
The Audacity of the Fool


A/N: Naruto is owned by Masashi Kishimoto.

MC is female.

[WARNING: mental breakdown and depression contained]

[MC PoV]

Deep under the many layers of bedrock. I had good news and bad news.

Bad news: I have spent more than hours or even days looking for the elemental nations. At this point my sanity is slowly degrading into oblivion. I was too naïve to think that learning space bending powers would help me find one planet amongst billions amongst trillions of worlds. Its like looking for a single grain of sugar in the desert.

Good news? : No white Shinto priest had been cracking open the kilo meter thick earth above my head. At this point I'll have to find another way too...

I had an idea. A very bad idea or very good one. Depending on how one looks at it. I could just find Momoshiki and strangle the information out...… NO, NO, NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

I'm starting to get delusional.

This is bad! Really bad!

That monster has billions of years of combat under his belt. And attracting any Otsutsuki is suicide in this point in time.

I wanted to scream. I wanted to lash out at anything that moves. Maybe being a Chakra battery is a better option than...…. NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, no!!!! Stop! My mind is against me!! I will not become a plot device for some sickefant!!

I started to roll on the cold bedrock in attempt to vent my frustration.

After sometime, I put my forehead to the ground in a fetal position and shut down my mind. Any other course of action would only be a waste of chakra.

I wanted to go home...

.... And watch some anime to relief the stress....

... take a nice long bath....

... then go to sleep....





I don't know how much time has past and didn't had the mindset to care. Laying on my side my mind was in a state of despair which I never felt before. At some point in time I felt something gently glide down my face, then I noticed that I've been crying.

This body is able to shed tears… It seems even a Juubi is capable of sadness. I can feel the tears flowing gently down my cheeks. Turning my head to the side I saw the symbol of the swirling leaf I carved into the cave walls.

I carved it there at the beginning for fun. If rinnegan Sasuke accidentally stumbled into my humble abode in the future it sure would have been interesting.

I tried to chuckled to uplift my spirit, even if it's for a little bit.

An image of a mop of golden blond hair flashed in my minds eye for a brief of a millisecond. He always been there for me at my lowest point, even if he was just a piece of fiction back then.




In one motion I stood up to my feet. If I remember correctly it was, Ram, snake, tiger.

Then I put my fingers in the iconic cross sign and let my chakra manifest.


[Line break]

[Momoshiki PoV]

To say Momoshiki was pissed was an understatement. One of his most prized Shinju trees is missing. It took him more than a ten-thousand years to cultivate a chakra fruit as magnificent as the one that is currently missing. It was one that he would claim for himself and further his powers to new hights. For it to be missing is more than unacceptable for the seething Otsutsuki.

Gulping down a handful of chakra pills, Momoshiki calmed himself. He could list a handful of suspects that could be responsible for stealing his prized possession.

Urashiki? He could pull it off, but he would notice him snooping around from light years away.

Ishiki? he would do something like this, but last he checked he has been killed by Kaguya's ash killing bones.

Those fools from the Astral clan? Even if those buffoons wanted to steal it, they wouldn't even know how to do it.

Kaguya? No, she is too far away and too much of a coward to even consider stealing from him.

A booming fluctuation in the fabric of space broke the pondering Otsutsuki out of his thought. It was like a beacon screaming to everyone that there is something not right and it came from the other side of the planet.

[Line break]

Momoshiki arrived at a deep canyon on the other side of the planet. He was sure that the spatial fluctuations came from this side of the planet. Looking down into the canyon there are rocks littered all over the place. Then he realized that the disturbance came from underneath the earth. Momoshiki didn't know what caused the spatial fluctuations but had a faint idea that it had something to do with his missing Shinju tree. Wasting no more time, Momoshiki started to remove the earth beneath him with gravity manipulation at a speed that would have made every heavy excavator unit green with envy.

When Momoshiki reached halfway down to the source of the abnormal occurrence. Gravity around the area began to pull inward at a rapid pace. The Otsutsuki recognized it to be a forming spatial collapse and backed out of its possible blast radius. Just as predicted a spatial rift broke out of the earth in all directions, devouring everything in its path.

Momoshiki could only look at the phenomenon. Seeing it consume all traces of whatever caused the spatial fluctuation and possibly his prized chakra fruit. At this point Momoshiki's rage surpassed its boiling point by a great margin. Since the spatial collapse erased all traces of the source of the culprit, Momoshiki could only throw a tantrum and seethe about it for years to come.

[Line break]

[MC PoV]

Before I blackout for the third time, I recalled performing the kage bunshin. I found it at the last second and ordered all my clones to launch me on collision course with the elemental nations and blast my hideout by crushing space into a singular point. Judging by the plant life around me, it seems I was successful. Both plan A and B seems to be successful.

I would really like to feel smug about it, but I am low on chakra, my limbs are destroyed, and I only have 1/10 of my tails. It is a herculean task for me to even keep myself conscious.

Luckily, I crash landed in a dense forested area. I used my one remaining tail to latch on to the nearest tree and began to drain its chakra. I am not going to die here in the middle of nowhere. I will survive. Even if I had to eat trees to sustain myself. The sun is setting into a deep red and the night will soon begin. I really don't want to fight any wildlife at my current strength.

A/N: Reviews are what keeps me producing more content.

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