
In New Delhi

Opt popped on phone 23****. A message read, "Helo, Kabir your booking has been confirmed". I looked at time it says- 12:45 a.m.

I switch off the light and gone for sleep. Preeti arrived taking tea, saying - getup we need get ready. Hey baby, please go and have bath as u all female consumes nearly 2-3 hours to get ready, I said. My Google assistance reminded of meeting my friend for business meeting. After from I reached home at 8:30 a.m.

Hey baby, are u ready??- I said. Our cab arrived at 10:35. As I was in Delhi, I had face traffic. Anyway I and wife Managed to reach airport in time. And We are going to Ranchi.

We have to attend wedding of Bhai Pratyush, sorry bhaiya Pratyush. We competed security check and waited for flight in waiting lobby. This we are with SpiceJet, as they offered great discount and good service. We Indian love Discount and Price drop... We boarded the flight and reached Ranchi at 1: 45 p.m.