


You may define this as a natural aptitude or skill.

For example, you are born into a family of skilled fisherman so you may have a talent for fishing. Well,there are some cases that even if you are born into a talented family, that doesn't mean you automatically have that talent.

Anyways, the kind of talent I'm going to talk about is not what you are used to.

It's about unnatural talents. The kind of talents that exists outside the norm. You know, something like telekinesis or x-ray vision or something like that.

Psychics. The holders of unnatural talents. They are also like us, normal human beings. But at some point of their lives, they obtain a supernatural ability which may or may not harm oneself and even those around you.

In other words, it is like a curse. No normal person would want to have such power with so many risks.

Well, Have you ever heard of the zodiac signs? You know, those constellations thing-y which tells all about your well-being or something like that? Apparently, when the psychics of each of 12 zodiac signs gather in one place and perform a ritual, each of their wishes will be granted.

It's a terrifying phenomenon where you can freely fulfill your self-interests.

Still, what are the chances that all 12 of them will be gathered in one place?