
Just you $ I

Sharon Davis is your typical rich girl from a very wealthy family. Sharon being the only daughter who would one day inherit the family business, finds out that not everything can her money solve. Its not as though she isn't happy that she's born with a silver spoon but it affected her romantic life, making it difficult for her to find a good and trust worthy man, Because of that, Sharon decides on a ridiculous plan and a secret that could change her life forever. Meet Robert Peterson. A tall, successful made and incredibly handsome young man and also a chef, who owns restaurants across the country. Robert is one who sees relationships as a waste of time, for his business is his first priority. And then he meets Sharon. A woman like no other he had ever met. Her attitude is one that shocks him for a woman who has nothing, in his own thoughts. One which makes him more intrigued to find out more about her. With attraction at play, the two finds themselves from being friends to a romantic relationship, but the truth remains that, would Robert still want Sharon even after he finds out about her secret? And would Sharon believe that Robert is not like all the men she met in the past?

Kauthar_Ibrahim · Urban
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11 Chs

Chapter 1.

"You know, you should hang out with us more often, I mean we barely see you anymore." I stared at my two best friends, Gift and Amy.

"Gift is right, it's like we aren't even friends anymore,"Amy my other best friend commented.

I sighed, while I faced the two them. "Guys, it's not like that, you know mike is in a really bad situation right now and I have to b-"

"Yeah of course, Mike this, Mike that, I mean you're always there for the guy. Are you even sure this guy would even be there when you need him the most?" Gift cut in, while I saw the displeasure in her face.

We were currently in a club hanging out. It's been a while I'd seen my best friends and so this Friday we decided to go to a club to chill. I knew they were going to complain about Mike, because they never liked him. Ever since he and I started dating three months ago. they've always said there was something about him they didn't like.

"I know you guys don't like Mike but he is a really nice guy if you guys get to know him,"I added.

"Whatever you say, but I still don't like him."Amy shrugged.

Mike is a very nice and caring boyfriend I could ever ask for. This past few weeks have been very hectic for him, with his mom suffering from cancer and her bills being very high. He has been worried about the bills and how he would be able to pay them since he is somewhat not financially strong. Well that's why am here ,I have been helping him with the bills. If he asks for any amount of money I give because I really don't want to see him depressed. I mean, I really do care about him.

"Well tonight isn't about him, let's forget him and enjoy ourselves tonight," Amy said while raising her glass. "What do you say Sharon?" She asked looking towards me.

I smiled back at my two friends, while raising my glass to meet her's. "I say that is a perfect idea."

Some minutes later, while we were all laughing and just talking about random things, my ears perked to words of the person a few seats behind me at the bar, and that got me to pay much attention to what they said.

"I tell you, that Sharon of a girl is really stupid," The person said laughing. He was obviously talking to a person beside him, and I couldn't help but reason that the voice sounded familiar - wait a minute I know that voice.

I think my friends also heard it because they also stopped laughing and looked at me together.

"I know right, believing all those lies you told her about your mum being sick and she giving you the money," The female voice which I think was the person he came with said also laughing.

Oh my God, I didn't hear that right,did I? I mean it can't be Mike. He can not do such a thing, can he?

"Well who wouldn't believe?" He laughed. "I actually took her to a sick dieing woman in coma at the hospital, who I don't even know. All I had to do was just bribe the nurse in charge so she can let me do what I wanted." He said amusingly that I could hear it in his voice. I didn't need more clarity after that for me to know it was really Mike. My boyfriend.

I didn't even know when tears started falling from my eyes. So everything was a lie. He never cared about me. It was all along just about my money he was after.

God, I think my heart just broke into a million pieces.

Hi besties! This is just the first chapter of just you & I, I hope you you guys enjoy every of bit of it.

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