
Just Why, Am I The Female Lead

I didn’t expect that in my second life I would end up in a book and as A Female Lead. I know that being a Lead is not a joke so what will I do to survive in this world, I only know how to do evil things!! I'll just lazy around! Just Why, Am I The Female Lead!

Cara_mello_latte · History
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

My life as Ciara Brown is coming to an end.

As the judge reads my sins and mouths that can't believe my deeds, seemed to be judging.

Is it really my fault, I ask myself once I look around me.

All I see is darkness in people who wash their hands as if they have done nothing wrong, judge the innocent, people who are deceitful and full of evil, I am thankful that I can also rest in this life full of meaningless.

When I was born, at the same time as opening my eyes I knew nothing evil, so I became unaware of the dark and frightening world.

I imitated my surroundings, kill, blame and deceive.

Who will stop me, because so do my parents.

They didn't raise me to be a normal child, every time I approached them they would just give me a scolding eye saying you don't matter, leave in front of us.

I have done everything, I have studied literature, swordmanship, magic, etiquettes and so on.

I was successful but not once did they give me the slightest look.

I did everything but in the end this was all they would do to me.

Beaten, mistreated, humiliated and accused of the sins they committed.

In the end, maybe it's better. I don't want to think that I've only served my life to the people who think I'm just a "thing.

The judge finished reading the long sin imposed on me.

Now I will die for those trash people, the life i lead is trully pitiful.

A knight took off his sword to behead me in front of the people.

Inside the palace, in front of the King, the Queen and their children and in front of my parents.

I felt relief, at the same time seeing my neck to be cut off just seem imagination to me.

Goodbye, Hell'ish world.

I wish if there was a second life I would not be tortured and hopefully it would be like heaven like they were said to be quiet and peaceful, it is the life I want to enjoy.

I am not born a sinner but made.

I hope I am still allowed to be in a peaceful sky.

Before I lost consciousness I was still able to say the word, Good Bye".