
The New Blue King member

*Enters class*

"Mr. Lee. You are late to class"

"Sorry professor I had overslept"

"What happened to your eye and you are limping as well"

"I tripped on the stairs yesterday sorry Ms."

"Just make sure to be careful next time"

"Yes mam"

*Sets down*


*Distinct chatting* "Do you think he had gotten into a fight yesterday" (Classmates)

"No way right?" (Classmates)

"Ahem, class we are going back onto page 24 in your textbook and you will have 20 minutes to study before your exams/test"

*Pages flip open and the class starts to study*

*Door opens*

"Excuse me we are looking for a Kay Artis" (Man in Blue Suit)

"Ah yes that would be me"

"We have come to inform you on your acceptance into the Blue King's Guild"

*quiet chatter from the class*

"Pfft there's no way Kay got accepted into the Blue King's guild" (Kim) *Said in his head*

"We are proud to announce you have been accepted into the Blue King's Guild"

*Stands up and yells

"WHAT?!?!?!" (Kim)

"Mr, Lee. if you can please sit down and do not yell next time please" (Professor/Teacher)

"Thank you so much" (Kay"

"We will text you the info when to come into the headquarters"

*Blue Suits walk over to the professor"

* Whispers*

"We are sorry for disrupting your class"

"No not at all, thank you for accepting him into your Guild he's a great kid"

*The blue suits walk out of the room*