
Juvie freak

Riley brooks has been to many schools and its her first day at the last school who will accept her, she's had a juvenile past and doesn't trust a lot of people, she meets a boy in home room and a friendship turns into a fake relationship but maybe that fake relationship was getting real.

caxctus25 · Teen
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Chapter 4| his girlfriend?

The Next few days were kind of boring, alyssa always trying to talk to wesley, mia has a new boyfriend now, me and wesley are basically best friends we do everything together, okay i guess it wasnt that boring! But what was really surprising is there is a dance coming up, you need to have a date to get in which is pretty fucked but you know whatever. Todays thursday and the dance is saturday


Alyssa:hey wesley!

Wesley looks up from his paper, i see him slightly roll his eyes,  i chuckle a bit, alyssa has been bugging him all week

Wesley: hey

Alyssa: so, i dont have a date for the dance

Wesley: um, cool?

Alyssa; and i was thinking since you dont have a date, wanna go with me?

I see wesleys eyes get bigger and he looks down

Wesley:uhh, actually, um, i do, have a date...

Alyssas face changes from happy to serious

Alyssa:really? Who!

Wesley scratches his head as if hes trying to think

Wesley: well you know, this really cool girl?

Alyssa crosses her arms questionable

I watch from my seat, i didnt know wesley had a date, thats because he doesnt, hes a bad liar but alyssas pretty dumb i guess, i laugh

Alyssa: who is this "pretty cool girl"

He looks around hesitantly and makes eye contact with me as im wanting to see how this plays along, then smiles and looks at me in a sort of "im sorry im about to do this" way

Wesley: Riley!

I look up from my paper confused

Wesley: riley...is,my date, in fact! She is my, girlfriend

I sort of make a shocked face but i can see in his eyes hes telling me to play along, i sit up straight

Riley: uh yes! Im his date and girlfriend...?

I can see the anger fueling up inside her, for a second i actually become a bit scared

Alyssa: her! You're dating HER!

Wesley: yeah HER what about it.

Alyssa: i just dont understand why you would want a piece of trash to be your girlfriend

Riley: excuse me!

Wesley: shut up alyssa!

Riley: you're the only piece of trash in this room

I stand up straight and look down at her

She stands up

Alyssa: jealous much

Riley: pffft ahah what would I be jealous of, you're the one who just got rejected

Wesley stands up in between us and pushes us apart

Wesley:okayyy ladies thats enough lets just chill alright

We glare at each other for a few seconds but i decided to just sit and calm down i wasnt about to start a fight and get in trouble,i look back down at my paper but  i can sense her still looking at me so i, immaturely stuck up a certain finger at her while still looking down at my paper, i can hear her gasp as she sees my finger and i grin a bit, i hear wesley laugh in the background which makes me smile even harder.

I still had to have a certain conversation with wesley about me being his "girlfriend"


Hey guys so I know this story is moving along reallyyyy fast hehe I wrote these few chapters a while ago but I'm much better at writing know ahahaha, don't worry it will get better and there will be much more chapters sooon