
Kael Cor: A Vampire's Awakening

Kael Cor wakes to find himself in a dungeon, as a newly awakened vampire. He has to struggle through rules and social structures that he has no understanding or memories of to survive. With pure luck and a system that wants him to succeed for its own ends, he climbs to a position of power within the vampire community. With enemies outside the dungeon they are all living in, breathing down their backs, and enemies within, threatening the hard won peace he has managed to aquire, Kael must find a way to succeed in the life he wants for those he cares about. Please check out my WSA 2022 Novel (Titan Rising Online: World Breaker ) A winner in the first Webnovel Writing Contest PS: The earlier 3 to 4 dozen chapters are a little choppy, inconsistent and filled with grammatical errors. But that's because I was still learning how to write(I still am) then. But please do stick around longer, it gets better. Check out my other novels. The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir Legends Of Qi Earth: Wudang

Anone · Urban
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437 Chs

I Am Kael Cor (III): Avatar

Uzoma seemed to be having too much fun smacking my out of control body every which way and with different degrees of force. Since this fight started, this was the most dominant display of power, and to be honest it left me burning with rage.

The force of gravity that had taken control of me, suddenly lost it's effect and I fell to the ground hard enough that I could hear an audible crack, I was just not sure which part of my body it came from.

I stumbled back up to my feet, and wiped my hand on my sticky forehead. It came away painted thickly with blood from my split head.

The blood dripped down almost obscuring my vision, before I controlled it off my face.

Sometime during my gravity forced storm of a journey, I had lost my sword and shield, leaving me defenseless against the rapidly approaching Uzoma. If he thought that because I was no longer armed I would make a far easier target, then he was sorely mistaken.

He pierced his spear at my defenseless chest, but I stepped aside, letting it go past me. He used too much force in the thrust so he could not stop his momentum as he went forwards, and straight into my swinging arm that clubbed him right in the throat.

His body swung into the air and came crashing down on the ground, the clothesline I just performed aggravated my earlier injuries as more blood seemed to pump out of my wounds, but it was still enough to leave Uzoma dazed as he laid face down for a few moments.

He scrambled back up to his feet, and was crouched on all fours before I jumped and made sure to bring my foot down on the back of his head, stomping his entire face back into the ground with a crack and splat.

I did not wait for him to regain control of his faculties, neither did I care about the extent of the damage I just caused. I grabbed the waistline of his trousers, and turned, swinging him away with all of my strength, which for a vampire was quite a lot.

He hit the barrier with a bang, and crashed down like a rag doll, I followed hoping to capitalize on my advantage, but a bolt of sparkling green light shot out of his palms and hit me in the chest, sending me flying backwards into the barrier also.

There was now enough space between the two of us for him to get his second wind, the earlier move with the gravity seemed to have tired him out a bit, because it seems to me that he's completely unable to use it again. But I rather not place my hopes on speculation, I still felt that I could beat him without having to use my runes, or exposing much of my other abilities.

The only advantage we both had over each other was the fact that we both had no idea what the other is capable of. But the fact that I, an unsealed BloodChild was capable of fighting on even footing with a partially unsealed elder, was probably driving a lot of people mad.

The power an elder has is almost a hundred times that of a BloodChild, this fight has proven a lot things about the both of us. One; as an elder Uzoma could be counted amongst the weakest of the bunch, even partially unsealed, Asha had enough power to give Adein pause and force him to act with caution in dealing with her, but Uzoma could barely hold his own.

Two; I was just as abnormal, I was nothing normal, I advanced to the BloodChild rank at less than half the speed, I was strong enough to contend with a elder with the strength of a Nosferatu or even a recently advanced Shadower. I was the dark horse of dark horses.

"Do you think you have a remote chance of even winning against me human!" Uzoma suddenly said to me.

The venom in his tone as he called out the word human was so toxic I felt tingles down my spine at the sound of his voice. Such hate, and animosity, of course I couldn't blame him for that, humans among other races, put them here, they deprived them of even the right to raise their own children or even give them life sometimes.

And I used to be human, in fact you could say I represented the pinnacle of what it meant to be human, in a manner of speaking I still did. The power I had as a human was something I still had as a vampire, the connections and the money. I was as human as they came, but I was still a vampire.

"Are you seriously going to start a conversation right now? In the middle of a fight to the death? Seriously?" I asked him and quite a few of the onlookers started laughing.

"Its obvious you're buying time for something, and it would be very stupid for me to indulge you, but I really want to see where this is going. So you asked me if I thought I could win, well the answer is, if I didn't have secrets...…..you would already be dead."

There was a silence so thick that you could have even heard a pin drop. Everyone knew exactly what I meant by those words, this fight would have been very different from the get go, the only reason it was still like this was because I was going easy on him. We were both bloodied and injured, but I actually could have killed him a long time ago if I wanted to.

I'm sure some of them would think I was being too arrogant or cocky, but the perks of being a weaver was that you were not bound by the normal constraints of power, if you're a weaver, a single ant was enough to kill an elephant in one strike!

"You're really arrogant human, and you stink!"

"At this point in time any word from you is just pathetic, and why do you keep on calling me human. I'm a vampire am I not, do you know how embarrassing it would be for you if a human man stood on this platform and beat your ass. Give yourself a little honor and pride, whatever is left of it anyway. Now I'm sure you've rested enough, let's see what you got."

"You will regret underestimating me boy, you have no idea of the power that is afforded an elder of the vampire race. Because if you knew, you wouldn't be so confident. Let me show you power, the power of the vampires. [Elder Vampire Bloodline Skill: Dark Avatar (Gravity!)"

You know one thing I really hated, it's when my enemies are right. It's when the choices I make come back to bite me in the ass. The gravity in the entire area became progressively heavier to the point that I couldn't even stand upright anymore.

Golden wisps of energy began to float off Uzoma's body, gradually coalescing into a giant made of energy. Only half of its body was visible, but it was twenty to twenty five feet tall, it was bare bodied just like Uzoma, and even had the same face, except for the fact that it had a curved goats horn that went all the way to the back of its head, it's ears were also tipped like a goat, and it's face was pushed forward a bit at the snout. In it's hands, it held two glowing green and yellow spears, and Uzoma was right in the middle of this avatar, glaring at me with a manic grin.

This was way beyond just simply fighting, this has gone up a level or maybe ten. But I had no intention of being killed, he thought he was the only one with a plan, of course the fact that he had control over gravity sucked, however his control was sketchy and not long lasting. He was familiar with his abilities, which means he's been unsealed before, but not long enough to master it. Even now I could see the strain this skill was putting on his body.

I raised my hand in the air, and forced myself upright. The gravity seemed to be twice a heavy as usual, but not something that I couldn't handle, after all, I'm a fucking vampire and I had a rather nifty skill called [Gravity Walker].

"Summon Monsters: Lightning Tail Bats"

This skill of mine was still only level one, which meant I could only summon one to two monsters at a time, and had to wait for five seconds before I could summon another.

Uzoma laughed when the first bat came out and crashed to the ground due to the gravity, he laughed some more when the next fifteen came out, it was as if every attempt made was futile to him, and I was nothing more than a joke.


And then it started spitting out three bats every 5 seconds and even though they all still crashed to the ground I had enough to make my move. However this stage of the fight was weird, if you think about it, with the time I've wasted, Uzoma would have killed me a million times over and there would be nothing left but blood and bones.

I looked at him and his impressive looking avatar and finally saw what the problem was, apart from the obvious blood dripping from his nostrils, Uzoma had absolutely no control over the avatar, it was just standing there like some sort of decoration.

I suspected that the avatar skill was something only a full powered elder could bring to bear, being partially unsealed, and not having even half as much power as an elder is supposed to have, meant that Uzoma could not do anything with such a fearsome weapon. It was like given him a nuclear submarine that was without any warheads, or giving him a gun without bullets.

The fact that it's appearance alone was enough to cause this much change to the gravitational pressure within the barrier around the platform showed that this skill was very powerful and that if it came from a fully powerd elder, nothing, not even with my runes would I have been able to stop him.

I released my soul energy, thankfully I was not weaving, at least not yet anyway, so all anyone who saw this would think, is that I was just displaying another skill, my soul energy was hovering at the edge of the sacrum realms and almost into the thoracic realm, which meant I had a lot of soul energy, not much, but enough to completely cover the entire barrier in it.

With the arrival of my soul energy, the pressure on me and the bats seemed to have reduced, I don't know why, but I suspected that with my soul energy around, I had made this area feel more comfortable. I was countering the avatars gravity domain, with a soul domain of my own.

Of course now that the soul energy was released, Uzoma's vision would be obscured, and so would the rest of the people watching us fight. Then I activated a skill that I've not had a chance to work with since I received it.

"Soul Sight"

The whole world changed, I could still see the blue fog like soul energy, but I could also see through it, and what I saw shocked me a bit. The soul energy was made of images, images that I realized were the combined memories from my two lives.

Some of the bats were back up and flying and I could see a ball of yellow flame burning in the center of their body. I looked up at Uzoma and saw that he also had the same flame, though his was black with a tinge of yellow and green snaking in between the blackness.

Without a doubt, I was looking at souls, real honest to God souls. Though I realized that I couldn't look outside the barrier, but with the soul sight, I now had a direct line to my target. I took control of the bats, raising my hand as they struggled to fly through the still increased gravity.

They were smaller than the other bats, but they were still trying their best. I didn't need them to fly well, just long enough and in the direction I want them too.

The Avatar seems to be capable of repelling my soul energy as it seemed to be made of a kind of energy that does not permit foreign Intrusions, so I was going to bombard it with the electricity generated by the bats as they flew. He didn't know it yet, but Uzoma was in for a shock.

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