
Just Your Regular Teen

When I returned to class, there was something poking out of my bag. It was a letter. And inside, it said this "Meet me behind the school after class. I have something to say." And you know what that means right? OF COURSE A CONFESSION! Damn it author! You should've named this "My Popular Phase" HAHAHAHAHA!!! (Sike lol) "It's a bit embarrassing to ask... But..." Here it comes! "Can I have your brother's number?!" Huh? Was it just me, or did she just say 'brother'? I might be hearing things... "It must have been the wind... but I really didn't get what you said clearly..." I asked, using my vocabulary to the fullest. "Cmon... it's already too embarrassing to say... I said .... ummmm... I'd really love it if you shared your brother's number with me... he looks really handsome... so I'm kinda interested in him..." she said, in a crystal clear voice. My name is Dylan. I'm a regular 16 year old. Apparently, Reality decided to be the bitch it is...

TobitheGuy · Teen
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17 Chs

Who Wakes Up On a Saturday?!

Christine... Something...(I still don't know her full name). The girl who's supposed to be a dream of a girl to any guy... Brown hair that had waves better than... Uhhh... the ones at wave pools... (sorry I can't come up with a better compliment). Her smile was perfectly perfect smile along with a body line that would bring peace between heaven and hell. Of course she would have one heck of a boyfriend. OF COURSE.

So, why am I hiding with her behind a wall peeking at my brother, with her drooling all over him? HIM. MY BROTHER, WHO'S A FUCKING STRAIGHT A NERD WITH NO GLASSES.

"so... This is where your brother works am I right?" she asked. I didn't really pay attention to what she was saying because I was doing the same thing she was. Damn. She really is a beauty... Totally out of my league...

How'd I end up here? Well long story short... Fuck it I'll tell it all.

She has my special item receipt. I'm supposed to help her with her situation. Basically pure and simple blackmail. I can't say no to her. That's not just it tho. After seeing how she handled the situation of getting his number, I realized how bad she was with this stuff. I'm not particularly good at it but at least I have common sense unlike her. So I decided to help her out because Ive always been a good person...

To be honest I just wanted to look good walking around with such a good looking girl.

OK fine I know I'm using her and yada yada yada but hey. I'm helping her.

And then Karma became the bitch it is. This crazy girl called me out at 8 am ON A FUCKING SATURDAY MORNING WHEN I SHOULD BE SLEEPING! She had been spamming the doorbell for 5 minutes now.

"WHOEVER IT IS CAN FUCK OFF! " I yelled out as I opened the door. And there she was... In a typical summer outfit. My heart almost skipped a beat.

A collar frilled blouse with shorts. I almost shut the door on her from the shock. OMG. That was the first time I woke up to something so beautiful.

All would've been nice and sweet if it wasn't for her attitude.

You see, Christine looks down on boys who are not as tall as her. A typical popular girl behaviour if you ask me. So what?! It's not my fault she's a 170cm tall!

Even I'm 171cm I just look smaller!

OK 169cm.


And she talks in a cocky way with the same feminine looks and voice, which would've been attractive if I was NOT on the receiving end.

"Alright brat. You're going to tell me where your brother works." ouch. She called me brat.

"At the grocery near the subway" I flipped her off. "now then... I really need to sleep..." I turned to go back in, but something tugged my sleeve.

"I'm I don't really know the way... And I'm not good with directions... So ummm... Can u come with me... " Wow. Guess who flipped the fucking switch. Sometimes I forget how manipulative this girl can be...

I need to not look at her eyes...

That's when it struck me


"well... If u insist so much... Ill have to take you there with me." I conceded, trying to sound confident and manly.

"What are you getting so full of yourself for, shrimp? It's not like you've got a damn choice." she shot back.

It was like pulling the trigger of a water gun on a girl who had a fucking rocket launcher.

Of course... I totally forgot why Im in such a position in the first place... And yeah... She was crushing on my brother not me.


Fucking Popularity Queens...

Writers note(forgot the apostrophe but fuck it)

As usuallll I can't get to the point😂😂

He he he he

Lots of love
