You asked for it, right?"

"Umm… yeah."

-OK, well I didn't see that coming. Also she seems to have an interesting dialect. What was it again? Kansai, I think?

He felt better relaxed and happy now. Perhaps she didn't mean no harm after all.

The girl continued to study him, "You. I don't know why, but you're weird."

-Erm… I… um… EXCUSE ME?!!?

What? This weird strange girl had the gall to call HIM weird? After standing in the dark like a killer stalker with those torn up clothes and emotionless expression on her face, she of all people called him weird.

That got him angry.

"What?" Chris gritted his teeth. He felt his temper raising, but he hold it back. She probably didn't mean anything rude by that, but that still irked him regardless. "You're standing in the dark watching people without saying anything with no emotion in your face and call me weird? Lady, I have NO idea what's going on in that head of yours. But, don't call others weird when you don't know anything about them."

Her eyes widen for a second, before going back to that neutral look.

This time she stepped closer to him which reverted back to his dumbfounded state. Her nose practically touching his.

"N-Now what?"

"You're definitely strange. I can't figure you out. You're emotions jump all over the place," she stated with almost a monotone voice, "The expressions on your face. You were showing your emotions, right?"

Chris blinked. Well he is concerned about this girl now. Seemed like she didn't know how to act with feelings before.

"I don't get it. Emotions," she stated never leaving his personal space, "I know about them, but I don't know what emotions feel like. Yet, I do wonder about them."

This was getting very weird for Chris. Today has been a series of events that he could not have predicted.

"I… OK?"

-I am not equipped to deal with this type of issue. So she doesn't have emotions or lacks them? I guess she had a rough childhood or something.

"Still… emotions seem like a pain to have."

"Totally understandable in that regard."

She nodded. "And yet, here I am talking to a complete stranger. I wonder why?"

-You don't know WHY you approached me?

"You're interesting, I guess."


She leaned in closer. Her head above his chest with him looking down at her. Can't for the life of him figure her out. Though he couldn't help, but noticed her cleavage and it was a generous view. Noticing he was staring he shyly looked away.

"Hmm?" she didn't notice or didn't care he was staring at her chest.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to stare at your chest," he apologized.

"Why? Something with wrong with my chest?"

"N-No! You have a very pretty chest!"


"My chest is pretty?" she didn't seem to understand. "Why do you think my chest is pretty?"

"W-Well I like big breasts and think they're beautiful… um… you know what nevermind," the embarrassed boy facepalmed hard. What a roller-coaster of emotions he was having now.

"I guess I really am weird."


She hummed and placed a hand on Chris's cheek. Which startled him.

-Now what is she doing?

Those snake-like amber eyes of her were both scary and mystifying to him. Chris could not help, but be memorized with them.

"I see."

She stated which snapped Chris back to reality. She actually stepped a few inches away from Chris and his chest felt like he was going to explode. Apparently, he didn't even realize her large boobs are pressed against his chest and he got excited again.

He blames Katsu-chan.

"I still don't get it."

-Me neither.

"I guess I'll continue to watch you then, so I can figure it out."

-Figure what out?

"See ya."

And just like that she walked away.

The boy stood there staring off in the direction she went with a lot f thoughts circling throughout his head and all kinds of emotions jumping around inside. What felt like an eternal he finally got his head back on.

"What in the world was that all about?! Seriously, what was that? A strange beautiful girl appears out of nowhere and invades my personal space, calling me weird, and talking about emotions while no caring about it?"

He looked around like he was trying to get a response from someone, but there was nobody there.

"You know what, forget it. I'm going home," he grabbed all the bags and just left.

Today was just a strange day.

A few blocks away Hikage turned around and watched the boy until he was out of sight.

"He's such a weird guy. But, why do I get this strange sense about him?" she said to no one in particular. "He feels complete, but also incomplete. That aura of his… why am I draw to it?"

She blinked as she looked at the newly arisen moon as night has finally arrived at the scene.

"Chris, huh? I think… I'll continue to watching him."


"Sounds like you had quite the adventure this evening, Cutie Chris," Katsuragi smirked as she throw an arm around him. Pulling him close to her.

He sighed. He didn't feel like resisting after today, "Yeah. I met a lot of interesting characters today. Some helpful, some kind, some… odd."

He remembered his last encounter as it was still fresh in his mind and how odd the whole thing was.

"You definitely got to tell us everything!" The blonde kicker eagerly asked, "After you got back, you handed Ikaruga everything and told us you had a lot a weird run-ins in town. You can't leave us hanging like that."

"Maybe some other time. I'm exhausted," he leaned into Katsuragi's chest. He didn't care for it and wasn't in the mood as Katsuragi purred gleefully as her favorite male student is resting on her bazongas.

Even if he did had bags around his eyes and a dead eye.

Hey! At least he's enjoying the wonders of the female body. Katsuragi thought.

"Still, you were out for too long! We were getting worried," Asuka pouted cutely at Chris as she glared at the scene before her. She didn't like how Katsuragi snuggled up to Chris and made him cozy in her arms.

And Chris was just laying on her chest like no big idea. Though she can't blame him. He looked deadbeat tired the moment he came back. He looked emotionally exhausted by the end of his trip in town. Alone.

True. She was pacing back and forth in the lounge area of their hidden classwork. Like a mother hen worrying for her young. But, she did her best to have faith that he would be OK and return home safely. She never once tried to make a run for it and spy on him. Not with her grandfather and mentor keeping on eye on her. No sirree.

She's happy he's back and not at all jealous that he choice to rest alongside Katsuragi until of her. They weren't a couple or had possible romantic interest in him at all.


Why are you all staring at me? Stop that!

"Weren't you the only one freaking out about Chris-kun being gone for so long?" Katsuragi teased her Kouhai. She wriggled her eyebrows in a playful manner. "Like an impatient wife waiting breathless for her husband to come home and take her to bed!"

Katsuragi did so in a dramatic manner with her hand above her head like it was a soap opera.

The poor bouncing betty didn't have time to mentally prepare herself from such an embarrassing statement. Her face blushing bright red, "WHA–?! Katsu-nee! It's not like that at all! I'm his closest friend and was worried about him. What's wrong with that? And stop saying such weird suggestions! You're going to bother Chris-kun!"

"Someone's bothered alright," the blonde vixen snickered.

"But, I was worried too," someone spoke up from their group. The resident bunny summoner and flower-eyed pinkette of the class. Hibari. "After what we heard, what if Chris-chi got into another accident and got hurt again when we're not around?"


Everyone thought.

"Huh?" Chris was the first one to blurt that out, "Hibari-chan, what did you call me?"

"Chris-chi!" she answered back like it was the most obvious thing in the world. With that cutesy smile of her.

-Oh no… I can't take another bright smile again after Yomi!

He felt his heart beating. This is not good for his health. He needs to build a stronger mental fortitude against cute, beautiful, sexy girls.

Yagyū looked over to her classmate curiously, "Hibari… why are you calling Chris that?"

"Because, everyone seems to give Chris-chi their own nickname and I wanted to give him one too! That's why I decided on Chris-chi, because it sounds cute just like him," she smiled brightly to her friend.

The twin-tailed white-haired lass had a sweatdrop after hearing that. "… Right."

"No arguments from me! I like it Hibari-chan," Katsuragi gave her a thumbs up.

"I think it's fine too," Asuka rocked back and forth. Now she wished she gave a most personal nickname to Chris now. What would it be? Chris-Chris? No. Chris-chum? No. My dear Chris? Oh heavens no! The poor girl's cheeks are heating up thinking about it.

"I'm okay with it," the boy smiled a tired smile.

"Yeah!" Hibari shot up her arms in victory. Happy to hear him approve of her nickname, "Don't worry. I'll still call you Chris-senpai during class."

The boy rolled his eyes and gave her a playfully smirk.

"Back on topic," Yagyū pointed her umbrella at the boy who looked confused at the gesture, "Next time you'll be accompanied by someone when you go to town after you're stronger."

"Uh, OK?"

"Aw… she does care," Katsuragi said so sweetly at her underclassman, however Yagyū ignored.

"Yes," she nodded, "Because Hibari was worried sick for her friend. So, if anyone made Hibari cry… they'll have to answer to me."

She said the last line darkly.

Which caused Chris to stiffen his back. He felt like that was directed at him, instead of anyone who would threaten him. It seemed like there's a ways away from closing that distance between him and Yagyū-chan. He hopes they can be proper friends in the future.

"Oh, Yagyū-chan stop that," their resident brunette scolded, "You're scaring Chris-kun. It's not he's fault he made us worry. He just wanted to prove that he can handle minor task on his own."

The boy was thankful for Asuka's aid, until she pointed a finger in his direction.

"That said, next time you go alone make sure you have a way to contact us! I know phones aren't allow, but you need to learn the Shinobi way of messaging. I don't want another repeat like tonight!"

"Yes, mom."

Katsuragi started laughing after Chris's dry and cheeky comment which took Asuka by surprised. Then she saw the smug smirk on his face, with the sound of giggling from Hibari behind her. Yagyū didn't make a sound, though a slight smile did tug at her lips.

"Chris-kun!" she pouted angrily, but still in a cute manner. Until she joined in the giggling as well.

"Everyone!" a voice called out as everyone turned their head to the source.

Ikaruga came walking into the room with a silver tray and cloth over it in her hands. "I finished with all of the food that Chris-san has gotten for us!"

"Woohoo!" everyone cheered.

-Ah, finally. We can eat. I'm starving!

"And then I, Class Representative, combined it all!"


Everyone thought.

What did she mean by that?

"I call it," she removed the cloth covering the tray to reveal…

… something that can't be described with words.

"Surume Ramen (Futomaki Roll Edition) Meets Sweets!"

Everyone just started at… whatever it was. This weird combination of food that shouldn't be possible.

"Since we're all friends, I thought it would be best if we ate one unified meal," their class rep explained cheerfully, "And it will be a great way to show Chris-san a representation of our friendship."

"You... didn't... have too…?" Chris muttered uncertainly.

"I know, but I insist."

"Yeah, I'm not hungry anymore," Katsuragi whispered.

Hibari agreed with her, "Yeah, me neither."

Everyone wasn't willingly to touch whatever Ikaruga cooked for them, but know it will hurt her feelings if they reject it.

Chris looked around the room and gulped. He swallow up his fear and grab a roll of whatever and brought it to his face.




"Well," the spiky-haired boy chuckled nervously, "Ikaruga-san went out of her way to make... this... for us, and I don't want to waste the food. After all the hard work to getting and making it..."

"Chris-kun, wait a second," the pervy blonde placed her hands on the table in protest, "Let's not be rash."

"Wait, let's eat together Chris-kun," Asuka spoke up and grabbed a roll as well.

"ASUKA ARE YOU SURE?" Katsuragi said between gritted teeth. Worried what the thing that was called 'food' will do to the two of them.

"Chris-kun is right. Ikagai-san went through the trouble… let's eat it together…,"

The two of them looked to each other and nodded. Down the hatch.


And down it went. It wriggled down their throats. It was slimy… yet satisfying?

"WOW!" stars lit up in Chris's eyes as he quickly devoured the whole thing.

"What the–?"

"This is incredibly tasty," Asuka chimed in with glints of joy in her eyes.

This was better than either one of them expected.

"Ah ha ha! Of course, it is," Ikaruga laughed happily, "Why wouldn't have been?"

"No fooling? Alright I'll try it!"

"I guess I'll try one too."

"If Hibari is eating it, so will I!"

Everyone took a bite of the mystery tasty food.


"I suppose I'll try one too," the raven-hair model student said as she took a bite as well, "This is so good!"

Chris caught on what Ikaruga just said, "Wait a minute! You didn't taste test this first?!"

His shock tone surprising her and realized what he reacted like that, "Ah, yes. I suppose I should've done. But, it came out so well don't you think? I have some bean sprout desserts after this. I'm amazed by the recipe you got."

"Yeah, a kind person gave it to me who loved bean sprouts a lot," the boy mentioned as he grabbed another roll. The thoughts of Yomi slowly capturing his mind. He quickly shook it off. Now was not the time for that, "Speaking of, you're a great cook. Do you cook one the side as a hobby or do you like cooking?"

Asuka had the strangest urge to slap Chris in the arm. Not sure why she thought.

"Oh, I cook from time to time in case I need to prepare for guest. It's something all female members of my family and trained to learn. You never know when you need to cook whatever you find."

"That's cool! You'd be an excellent chef if you didn't want to be a Shinobi or a great wife for her husband," he blurted nonchalantly.

Ikaruga froze with a blush on her face, "O-Oh… thank you for saying."

She never had a boy compliment her before. Man, this was new and exciting feeling she was having. If this was before she met Asuka and Katsuragi in her early years she wouldn't have these strange thoughts at all.

Having a boy in the class truly was different experience for her.

"Hmm… I think I need to learn how to cook, too," Katsuragi purred diabolical as she munched on her food.

Asuka, on the other hand, looked little livid by Chris's commentary. She wasn't mad, he isn't a bad person, but she didn't like how he say these sweet things to other girls and not to her. She's not jealous, s-she just wanted to know she had great qualities in other areas as well.

"Let's get Cutie Chris to cook for us next time!"


"Yeah, I want to know how Chris-chi cooking taste like!"

"Now hold on a second!"

"I'll taste test his cooking first before I judge it fit for consumption. Don't worry Hibari."

"Why do I feel like the bad guy all of a sudden?"

"I am very curious how well you cook, Chris-san. Sure I help with some pointers?"

"Well, maybe, I only do simple dishes..."

"I'll help too! You can count on me!"

"Let's not forget..."

And soon all of the girls chatted with each other for their next eat out amongst friends.

"Ah… I wish Hanzō-sama and Kiriya-sensei were here. Why'd they leave early?"


Meanwhile, during which the Hanzō students were enjoying their time together in merriment, night has fallen over the city. A lone figure is seen sitting on the edge at the top of a large building towering over the city. Kicking his legs back and forth watching the daily lives of the people below with a wicked smile.

"What an interesting place," he hummed playfully.

He moved his arms to his legs, elbows on his thighs, as rested his head on his hands. "It seems like my target is getting quite cozy with himself with this city and those kunoichi lasses. Can't fault him for that, they are interesting. Especially their Ninjutsu."

The young man rubbed his chin in thought. That said, it's quite hard to get my plans off the ground at this stage. I'm still much too weak and I lack any real convictions. I require something to help fuel and kick start my motivations.

He felt bored out of his mind. For he had nothing to really do at the moment, until he snapped his fingers. A way for him to get what he wanted and make Chris suffer as well as prepare himself against… the creature that started it all.

Those two ninja factions interested him and he could exploit the two for his own benefits. Though how should he approach it? What could he offer? A sinister plot was brewing in his head as he came up with something to really control everything from the shadows…

Just then, the door to the rooftop opened up a group of three security guards walked out to inspect the area.

The white hooded figure glanced behind him, his orange glowing eyes widening in surprise, Huh, Security guards?

"Hmm?" one of the three guards noticed the strange individual sitting at the edge of the building and was astonished to find anyone up here. "Hey kid, what are you doing up here? The store is closed already. It's time for you to go home."

The boy in the white coat just stared at the men, who took noticed of his presence when his partner brought him up. The way the boy ominously stared at them gave them men the creeps. There was something very unsettlingly about him.

One of the guards felt a cold chill down his spine when the boy continued to stare at them. With little to no emotion on his face.

Those orange eyes looking right back at them. Like he was staring into their souls. One of the guards didn't notice or kept his cool about the creepy atmosphere.

"Hey, kid! Did you hear me?"

He ignored them and began thinking to himself.

Hmm… come to think of it. To spring my plan into action I need practice dealing with people.

The boy in white suddenly smiled evilly.

Right… I have no experience with that and I need to see if I can handle it as well.

The Security officers nodded to each other and placed their hands on their guns, just in case the boy tried to do something. Red flags were blaring in their heads.

He hopped off the edge and hummed happily with a cheerful tune. Glancing their way with a pleasant smile.

"Perfect timing!" he exclaimed with vigor, "I could use your help with something I need."

Carefully treading this off-putting young man, the first guard spoke up calmly, "Is that so? Sure, we'll see if we can help. We'll hear it as we escort you outside. You can talk on the way."

"Actually, it's best to do it here."


"Can I murder you please?"

Before the men could respond, the boy shot off from his spot and jammed his hand into one of the officer's face and a streak of lightning erupted. He didn't get a chance to scream as the lightning burnt his face clean off and blood splatted everywhere.

The smell of charred and burnt flesh filled the air.

"AHHHHHH!!!!" the two guards screamed from the top of their lungs as they fall backwards.

The young man looked at his handiwork. He stood there, vacantly staring at the corpse. When suddenly he kneeled over and placed a hand over his mouth to stop him from vomiting.

His body shook after killing another person–a human being–as the sensation ails… his existence.

"Hah… ha… ha," he panted as he tried to wrap his mind around what he did, "I see… it looks like I can't stomach killing people just yet. That is quite the problem. I need to rectify that as soon as possible. I'm still too unstable. I need to become stronger physical… and mentally."

The remaining guards shook in place, not comprehending what they just witness. However, one of them snapped out of their stupor and grabbed their gun. Aiming at directly at the boy's head.


A shot was fired straight for the back of his head.


His hand went flying, sliced clean off, with blood gushing out. He reeled back and hallowed in pain. The boy was in front of him instantly, his right hand coated in a blue lightning aura and blade which he used to chop off his head.

His other hand dropping the bullet fired at him.

"Tsk, tsk, now then… it's rude to attack someone from behind, isn't that right officer?" he finished him off by shooting lightning darts from his hand. A quick swiping motion too fast for the eye to see.

He punctured the guard's body filled with holes before he proceeded to crush his skull by smashing his left foot on his head. The sound of bones crackling and flesh gurgling ringed in the remaining guard's ears as he who bore witness to the brutality of his partners' deaths.

The last man paled in horror and terror.

This was no child.

It was a monster.

The white coat figured turned in his direction–eyes blanketed by his hood–as smiled sweetly and innocently. The blood evaporated from his white coat. Leaving not a trace of blood stains on his body.

"I'm sorry about this. You see I plan on wiping out the entire human race, but I can't really stand blood, gore, and killing people and so I need to get use to killing humans," he spoke to him explaining his mad machinations as he slowly walked over to the guard as he tried to crawl away. "So, I thank you for allowing me the experience I need to reach my goal. Your sacrifice will not be in vain."

He smiled and gave him a thumbs up. Before he coated his hands in lightning aura once more.

The guard could do nothing as the boy approached him. Razor teeth and orange eyes showed under his hood with his hands and body glowing from the blue light of his electricity. His face never seen.

"Forgive me. I have to kill you nice and slowly. I have to see how long I can last without spazzing out. I want to enjoy seeing my victim suffer and rile in agonizing, unbearable pain. You understand, right?"

Finally, given into despair he screamed in hopeless struggle as he open fire on the deranged demon.